After the elf allowed Iver to take his violin, he made his way back to the tent. On the way he picked up some half filled bottles of alcohol and if they were from the same type he combined them into one bottle, taking some of them back to his tent. He put them in his clothes pack along with his 2 and a half bottles of "smaug's breath", he drank it too fast, maybe tonight he will go to sleep without drinking.
As soon as he fell asleep the dreams came. He saw a kid version of him, he was in the alley where the kids met to play with rug ball and chalk. Another kid, his name he forgot, got into an argument about one of the chalk pieces that Iver clearly brought "my father says that your mother is a slut, she dress and show everyone her boobs" said the other kid, the argument has passed the point of regular insults long ago and now they moved to insults about real things. "he is just jealous because your mom is too ugly to dress like that" Iver replied, "her nose is like one of a dwarf and she is fat, just like you" Iver continued. The kid released an angry scream, he hated when people laughed at his size. He soon released a punch that knocked Iver, now crying to the ground. The fat kid staryed kicking him on the ground as the other kids watched.
The dream went fast forward few hours, he saw his young self looking in shock at his brother, he just told him what he have done to the fat kid. "You really did that for me?" Iver asked him, "I'm your big brother, I'll always defend you" he told him.
The dream moved to the day before Iver left Dale on his journey to Bree, he met his brother in the main gate as he was posed there. "Take care Iver, come back in time for the wedding" his brother told him, "oh relax, it's Bree and I'm bringing double the guards, there is no bandit group in this side of the world that will be foolish enough to attack such a big caravan. I'll be back in time for the wedding in 4 months" Iver said and left the city. His brother, unlike him, found a beautiful lady that he loved, she loved him back, and both of the families agreed for their engagement. He was about to finally become a knight of Dale, win a nobility title, and along his wealth, good personality and amazing look he was the wet dream of every Lady in Dale. Iver wondered if they did marry before he died or his brother delayed the entire wedding for him to return home in time.
A new dream started, he was in a battlefield, near erebor. Thousands of easterlings swarmed the gates of erebor where a small group of dwarves and daliah knights fought hopelessly and bravely too defend something. It was a pair of dead bodies, one of a man and one of a dwarf. Iver moved closer and as he reached the bodies something happened, the easterlings started to retreat, flee for their life. The dwarves and dalish men cheered as the battle was over bit Iver busy with something else. Next to the two bodies lied many other who died defending them. One of the men Iver thought was dead raised his hand and pointed at him, it was his dying brother. "Iver, why did you leave us?" He asked coughing blood. "It wasn't my fault, I got kidnapped..." Iver replied but his brother interfered, "you left us Iver, left me, and I died. Why did you leave us Iver, why did you leave me? You were my brother".
"I'm sorry, it's not my fault, the valar did this to me" Iver replied with tears in his eyes. "You failed us Iver, I always protected you and you abounded me when I needed you the most" He said and grabbed Iver's arm.
He shouted and woke up waving his dagger, his spear fell on his hand. He needed a drink, it seems like otherwise the dreams won't go away...
Iver watched in surprise as Zaro appeared, "what the fck m8? Let me piss in peace" he shouted at the elf while turning around so he won't see his junk.
First the elf was touching a gondorian soldier and now he was staring at his junk, was he gay?
Iver slowly regretted saving the elf from the boar earlier, it seems like whenever he saves someone that guy is determined to make him regret his action.