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New season New maps New gameplay


New member
Former Staff
V1 Sage

As you've probably noticed EmpireWar has (somewhat) returned,
you've probably asked yourself: "Will the old maps return?" The answer to that is simple; no.

So clearly, with the old maps gone, we're gonna need new maps.
If you have any intriguing gameplay ideas or map ideas please put a clear explanation of your idea in a comment to this thread. That way we can create the maps you guys want.
Will there only be mini-siege? cause LMS and stuff is fun to play with y´all and it fits for a smaller playerbase
I was thinking about a zombie survival tag kind of gamemode, where one player starts as a zombie and must infect all the other players before the round ends. If the zombie infects another player, they become a zombie and hunt other survivors. To infect other players you must collide your player hitbox with the survivor's player hitbox (melee infection and sprint zombie survival sucks).

This used to be a gamemode back in classic and was recreated in premium for a short period of time. It's incredibly fun and simple.

As for maps, anything really goes with this gamemode (provided the maps are super super big).
Map suggestion? Well okay I have an idea

Battle of Azanulbizar

-Kheled-zâram (Lake outside)
-Valley of Azanulbizar
-East Gate
-Bridge of Khazad-Dum



YELLOW = Mountains
DARK GREY = Rocky terrain
BLACK = Void inside Moria
LIGHT GREY = Stone bricks/bridge/gate

The map wouldn't be that big, it's just a push or pull map with 2 flags on each side. The terrain would be rocky and the only flag inside Moria would be the bridge and the 2nd hall but after that the rest would be cut off (No great stairs etc).
First question: did the old maps get deleted, or are we just not using them?

Second question: If we're getting new maps, do they need to be lotr based?
Siege Of The.... Uh.... I Know! Siege Of Pelargir or Linhir when the Corsairs attacked. I dont have all the details but we could have Linhir or Pelargir as the map and Corsairs attack it (also black Numenoreans)
First question: did the old maps get deleted, or are we just not using them?

Second question: If we're getting new maps, do they need to be lotr based?
1. They are not on the server, but who in the right mind would delete those maps without backups?
2. I believe tim said no, if we want smaller maps we need a wider variation to choose from.
Mine's sorta simple.
Battle of BLANK

-Three Flagships
-Northern Docks

-Three Flagships
Western Docks
Castle BLANK

Flagships can be captured and recaptured by both teams. Western docks can be claimed by red, Northern docks cannot. Western docks can only be claimed after all ships are claimed by red. Castle can be claimed and reclaimed by both sides.

Red team wins by capturing all flags.
Blue team wins by defending atleast one control point all game.


Starting claims by color.
Gray/grey- Harbors
Brown- Flagships
Black- Castle
(Yellow swiggles are farmlands and houses)

The Siege Of Pelargir

Pelargir (Blue Team)
Corsairs (Red Team)
Capture Points and their Rules(Points will be colored in the ones shown in the map)
Bridge(Both) (Attackers Must capture both the Town-Hall and Barracks)
Inn (Attackers must take Bridge)
The Garden (Attackers must take Bridge)
Both Gates (Attackers must take Bridge)

Corsair Ships
Corsairs Flag-Ship
Its basically like Osgialth Game play!
I'd love to help build some new maps...

An idea that has been with me for years of playing EW is the battle of Dol Guldur.

It's a canon battle that took place during the War of the Ring.

It was fought mostly by the Galahdrim of Lorien and by the Orcs of Dol Guldur. There may have also been Wood-Elves towards the end, as the siege took many days. It is also likely that the orcs had reinforcements from The Hosts of Mordor.

In the north, Dale and Erebor were under siege by the Easterling hordes. In the woods, the Wood Elves were fighting a horrible battle with Dol Guldur's main army of orcs. Meanwhile, the armies of Mordor besieged Minas Tirith, and Aragorn is likely still traveling through southern Gondor.

The Elves of Lorien repelled five assaults by the orcs of Dol Guldur during this period. After the fifth attack, the Elves led by Galadriel and her husband Celeborn (I think that's his name) moved on the dark fortress of Dol Guldur. They besieged the Old Fortress, and eventually overran it. Galadriel using her power destroyed the very foundations, completely removing the corruption of Dol Guldur.

I wouldn't mind helping to build the map (I can actually build quite well, check out the MCAlagaesia project, I've been part of it for three years, and you can see some of my better work like the city of Dras Leona on there)

For the battle itself, there should be more Orcs than Elves.

For the rough shape of the fortress, it's on a steep hill with only a stone bridge giving easy access to the fortress. Perhaps we could have another smaller entrance into the fortress. The top of the hill has a wall with a single gate connecting to the bridge. At the center of this is a great tower, the aforementioned tower of Dol Guldur.

