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Helms Deep Remake Suggestion

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Ahoy everyone, I started work on the protected spawning rooms for Rohan (Is there a need for the Uruk's?) and I wanted your thoughts on them. In summary their intended to be small detailed rooms, fitted with a supply chest and a arrow refill cauldron. Now in order to maximize the protection, from the outer wall, the spawnroom cannot be accessed, however I cannot garuantee that for someone climbing the cliff from lets say, the bridge, and from the fortress wall.


I tried doing the photo again EXACTLY how I did it last time, it's not working again. Is there an easier way to upload images?
I think this Helm's Deep map looks nice, congratulations so far.

However, you must consider building it using the official Empire War resource pack, as many players use this and the map would have to be optimised for it, since you insist on designing it for Empire War.
I think this Helm's Deep map looks nice, congratulations so far.

However, you must consider building it using the official Empire War resource pack, as many players use this and the map would have to be optimised for it, since you insist on designing it for Empire War.
He can just switch the blocks using /fill ~~~ ~~~ replace
So ya it doesn't have to feet the resource pack
[quote user_id="17911961" avatar="https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/17911961/avatar/medium.1486905083.jpeg" name="Rob"]I think this Helm's Deep map looks nice, congratulations so far.

However, you must consider building it using the official Empire War resource pack, as many players use this and the map would have to be optimised for it, since you insist on designing it for Empire War.
He can just switch the blocks using /fill ~~~ ~~~ replace
So ya it doesn't have to feet the resource pack[/quote]

Using /fill replace is making it fit the resource pack.
Let me just clarify some things.
There have been five Helm's Deep versions over the years.

1. The mini helms made by Tolyboy, which we removed as it was too small when we grew. (Link)
2. The Helm's Deep made by MCME. We stole this version back when I was an idiot and we were just getting started. After they told us to remove it, we did. (Link)
3. The EpicQuestz Helm's Deep made for EW v1 after that. Been on a long time. (Link)
4. An improved version of mini helms, made when EW v2 just started (using tolyboy's map)
5. The new Helm's Deep made by Danilem, because the old one became too small. Currently active.

You're completely welcome to make another one, as we changed plenty over the years. Don't, however, expect us to pick yours. Our current Helm's is good, and will most likely be kept until you make something amazing. Good luck :)
First of all, thank you so much Tim, for replying to this thread. I understand your points and even if my version of Helms Deep may or may not replace the current, I'm still going to finish it.

Regarding the resource pack, the server where Helms Deep is being built is in 1.9.4, and I believe that the E.W. resource pack has updated since then, so I could either continue building it as is, when it's finished, it's transferred over to the build server (or wherever it has to go), I use the most recent version and make changes to fit the resource pack, or I transfer it over now, alter things and finish work with the resource pack. Which way is better, I don't know.
Regarding the resource pack, the server where Helms Deep is being built is in 1.9.4, and I believe that the E.W. resource pack has updated since then, so I could either continue building it as is, when it's finished, it's transferred over to the build server (or wherever it has to go), I use the most recent version and make changes to fit the resource pack, or I transfer it over now, alter things and finish work with the resource pack. Which way is better, I don't know.

It's always best to use the latest version, which at the moment is EWPack 4.4.2.
You can always view the latest version at http://www.empirewar.org/downloads
Ok so it works ingame, it just doesn't change the titlescreen or menus. However since I'm building this in 1.9.4, the resource pack may not work correctly.

Hey everyone! I was starting to finish the Horn of Helm Hammerhand and I was wondering if it's necessary to have the horn in the middle. Yet it's more authentic towards the actual story and most conically the film. The reason I'm asking is because it takes up space, and I don't want that to ruin game play, as I'm fitting the tower to be a capture point (not confirmed yet so just in case). Thanks,


Hey everyone! I was starting to finish the Horn of Helm Hammerhand and I was wondering if it's necessary to have the horn in the middle. Yet it's more authentic towards the actual story and most conically the film. The reason I'm asking is because it takes up space, and I don't want that to ruin game play, as I'm fitting the tower to be a capture point (not confirmed yet so just in case). Thanks,


I dont think it will matter in my opinion
This thread is extremely dead. And Helms is FAR from priortized right now.

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