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Outrageous Donor Scam

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New member
V1 Sage
Okay this must be stopped. I payed for a donater rank. Right before it was called "Legend" and back then it had many perks. And then your players were fine. And now you updated the rank and removed almost all the good perks. And one more thing is all of the good kits require donor ranks. Now donator's have an unfair advantage. Now it is extremely unfair how our fellow members are wasting hours working for kits(Plus some kits they are saving up for and can't get anymore).
And then donators get those kits free! Your players are playing on your server and then you remove the point of it! Before long what do you think their reactions will be like! If this wont stop soon I demand a refund!
Pig you are a donor complaining about losing perks, I'm a non-donor who has never had perks and doesn't really care about the change to donor only classes. Really with the donor only classes the server is going to see a boost in profits, a boost in profits makes tim more likely to actually care about the server and make it better, if tim makes the server better then more maps, more point classes, and bunches of other cool stuff will happen. So really the whole "unfair for the non-donor" thing is done. Most classes are balanced well so that they don't go OP on non-donor classes. Shoot even basic classes can beat donor classes *cough* archer arrowspam *cough* a good bit of the time.
Members achieve classes like naz by Playing! Something so powerful should only be wielded by someone powerful who could manage tens of thousands of points.
You are joking right?

What point are you ranting about here? You seem to make multiple theses and end each of them without a proper conclusion. I do not understand a thing.
Okay, you're sorta contradicting yourself here.
First, you complain about how Legend was better before EULA, how it's not worth the money anymore, etc, etc.
Then, you complain about how "unbalanced" the server now is, about it being too Pay to Win, how donors are overpowered.

I as a non-donor very much enjoy EW the way it is. It's about time people who help keep the server alive, like you if you don't get refunded, got rewarded. Ik some people can't or won't donate for their own reasons, but there are plenty of non-donor classes available that are very good (ex. Troll, ex. Dol Amroth Knight). So yeah. Those are the views of dis chickun.
I'd understand you ranting about how its unfair and stuff about Donor ranks if you were a NON-donor, but you're just contradicting yourself here, you want a better legend, but now you're saying that "OH WE CAN'T HAVE DONORS, TOO OP."
First of all, this is pretty much the only way the server will survive, and DEAL with the fact that donors don't have the same perks like helmets.
Do you guys know your wasting valuable time and work(Money) on a game!
I don't understand why you would put this, considering you have also purchased a donator rank.

*lock request* I don't see any point in this thread, if you really want a refund then get one, don't make a big thread on the forums. It wastes space.
You want better legend perks, but kings and sages should be nerfed. Thats what he is saying. And btw, when eula happened and i lost all of my king perks and got downgraded to a 40 euro rank, that could be considerderd bad but this makes no sense.......
You are so stupid posting this.. You agreed to our terms when you donated, one of those being that we're allowed to change any perks whenever we want. If we remove donator classes we don't get money and have to shut the server down. You have no reason to complain as you still have a lot of perks. If you had ready ANY posts we made with reasons supporting the changes you would had known why it changed, calling us "scam" because your rank got a bit weaker is just being an immature twat.
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