The_Witch_Pikmin New member V2 Veteran V1 Veteran Feb 26, 2017 #2,541 Banned for not banning someone.
#1 Medic Active member V2 Veteran V1 King Feb 26, 2017 #2,542 Banned for wanting the bug report page back.
Polar Moderator Moderator V2 Legend V2 Lord V1 Lord Feb 26, 2017 #2,543 Banned for animal cruelty, you can't just put a hat on the head of a koala (MY FAVORITE ANIMAL)
LimeeFox Admin Staff member Admin Developer Builder V2 Legend Feb 26, 2017 #2,544 banned for having more posts than likes
Polar Moderator Moderator V2 Legend V2 Lord V1 Lord Feb 26, 2017 #2,545 Banned for the same reason (and unlike many, I actually post things that are important, and not some funny jokes to gain votes.) (Oh, and like 60-100 of those posts are reporting people, so watch out ;-) )
Banned for the same reason (and unlike many, I actually post things that are important, and not some funny jokes to gain votes.) (Oh, and like 60-100 of those posts are reporting people, so watch out ;-) )
! Ąntzorg ! New member Former Staff Builder V2 Lord V1 Veteran Feb 26, 2017 #2,546 Banned for being too serious and not making enough jokes
Polar Moderator Moderator V2 Legend V2 Lord V1 Lord Feb 26, 2017 #2,547 Banned for hurting my feelings
Tobberz Network Owner Staff member Network Owner Feb 27, 2017 #2,550 Banned for insinuating that we need mods any more, when scary Polar just said that Polarnik said: (Oh, and like 60-100 of those posts are reporting people, so watch out ;-) ) Click to expand...
Banned for insinuating that we need mods any more, when scary Polar just said that Polarnik said: (Oh, and like 60-100 of those posts are reporting people, so watch out ;-) ) Click to expand...
#1 Medic Active member V2 Veteran V1 King Feb 28, 2017 #2,551 Banned for having weird, white stuff on your face ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Polar Moderator Moderator V2 Legend V2 Lord V1 Lord Feb 28, 2017 #2,552 Banned for using the lenny face in this sacred place.
Polar Moderator Moderator V2 Legend V2 Lord V1 Lord Mar 1, 2017 #2,555 Banned for mispronouncing memes and for still having a signature about trolls, a class that hasn't been on Empire War for ages.
Banned for mispronouncing memes and for still having a signature about trolls, a class that hasn't been on Empire War for ages.
LimeeFox Admin Staff member Admin Developer Builder V2 Legend Mar 4, 2017 #2,556 Banned for thinking that "mimes" was mispronounced (and also for the fact that you can't pronounce in forums, but spell)
Banned for thinking that "mimes" was mispronounced (and also for the fact that you can't pronounce in forums, but spell)
#1 Medic Active member V2 Veteran V1 King Mar 6, 2017 #2,558 Banned for not being me and has left minecraft
Lagy_Paladin/Andrew New member Mar 8, 2017 #2,559 banned for evading to many bans (seriously you have probably been banned the most on this thread goala)
banned for evading to many bans (seriously you have probably been banned the most on this thread goala)
Gundabad1 New member Mar 8, 2017 #2,560 whitelisted for your gay ass forum games, go make a pizza or something. Goddamn capitalists.