There could be three/four capture points. The first capture point would be a gigantic blackened field where the orcs previously built their camps. The second capture point would be the front bridge to the fortress. The third capture point would be inside the wall. The final capture point would be in the central tower.

The battle itself would initially only Involve the Hosts of Lorien and the Hosts of Dol Guldur.

Once the Elves capture the bridge point, the Reinforcements of Mordor would arrive. If the Elves haven't captured the inner fortress by basically the 45 minute mark (or whatever time we're using) the Wood Elves would arrive, having destroyed the attacking Orc army.


Galadhrim Classes

-Lorien Swordsman-
-Gold Sword with sharpness II
-Iron armor with exception to the helmet, which should be golden?
-No effects

-Lorien Archer-
-Bow with power II and a golden sword
-Leather armor with a golden helmet
-No effects

-Lorien Cavalry- (Not sure on this one) Point Class?
-Recieves some kind of spear like melee weapon. Probably should do above-normal damage.
-Rides a horse.
-wears iron leggings and boots, and gold chestplate and helmet.
-Can only spawn in the fields and on the bridge.

Hosts of Dol Guldur

-Dol Guldur Orc-
-Recieves an iron sword
-Iron armor with a chain helmet? Maybe a custom head?
-No effects

-Dol Guldur Archer-
-Recieves bow with power II and a stone axe
-Leather armor with a chain helmet or custom head
-no effects

-Dol Guldur Chieftain- point class.
-Recieves iron axe with sharpness II
-Iron boots and chestplate with chain pants
-Slowness I and resistance I?
-Can only spawn in the fortress of Dol Guldur.

-Dol Guldur Shieldbearer-
-Recieves Iron Axe and a shield, maybe decorated with a nice evil looking banner?
-Iron boots and chestplate, leather pants?
-No effects
-Used mainly to counter all those Elven arrowspammers.

-Dol Guldur Spider Keeper- (Why not?) Point class?
-Recieves iron sword, also has a small army of spiders following him around.
-Iron boots and leather leggings/chestplate

The Reinforcing Hosts of Mordor
Comes only after the bridge is captured by the Elves.

-Black Uruk of Mordor- Voter Class?
-Iron Sword with sharpness I
-Iron boots and pants, with a chainmail chestplate
-Resistance I

-Mordor Warg Rider- Point class?
-Iron Axe with sharpness II and knockback I? Spawns on a wolf. Hopefully this wolf has resistance and speed or something to make it more hardy in battle.
-Iron Boots, chain mail leggings and chestplate
-No effects

The Wood Elves
Spawn only after the 45 minute mark.

-Wood Elf Spearman- Vote class?
-Iron Sword plus 3 spears?
-dyed green pants and boots, and maybe chainmail chestplate? No helmet?
-Speed I

-Wood Elf Scout- Cheaper point class?
-Wooden Sword and a bow with power III
-Green dyed leather armor?
-Speed I and jumpboost II

It's long, and you're a champ for reading it all, please, give me input on how this can be improved. :)
What about a map where one team guards a 'border' and the other team tries to pass through to get goods and return.
Imagine, a castle gets raided and it's supplies get cut off, in order to survive you have to get new food supplies but the enemy is guarding between the trees and the ruined village so you have to survive to get to a (trade) outpost or whatever and you have to carry supplies back to the castle with a bit of slowness and without dying.
What about a map where one team guards a 'border' and the other team tries to pass through to get goods and return.
Imagine, a castle gets raided and it's supplies get cut off, in order to survive you have to get new food supplies but the enemy is guarding between the trees and the ruined village so you have to survive to get to a (trade) outpost or whatever and you have to carry supplies back to the castle with a bit of slowness and without dying.
A bit like moria gold then :)
There are several battles from the Elder Days which could be used, such as the sieges of Nargothrond, Gondolin, Utumno, and Angband.

For the Siege of Gondolin, I propose the following:
The Orcs would enter from the Encircling Mountains, where there is a capture point near a pass. They will come from the direction of the Seven Gates, capture each one, capture the square of Gondolin, and capture the castle of Gondolin. So nine capture points.

The classes as follows:

Gondolinians (Elves):

Gondolinian Archer:
Chainmail armor
Stone sword
Bow with Power II
Jump Boost I
Speed I

Gondolinian Soldier:
Iron Armor with Protection II
Iron Sword with Sharpness I
Speed I

Gondolinian Knight (Possible point class):
Iron Helm and Boots, Diamond Chestplate and Leggings, each with Protection III
Diamond Sword with Sharpness II
Strength I
Speed I

Gondolinian Captain (Possible point class, only available when Balrog is available):
Full Diamond Armor with Protection II
Diamond Axe with Sharpness II
Resistance II
Strength I
Speed I

Gondolinian Spearman:
Iron Armor
Spear (Longer-reach weapon) with Sharpness I
Shield with Unbreaking III
Speed I

