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Iver took the violin, last time he played was the night before he arrived at Bree. He and the guards had a music night before they arrived at Bree and his life became a nightmare. He started playing some notes just to make sure that he remembers how to play. From there he moved to a song that he learned long time ago, one of the first he ever learned. It was a famous slow melody that was played in the soirees of the high society when it was time for slow pair dances. The music brought up memories from his childhood, his brother and sister as kids, pretending to be a Lord and a Lady, dancing to his music while he practiced between his lessons. They mocked the high society in their talk. "Would you dance with me, my fine beautiful lady?", "Oh I will, my fine, brave, good gentleman" and sometimes even his parents danced.

He moved on to a new song, "duel of knights", his brother's favorite. It was more catchy and happy than the last one and his brother liked it the most, sometimes Over thought that it was one of the things that influenced his brother to decide and become a knight despite his future as a successful trader. Iver used to play this one later, when they were teens and his brother practiced with a sword. Whenever he started playing this, his brother and the partner both started fighting faster and took more risk with their hits and moves.
Iver ate some eggs before leaving toward the trees he needed to take the morning piss, which was more yellow than usual. He needed to drink more water and less alcohol.
Zaro first went to Iver to offer him the other horna nd offer if he wanted him to make it into a war horn too. He found Iver while he was walking out the forest. He also decided he would use the few hours after brekfast to train Daugo and Ha'zi.

((Time bubble after Iver-horn talk))
Zaro sat down next to Sigeric in a log and got a few fried eggs, bread and water. Zaro presumed the shifter was a knight of Dale based on his armor from before. “Mind if I ask you a few questions?”
”Oh,” Miriel murmured, leading him back to camp, “I’m fine. Just the nightmare I guess,” She let go of his hand as soon as one person came into viewing distance. It was just an elven soldier.
“I’m going to go clean up. I’ll catch you later. Make sure they keep a horse for me,” Miriel told Ha’zi before taking off, walking back to where her tent was. Ha’zi saw that most people had finished eating and that the camp was being packed up, tents folded and taken back to the supply caravan train which waited patiently near the road, guarded by the Gondorians.

Dimitri found many of them staring back at him. Whether it was from confusion, interest or fear none could tell. Probably a mixture. A couple of the men, the green boys, including the ones he met yesterday, Even and Berethor, were gathering up the horses and bringing them over to the Shifters Section. Berethor waved at Dimitri while Even merely glanced and continued on their way.

As Iver unleashed a steady line of urine into the dirt, a certain obtrusive elf named Zaro walked around a tree and saw Iver hiding behind a bush, his manly parts dangling out of his pants. It was quite the scene.

“Alright, let’s saddle up!” Elladan yelled out to those who had finished breakfasts and packed their tents. Sigeric, Daugo, Marco, Thoruk and Cardiloc.

“Muuuh, Daug, hweelp meh,” Marco mumbled as he tried to pull the foundation of the tent out of the ground. He was still, obviously, drunk. Elrohir was trying to help the Gondorian but he refused elven help in favor of the hobbit.

Celeborn’s tent was brought down and sent off to the caravans. The clearing was emptying as many Gondorians began to file out towards the Ithilien road. Celeborn and Glorfindel were conversing as they waited for the Shifters and their friends to make haste.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/_PigGuardian_/74.png" name="_PigGuardian_"]13873166[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/UnusualBrit/74.png" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user]


The waves lapped against the sandy shore. Slowly tugging pebbles and sediments back and forth with each sway and swash. The light blue sky was covered with grey clouds and rain poured down from the heavens.

One man stood on the beach, feet half submerged in the sand. The waves rolled up to his toes and back. He was barefoot, wearing a brown coat-jacket with a light brown tunic beneath and matching pants. He stood there as the salty sea breeze ruffled his tawny hair. Sighing as the rain pelted his face and clothes, wetting them as he waited.

The tropical trees swayed in the background, leaves fluttering about and branches creaking as the storm raged on. Birds and insects chirped but were drowned out by the crashing splashes of the waves and the thunderous moans of the sky. It remained that way for a long time. Five minutes passed, then twenty, then an hour, then two.

Slowly the sea began to churn. A maelstrom of froth and bubbles erupted out of the depths and a dark figure rose. He was clad in blue, a rich deep oceanic tone with whites, greens and aqua marine. As he rose, the ocean parted and he moved with the grace of a swan towards the man on the beach.

”Took you long enough.” The tawny haired fellow spoke first, his high pitched voice barely breaking through the surf and the sky.

The figure from the depths opened his mouth and a deeply lamented voice said, ”You look....”

”Like shit. I know.” The Trickster interrupted him.

”I wouldn’t use that colorful term, yet, it does suit you.”

The Trickster laughed. ”You still have your sense of humor, Ulmo.”

”On the other hand, you are no longer the person I knew.” Ulmo spoke, his voice echoing through the raging storm.

The Trickster’s hazel eyes narrowed, ”I hope you did not come here to berate me, brother.”

