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Roleplay Adventure

((You all have three healing surges which regenerate 4 hp. You get 4 surges per day. If you mean your own spell, you're a Fighter, not a Wizard.))

Beep channels the sheer power of Pelor, God of the Sun, and strikes the Grimlock with all his might (Healing Strike, his per Encounter.)). The Grimlock shatters with a burst. As it does, a beam of sunlight shines on Andrew, carrying with it the scent of cherry blossoms and the sound of birds and trees rustling in the wind. Andrew regains 4 hitpoints, though he is still down 3 from his original 18, and now at 16.

Dimitri, Kordian, and Beep all killed one of the Grimlocks. Since these were only minions (Only 1 HP)), each is only worth 25 xp. Each add 25 xp to yourself, on a Post-It-Note, etc. Also, 1,000 points takes you to lvl 2.
Of course!
"I believe whoever killed the beasts should get the loot, however if we have no need for the loot we should share it with ourselves and others who may need it"
*loots the gridlock he killed
*Pockets coins, and copper. Puts bone into belt, perhaps to sell or to use as a dagger
"I can be our treasurer if you guys want, keep track of money and selling junk"
*Inspects for loot on the second grimlock*
I think we should put them in the middle of the room, because
it is right to do so, My people believe in a decent burial.

(( Do we get any special perks for leveling up? I.e for andrew, Block percentage
( Chance to take no damage ) Me would be stealth (making enemies harder
to see me) Do we get perks like that? Beepbobit could get stronger spells, ))
((Kordian, this is D&D so, you can't dictate what you'd get, but yes you get stuff and Thu can help you with that. What class r u again?))
((Ok, first Kordian's question.
Yes, depending on what class you get, you get special perks at certain new levels.
At 4th, 8th, 14th, 18th, 24th, & 28th (You can only go up to lvl 30 in D&D), you can add one point to two abilities, i.e. Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom. You can't put both points in the same ability. At 11th and 21st you increase EVERY ability by 1.
Your AC, HP, and checks have modifiers which are 1/2 your level. In D&D you round down fractions, so atm you have no mod for that, because we're rounding down the 1/2. But at every even-numbered level (2, 4, 6, 8 . . . ), your level is divisable by two, and half of your level is your mod. So for instance, if you're 8th level, you have a +4 to your max HP, AC, and checks. Btw, checks are like if you tried to break down something, the d20 dice roll I would make would be called a check, so if you were 8th level and tried to break down a door, you'd get a +4 on the dice roll. Oh, and if you didn't know, every attack, dodge attempt, spell, check, or damage roll you make is the product of me rolling various dice: d4 (four sided), d6 (six sided), d8, d10, d12, & d20. Also some of your abilities improve with levels. I will tell you all your own improvements in this area. We aren't doing feats, so no need to go into that. Also, at lvl 11 and 21, you get some exciting stuff! :D

At 2nd level . . .
Kordian gets pretty much nothing worth mentioning that we actually use, except you can choose to be trained in
Street Smarts
You don't need to know how these effect you, other than basically you get better at doing things that involve these things.
Beep gets another At-Will and another Encounter prayer.
Dimitri can choose to train in a certain type of weapon, such as axes, swords, polearms (spears, pikes, etc.), bows, and such.
Andrew is the same as Dimitri.))

Andy notices a spot in the stone wall, about 1 foot by 1 foot, with a thin, hairline crack running along its perimeter.
Kordian finds an uncut quartz crystal; not particularly rare, but may bring a few coppers or so.
Dimitri notices a silver coin hanging on a chain 'round the first Grimlock's neck as he pulls out his axe.
*Once we've looted everything, compile all the loot and hand over to others something they may find useful. For example if you already have 2 weapons, give an extra one to someone who could use it better. If they do not accept, hold on to it.
Then we can continue down the passage
"I suggest we begin to search for better armor. Andrew took alot of damage from one hit. The warriors should get the heavy armor, the rogues medium, and the wizards and such light."
*Takes the Crystal*
(( Ok thx, Just to reserve the Thing, Stealth ))
Shall we move on?
I agree with Dimitri, I should get Light though, The heavier the armor the slower I am,
Think of me as a Scout, Just slightly buffed with stealth and stuff thieves may have,
Beepbobit should get mage robes with Medium/light Armor under that, and Dimitri and andrew
can Get Tower or big shields with Pole arms, heavy axes or Long swords with Heavy armor under that.
Now, Let's move on
(( I suggest removing akam and Giving the Torchlight to me, as akam is not RP'ing with us e.e ))
*Takes the Crystal*
(( Ok thx, Just to reserve the Thing, Stealth ))
Shall we move on?
I agree with Dimitri, I should get Light though, The heavier the armor the slower I am,
Think of me as a Scout, Just slightly buffed with stealth and stuff thieves may have,
Beepbobit should get mage robes with Medium/light Armor under that, and Dimitri and andrew
can Get Tower or big shields with Pole arms, heavy axes or Long swords with Heavy armor under that.
Now, Let's move on
(( I suggest removing akam and Giving the Torchlight to me, as akam is not RP'ing with us e.e ))
((paladins get BIG - for using tower shields or atleast in the roleplay game I played as a paladin.))
*asks beepbobit* "can you cast a light spell in this hole so we can see more clearly?"