Bob and dave are in the desert. They have no food for 2 days and they're both starving. Further ahead they see a mosque. Dave sais to Bob that they need to change names. Bob disagrees and continues with the name Bob. Dave sais his name is Mohammed. They both enter the mosque and say their names. The people immidiatly give food to Bob, then they look at Dave and say. No, no Mohammed, you can't eat during the ramadan.
Just met my new classmates today. They're all nice and friendly. I told this girl I was going to the cinema on Monday and she asked if she could join xD Told her we're going with a bunch of guys and she said.. well I don't care about the orther guys. Then I just said sure.. xD Is she trying to flirt with me? XD Orther than that, This new school seems chill ^^
Friend: Hey dude, I just realised I forgot to buy you something for your birthday. Remember the game desk I have? You can have it, I'm getting a new one soon.
Me: Dude wtf, where you been living? in a cave or something? My birthday was 4 months ago. Ohh and thanks, I'd appreciate it!
Just gonna name some good memories me and Cath had toghether.
We were secretly dating (Both parents didn't know yet). Then someone opened the door randomly when we just started video calling for the first time. I was like "Shit!". It was my 8 years old sis thankfully. Phew holy shit. Almost busted there XD
This orther time I almost choked on Ice tea and spit it out. We both started laughing XD
Or the time when we watched Oblivion and we were joking around about the movie. It was really funny and awesome XD (If you read this Cath I hope we can do that again some time :3 )
But yea, there's some more stuff but these were some really funny times we had toghether
Tells me "Don't look at me" at dinner today. I tell her "Oh but you can look at me? You don't see me nagging. You only nag because you're a hypocrit". She replies with "Ohh you can only call me hypocritical". Me: Yes because that's what you are.
And then my parents get mad at me, like seriously?