The Hosts of Angband (Orcs):

Angband Archer:
Chainmail armor with Protection I
Stone Sword with Sharpness I
Bow with Power II

Angband Orc:
Iron Armor with Protection I
Iron Sword with Sharpness I

Angband Troll:
Chainmail Armor with Protection II
Stone Hammer with Sharpness III
Resistance I
Strength I

Angband Balrog (Possible point class):
Iron Armor with Protection II
Diamond Sword/Axe/Hoe (For the whips) Sharpness III
Strength II
Resistance II

Angband Orc Captain:
Iron Armor with Protection II
Diamond Axe with Sharpness I
Strength I

Gondolin is by far my preferred siege, so I'll leave it at this.
As great as it would be to have First Age battles or the Dol Guldur siege, we should keep realistic. Our playerbase is way too small for either.

I've had this idea for ages, but it seemed too small of a map to suggest. Here's the main concepts:
-the map would be a clearing in Ithilien, in the midst of which would be two or three Mumâkil (idk where the circumflex goes there but that's beside the point)
-the forces would be Haradrim versus Ithilien rangers.
-Ithilien would be attacking, and their objective would be to either capture the flags on each oliphaunt's backs or to kill them (sort of a combination of the current two maps).
-Harad would be defending, and their mounts could have fun mechanics like levers that cause them to stomp their feet and kill any players nearby.
-overall, the most entertaining aspect of this would be the two sides, since the rangers would have jump boost effects and whatnot and the Haradrim their usual poisonous gear, thus making for an interesting deviation from the norm. Sorry if this post turned out too long x.x
The Battle of Pelennor Fields (After Siege of Minas Tirith)-
I know this map was frowned upon before, but I personally liked it. Rather than a siege, this is more focused on a point system where the first to, say, 500 points or so, will win. There'll be one single capture point to bring people in, and gives 25 points upon capturing, and 25 for every 5 minutes held*

Gondor and Rohan-
-Two Spawn points, Minas Tirith (Just gate), Rohan fields.
-Each Spawn has special troops, while normal spawn anywhere

  • Swordsman- Free
    Iron Helmet
    Iron Sword
    Iron Chestplate
    Iron Leggings
    Iron Boots
  • Archer- Free
    Bow- 32 arrows
    Wood Sword
    Leather Helmet
    Leather Chestplate
    Leather Leggings
    Leather Boots

-Minas Tirith classes

  • Dol Amroth- Donor or Points
    Speed 1, Jump 1
    3 Spears
    Iron Sword, sharp 2
    Iron Helmet
    Leather Chest (Green)
    Chain Leggings
    Leather Boots (Green)
  • Citadel Guard- High Donor
    Slowness 1
    Diamond Sword
    Gold Helmet
    Diamond Chestplate
    Iron Leggings
    Chain Boots


  • Rohirrim- Donor/Points
    Iron Axe, Sharp 1
    1 Spear
    Leather Helmet
    Leather Chestplate
    Chainmail Leggings
    Leather Boots
  • Cavalry Archer- Donor/Points
    Bow, 32 Arrows
    No Helmet
    Leather Chestplate
    Chainmail Leggings
    Leather Boots

Mordor, Umbar, Harad
-Two Spawn points, Oliphants, Docks
-Each Spawn has special troops, while normal spawn anywhere

  • Orc- Free
    Iron Helmet
    Iron Sword
    Iron Chestplate
    Iron Leggings
    Iron Boots
  • Orc Archer- Free
    Bow- 32 arrows
    Wood Sword
    Leather Helmet
    Leather Chestplate
    Leather Leggings
    Leather Boots

  • Harad Archer- Donor/Points/Vote
    Bow, 32 arrows, Poison
    Iron Sword
    No Helmet, Block
    Leather Chestplate (Dyed)
    Chain Leggings
    Leather Boots (Dyed)
  • Harad Spearman- Donor/Points
    Iron Sword, Sharp 2
    Spears, 2, Poison
    No Helmet, blocks
    Leather Chestplate (Dyed)
    Chain Leggings
    Leather Boots (Dyed)

  • Umbar War Lord- High Donor
    Iron Axe, Sharp 2
    Leather Helmet
    Diamond Chestplate
    Chain Leggings
    Iron Boots
  • Umbar Sailor- Donor/Points
    Speed 1
    Stone Axe, Sharp 1
    Leather Helmet
    Chain Chestplate
    No Leggings
    Leather Boots

I tried to make it balanced, please give suggestions! Hoped the last class with fire and Harad Poison could counteract Rohan Horses. I'll sketch a little map tomorrow.

Remember, this will not be the giant Pelennor we remember. All spawns will be relatively close as to focus fighting on the main point.
guys for further suggestions please put your classes and such in some
thing like this so it doesnt take up the whole page lol