”I came of my own volition. No matter the indignant stance you take, you know he was justified in his actions.”

At this the Trickster’s cool demeanor broke. ”JUSTIFIED?” He laughed maniacally, ”Do you even hear yourself now? JUSTIFIED? You think he was justified? How can you justify such actions? The slaughter of innocents, the betrayal, the mu-“

”BETRAYAL?” Ulmo’s voice cut through the air like a trident. His navy blue eyes darkened. It was thyself who betrayed us first! Thou stood with the Enemy! You stood against us! You have only yourself to blame!”

The Trickster was shaking, his hands twitched as he retorted, ”I MERELY HAD A DIFFERENCE IN OPINION!” Lightning crackled across the sky and in the brief moment Ulmo glimpsed the dark wings that spread out behind the Trickster. ”I ONLY WANTED US TO BE AT PEACE!! WE COULD’VE FIXED HIM!!!” The rain smacked against both of them with ferocity.

”No. You deceived yourself. And because of that, you cost us everything. Morgoth is broken. His heart is fractured. You know it to be true. Yet, you lie to yourself. Perhaps it is because you are delusional. Or perhaps it is because you’re still an immature child, little brother. I can see you too are broken. Manwë was correct as usual. I was afraid he had become corrupted, but now I understand. You and Morgoth have fallen from grace. I do not agree with Manwë’s practices or his judgements on many things, but this I can be certain of. You are broken, brother.” Ulmo spoke. A shard of lightning pierced the sky and hit a nearby tree setting it ablaze for a moment before its flames died out under the heavy splashes of precipitation.

The Trickster listened to all this, his eyes swelling with tears. His legs had nearly given way but he still remained standing, facing Ulmo, ”I-I just want to come back...I don’t even wa-want justice anymore...I just want it to be over...”

”I should bring you back to Manwë and let him dispel judgement. I should be the loyal brother. Yet, I will not. Out of the love I hold for you, whatever little of it is left, I will allow you this single pardon. Fly, brother. Fly. Never return to my realm or seek me out again for the only justice you shall receive will be from the King himself!” Ulmo’s voice remained steady yet seemed on the verge of faltering. The Trickster was about to argue but instead coughed, turned around, glanced back at the Vala, shut his eyes and snapped his fingers. The sounds of the storm, the surf, the jungle and Ulmo’s deep-pitched voice dissipated into nothingness.
Dimitri looked back at them, standing tall with pride among the nameless horde. He waved back at Berethor and made his way back to the Elves, surveying them and trying to find fellow devotees of Tulkas.
Ha'zi smiled, "Yeah, I'll make sure of that. See you later." He called after her, then went over to clear and pack up his tent. After gathering his gear into a bundle, Ha'zi set to work on what to do with the painting.

Where would he be able to put it? Wrap it up in something? He thought for a moment about using the fur blanket he had been given for his sleep, but then realized it wouldn't be that good... for obvious reasons. Ha'zi then remembered he still had the blanket from his previous camping engagement, and decided that would be better than the other one. The Haradrim boy wrapped up the art in the sleeping item, then tied it with a long coord of string using a simple knot. He moved it over to the bundle area with the rest of his items along with his sleeping bag, and exited the tent, then began the process of taking down the tent.

After he was done, he carried the tent, sleeping bag, and fur blanket from the elves to the caravan area to drop off his folded tent. Ha'zi set his stuff down next to his horse then goes around camp, assisting the other shifters in taking down tents.

After a while, Ha'zi is almost exhausted from the work he's done around the camp, but there are still some tents left. He thinks about grabbing some of the others, when he notices Thoruk, instead of taking his own tent down, throwing axes at trees. Why wasn't he helping? Thoruk was definitely stronger than Ha'zi… he would have made the whole process a lot easier.

