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Search results

  1. Olex

    Implemented Changing method of gaining heroes

    We don't count gate damage right now, correct? Cause that's something I think should contribute. Hmnmn I don't really like the idea of this as it might result in players who are already going on big killstreaks getting a hero made for killing even more. XP bar maybe? Would that be dumb? Yeah...
  2. Olex

    The maps on our new server

    Hello again! Today I am going to reveal some information regarding our maps on the new server! Our maps are by far the most recognizable and iconic thing about the server and while they are all still impressive, some are starting to show their age. On this new server we are committing ourselves...
  3. Olex

    Classes and Abilities in the future of Empire War

    Changes are coming to our beloved classes! Hello there everybody! Today I'd like to reveal a couple of things for you all about classes and abilities on our new server. I would like to start off by letting you know that while there are changes coming, the concept will stay more or less the...
  4. Olex

    Father Christmas is back in business!

    That's right. We're back here celebrating another christmas at Empire War. Obviously I had to give my bearded brother on the North Pole a call to notify him that this community is as immortal as he is. You know what to do; Give me a wishlist of things you'd like to see in the future from the...
  5. Olex

    Game of Thrones Predictions!

    It is almost time for the last season of Game of Thrones, so let's have some fun predicting the outcome of the series. [rule] First, Some querstions. 1. Who will sit on the Iron Throne by the end of the series? 2. Who is the chosen one? (Azor Ahai) 3. What character would you revive? 4...
  6. Olex

    Empire War Meme Thread!

    Yes! We are doing this again. Give me some of your best memes out there, Double XP for any EmpireWar related memes. I will be deleting memes with racism and other sensitive topics (other than the ranger class). I enjoy Dark Humour as much as 4chan, but this is a christian server where we want...
  7. Olex


    Hi. Those of you who have played on the server for the past week will probably have heard about hero characters. Yes, after years of requests and ideas we have finally started experimenting. Before you start complaining about the hero concept, i want you to keep in mind that nothing has been...
  8. Olex

    Winter is here!

    It's that time of the year again! Here we are, December once again, It makes me very happy that we get to enjoy the holidays here on Empire War for yet another year. Looking back at the past year, I think it has been great for this long lasting community and I hope we can enjoy this winter as...
  9. Olex

    Denied Mr_Nuggleton Killaura

  10. Olex

    Accepted J_Brownie_

    Player has been muted, thank you for reporting.
  11. Olex

    My EmpireWar crew!

    While looking for meme templates i found something that could be turned into a little EW trend. So i made my personal ultimate EW crew. At the bottom i provided the template for you guys to download and use yourselves.
  12. Olex

    Axe in wrong slot

    Whenever you pick up an axe, it doesn't go in your 2nd hand, it goes into your hotbar
  13. Olex

    Balins Tomb Bracing

    When the gate got bashed at Balins tomb, none of the bracing wood we placed disappeared or got destroyed. They were able to bash through the gate but all the wood were still there.
  14. Olex

    Accepted olwmaster_ hacking

    This player has been banned. Thank you for the report.
  15. Olex

    Denied Gundabad(explained)

    Locked this thread to prevent Gunda blasting it, again.
  16. Olex

    Charles_The_Bald - Swearing report

    If you don't have anything useful to post, don't post on reports. Player has been muted, Thank you for the report.
  17. Olex

    The Christmas Spirit

    Soon most of us will be celebrating christmas with our friends and relatives by eating ham, herring and receiving presents. Little did you know that Santa* actually visits EmpireWar every year to give some of our most active community members gifts. Let Santa know what YOU want for christmas...
  18. Olex

    Keeping this server alive.

    Something that´s crucial for the survival of this server is advertising. Without a steady stream for new players and new content the playerbase will slowly fade away like we have seen in the past, for both EW and Conwy. We got new content on the way but i think its time to focus on ways to row...
  19. Olex

    The EmpireWar texturepack

    I think quite a few of us have wanted a major update to the texturepack, especially the builders. I made this thread so we can discuss what we would like to see changed/added and let Tobberz know. I can think of a few things right now but i would like to hear what you guys want. Retexture...
  20. Olex

    The current state of point classes

    Let's. I personally think the point classes on the server are too weak (with a few exceptions) for the points they cost. We have plenty of sharp 3 spear classes and when asking for buffs we usually don't get a very clear answer. What do you think about the current state of point classes?