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Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Role Play)

"Yes my lord, The Magmaguards shall be prepared. Shall I have the sith alcolytes prepare a defence?" Replied Gurrun, his lightsaber in his hand. sheathed.
"Do so, my apprentice." [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/UnusualBrit/74.png" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user]
"I do not care for my safety at this moment, for the Jedi will not be able to capture me!" [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/UnusualBrit/74.png" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user]
"Our spys in the senate have reported that the renowned jedi master Obi-Fin-Rar is leading the republic forces. It is said that he is extremely powerful in the force." Replied Gurrun.
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Captain_Aasim/74.png" name="Captain_Aasim"]12253360[/user] Your character name:Satele
Your race:human
Your allegiance: Jedi Order
Your rank:Knight
Your appearance (optional):thinking
Any special abilities (as in if your race has the ability to breath underwater then you do too):the force
How available are you to role play per day: (e.g 1 hour, 2 hours) depends on the day. most days an hour or so

Intelligence: 3
Speed and Agility: 5
Endurance: 2
Charm: 2
Luck: 4
Power (only for force users): 4

Stannis would slay a great many, his wookies too until.....

Standing before both Darth Venenum and his apprentice was Stannis the Mannis and his wookies killing their droids and gungans. This would not do. Acolytes shouted, "KILL HIM!" And a chant began. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Mile_Hi_Masher/74.png" name="Mile_Hi_Masher"]10356423[/user] [user avatar="https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/7267733/avatar/small.1678974881.png" name="GamerAced"]7267733[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/UnusualBrit/74.png" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user]

Cedric's probes found a sewage hatch leading towards the Sith Temple. He and his assassins would easily fit in it though the stench and wreak of stool and urine emitted through the water from it and the disgusting slime-green illuminated the murky depths. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/LavishGaming/74.png" name="LavishGaming"]6675060[/user]

The manuveure worked and no gunships were shot down. Death Watch soldiers landed on the planet, speeders taking off toward the Temple at Tarnath's command. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user]

(([user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/haldir100/74.png" name="haldir100"]7006989[/user] I cannot accept your app because you haven't filled out the necessary traits section. Please edit and inform me of this and I'll review it.))
Darth Venenum, with his lightsaber decapitated one of the wookies and got a hold another using his force choke ability. "Childs play..." [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/UnusualBrit/74.png" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Mile_Hi_Masher/74.png" name="Mile_Hi_Masher"]10356423[/user]
Gudrun turned on his red lightsaber, and charged next to Darth Venenum lightsaber raised... "Lets kill some wookie filth"
Le wookies had flown away on Stannis' dank ship. Stannis was the only one slaying the filthy plebeians. He would do some dank force jumps up into the trees to get really high in them and away form the battle below. Hopefully some speeder or something would drive by that he could jump on and commandeer to escape, Luck should be on his side!
"Now, Men of Wayland! Charge forth! For the glory of the Tower!" Zai shouts, as the biggest wave lands on Naboo. 1,000 elite soldiers charged forth. Heavy tanks bombarded the enemy positions, and the commandship of Zai began a light bombardment of the middle of the enemy position.The spears and orbs of the Gungans were ineffective against the strong armor of the Divisonal Guards, and the elite snipers and MG gunners were good at mowing down droids and Gungans. Wading into the battle was Zai with his kinetic abilities and his gun. He was able to crush the windpipes of Gungans and the heads of droids with ease, and his gun was great for pinning down enemies.
As the rest of Tarnath's forces arrived on speeders, Rancors, or flying with there're jet packs he yelled "Men and women of The Shadows Night charge!" And they went crushing through the droid and gungansforces with ease, the Rancors were crushing any anti aircraft guns in sight while the rest of the Shadows Night were blasting away or cutting them down with there blades (Machete long xenoblades) Tarnath jumped off of his rancor though and rushed the sith with his Darksaber and on his wrist his flamethrower out and shooting waves of fire at them
"Do you think me a measly fool? I will fight!" [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/UnusualBrit/74.png" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user]
Wading through the wretched filth, cedric addressed his crew. "Sir, sensors indicate it cannot be much farther." Said one of the quarren, "very well" said cedric, and they continued on. "Do beware of traps" he added, for in the dim green light it was hard to tell what was what. One of the quarren threw a rock down the tunnel ahead.
Tarnath realized that if most Anti Aircraft Guns were still optional a great many of men would die "Cedric this Tarnath come in, Commander Zai and I have attacked the sith base but we need you to find the control center and turn all power off I repeat find the control center and turn off the power" Tarnath said but looked up in horror as he saw the Sith Lord Darth Venenum with other sith charging into a small group of Wookies. Making a decision he fired his rocket from his jet pack at the sith
(( You don't get to decide what other RPers are doing. I am not attacking a Jedi, yet. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user] ))