I do find some of Leafy's regular videos mildly entertaining but his Rants are so fucking dumb, he repeats himself 20 times over, when you actually review the points he made it usually comes down to him only having 1-2 valid points and the rest being completely filler with 15 second transitions and unfunny jokes unrelated to his arguments. Also he makes fun of others appearance and age while he looks like a 15 year old mole rat
Well this post was more on the subject of him being a so-called "bully" But rather then that, I Agree on the rants part, he repeats himself way to many times in his rant videos when he is running out of things to say(Probably trying to avoid people complaining the video was to short), especially in the fouseytube rants.
Atleast hes not as bad as other youtubers, there are literally YouTubers with 10 million subs that put black screens randomly in their videos to make their video longer for more money