This post is about me and Slimegirl <3 aka my girlfriend ;3
~If you're not interested in long stories then you can already leave xD~
Anyways, lets begin!
After a couple months of depression I met this girl online named Cath. We started to talk, share stories and sometimes just joke about people. We were getting to know each orther better each day! I started noticing that I had some feelings for her, like care for her. I wasn't sure if I loved her and I didn't want to ruin our friendship. After a while we started to talk way more than usual. I woke up and the first thing that came up to my mind was her. I started to enjoy our chats even more. Then I noticed that we were more than just friends. We started saying goodnight and morning each day. She was really into me and I was really interested in her. After a while we confessed our feelings about each orther and we got toghether! She helped me get out of depression, She is Gentle and sweet. beautiful and kind. Strong and smart. I've never encountered someone so great. She has made me really happy.
Our first call was kinda awkward but sweet at the same time XD I had never really called people on skype. We had some fun in erebor and she shot me down many times! Great pvper she is. Best archer in my eyes <3 We later started video calling and watching movies toghether. We had lots of fun toghether and hopefully we will continue this way untill we meet each orther in real life. She's the one!
Thanks for being awesome, Cathy!