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Farewell Epire Ver.

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Mi tim on Epire Ver is over, it haz ben amazing. I mack 20 friends in mi tim on Epire Ver! But it get borin so I leave and mack big fush cuz I ish attention hoe. My rael lify ish su importante dat I macken leaven thread becuz I get tran to big citty so I no haz tim for Epire Ver. I mack dis to sea if u care tat I leav but I no actaly leav Epire Ver no no. I com beck in 10 day becuz I had atenshion and tats al I vanted in de thirst place. *cough* every farewell post ever*
oh godbi adem i alrdey missng u veri! pls cum bak sun otterwis i vri sad pls :[
"Kek literally translates to lol on World of Warcraft. When someone from the Horde side types lol in /say, members of the alliance side see kek instead. Not specific to Orcs."
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