Irritated, Ha'zi called over to the dwarf, "Hey, Thoruk! Can you help me with these tents instead of doing nothing helpful?" [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user]
"Aye, aye" Thoruk answers, standing up. "Don't hesitate lad." he says rather calmly, yet a bit sleepy. He gets his armor and his axes and walks towards a tree, throwing a axe over and over again into the trunk. "Hope they'll hurry a bit" he thinks as he keeps on throwing his axe, waiting for the others to finish or the tree to break, whatever would happen first. As he does so he hears Ha'zi's voice. He pulls the axe out of the tree with a "Nothing?... Aye lad, I'll help you" he walks towards Ha'zi and helps him get the remaining tents. "What ya've been up to lad?" he asks the boy.
"I've been catching up with the others mostly." He says as he starts folding one of the tents. "Speaking of which, how was your trip?" [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user]
"Mhm, well" the dwarf thinks about what he had done on the trip so far: sleeping, eating, sleeping. "Well, lot's of important stuff, but that's none of your business" he says, folding a tent. "A question young lad" he dwarf says as he finished the tent. "Normaly ya harad guys hate us dwarves, is it just your innocent behaviour or what makes me think that you kind of like our kind?" he asks, leaning on his axe.
He was a bit disappointed Thoruk didn't share any info about his journey, but he shrugged it off and was more focused on his question anyway. "Um, well, you and Grimnir are the only dwarves I've met, and I haven't really heard much of this supposed hatred between our peoples. Something about trade, maybe?" Ha'zi says as he moves on to the next tent. "But I like you, as a friend, of course, since you seem to be nicer than the only other dwarf I've met." He grins. "Why'd you ask?" [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user]
A bit proud that Ha'zi like's him the most of all dwarves,doesn't matter that it's just Grimnir and him, he then answers. "Well, ya know..." he thinks about all the war their folks had and might have, due to their differences, "Well, there's no hatred between the two of us so far, we should go ahead with a good example for our folks and show that haradrim and dwarves can help each other out instead of fighting each other like our ancestors did, aye?" he tells the boy, as he grabs his axe and walks on to another tent.
"Yeah, right..." Ha'zi said. He moves on to one of the bigger elven tents, probably a captain's. "Hey, I know this is a pretty dumb question, but do you know where Grimnir may be? Even though he's nothing but an irritation, I haven't seen him in a while, and we kinda needed the dwarf for this mission..." [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user]
"Hm Grimnir? He wanted to go to Gundabad with us back then, but that lad never showed up there.. neither at Erebor, realy wonder what happend to that bugger" he turns around as he finishes the tent. "Lemme help ya lad" he says as he walks towards Kye. "Ya know what boy? He's a old grim dwarf, I bet he's still alive, yet I have no plan what he could be up to" Thoruk speaks out as he puts his axe and helmet onto the ground and helps Ha'zi with the big tent.
"Mhm, you're probably right. He seems to be able to take care of himself." Ha'zi takes out the stakes of the large tent. As he is low to the ground, the light glinting off Thoruk's helmet and axe catch his eyes. "Hey, Thoruk... those are new, right? Where'd you get them?" He asks, pointing at the items the dwarf put down. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user]
Thoruk turns around at the haradarim's question. "Aye, these are presents from king Thorin, ya know? I've been chosen as their warrior of mahal, you could say I'm the chosen one" he says, pride of himself. "Every dwarf sees me in another light and even the king himself asked for my opinions" he addes as he looks onto the axe and the helmet. "The axe belongs to my father, I found it in Gundabad and... well, that's another story. The helmet is a present from king Thorin himself, it's made out of the best material, as is this armor and" he turns around and points to the axes on his back."and these two are also given to me by our king Thorin, they'll be of good use for sure" he says, proud to be one of Durin's folk.
"That seems like quite an honor, Thoruk." Ha'zi remarks, grinning. His thoughts drift to the words of the Trickster and the other mysterious disembodied voice that talked to him in his dreams, how they kept saying everything depended on him. Ha'zi wondered how Thoruk thought of it, probably an honor, as he sounded prideful while explaining it to the boy, in comparison to the fear that Ha'zi felt about his 'role.'

He dismissed these thoughts, and a thought triggered when Thoruk mentioned his father's axe. "Oh, so did you manage to find your father? That's why you went out there in the first place, right?" [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user]
"Well lad.." he starts off, scratching is forehead. "It wasn't that easy, ya know? But to answer your question: Yes, I found him, that's what counts." he turns towards the tent again, trying to finish the big tent quickly while adding "If you're interested in hearing the long version, just ask me when we're finished here and on our horses again" he says while punching the young haradrim to the shoulder, just a small punch, almost like he would only use one finger, well atleast in compared to normal dwarvish strength, ment as a sign of friendship... sort of.
Ha'zi winces slightly, he felt weaker after all the work he'd done with the tents and the physical activity he'd done earlier, but still smiled at the dwarf. He looked around at the campsite, seeing many of the tents gone now with very few left. "Hm, what do you think we should do now? I think the soldiers can get the rest, and we can join up with the others..." Ha'zi asks, addressing the dwarf. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user]
"Aye, let's leave some tents for them" the dwarf answers as he turns around. "I'd prefer training with my axes anyway" he says as he picks up his axe and his helmet and walks towards a bunch of trees, throwing both of his axes at the same time, trying to do more damage. As he tries to throw them in any possible way he turns towards the boy "Ya wonna try and throw one aswell lad?" he asks the boy, holding an axe towards Ha'zi's direction, meaning that he should grab it.
He grabs it hesitantly, not sure of the weight. "S-sure.. I've never thrown an axe before." Ha'zi latches on to it with one hand, thinking "Oh, it's probably not that heavy anyway, that other axe he was holding looked pretty lig-" The unexpected heaviness of the axe causes the boy to drop it in front of him, inches away from his foot. His face scarlets with embarassment, and he grabs on to the axe with two hands this time, noticeably easier. "Sorry about that, didn't expect it to be that h-heavy." He nervously laughs.

Ha'zi then addresses the dwarf with a question. "So, how exactly do i throw this correctly?" [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user]