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"Aye haha" the dwarf laughs a bit "Nothing to worry bout, you're not a fully grown man yet so it's no shame lad" he addes. "Well, that's kinda different, everyone has his unique throwing style, or atleast not the same as everyone else." He walks towards the tree infront of them and pulls the other axe out of the trunk. Pieces of bark splatter out as he pulls it out, rather quickly. He then walks towards the boy again and leans the axe over his shoulder. "You can either throw it like this" he says as he shows the boy a few swings. "Just like when you'd bring down a heavy hammer or something to kill an enemy who's on the ground, expect that you throw the axe before it smashes into the ground" he says as he looks towards the tree and aims for the tree. WOOSH, CRACK the axe wents flying into the tree trunk. "It's as simple as that young lad" he says as he pulls out the axe. As he walks back towards the boy he addes "But you can throw it in almost every way, for example like this" he says as he holds the axe in the right hand, putting it sidewards so the sharp blade-side is under his left arm. He swings the axe a few times. "Just like a tornado movement, spin a bit and you gain extra speed and strengh into your hit lad, take as long as you need" he says, leaning on his fathers axe, watching the boy, proud of him. "That boy could get a good warrior with the right training and the right trainer of course" he thinks, looking at the boy.
The boy watches the dwarf's performance with awe. After it is over, Ha'zi tries practicing the swings and throws Thoruk did. They were a bit sloppy and tended to be off from the target as he adjusted to the weight of the weapon, but over time it got more precise for him. He was covered in sweat by the end of the practice, his axe landing successfully embedded in the center of a tree trunk. Ha'zi wiped the sweat off of his forehead with his hand, and turned to Thoruk, grinning. "How well did I do?"  [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user]
"Aye" Thoruk answers as he clapps and nods towards the boy. "You would make a good dwarf, boy" he answers, grinning a bit as he goes towards the tree and picks up his axe. "You seem to learn things quickly, have you ever done something like that lad?" he asks as he pulls out the axe, the tree cracking badly "Uff, I guess we shouldn't use this one anymore." he addes as he walks back towards Ha'zi.
Ha'zi smiled from the praise the dwarf was giving him. "Well, I trained a bit with Dimitri to learn how to use a spear in combat. Not too good with it, but it feels pretty familiar from hunting in Harad. But this," he gestures to the throwing axe, "feels really good. I might be better at it than with a spear, I don't know. It's difficult, but think I can get the hang of it along with most weapons pretty well... probably because I'm the Warrior and all."

He pauses for a moment, then speaks up again to the dwarf, "I would like you to be honest with me, Thoruk. Do.. do you get scared when thinking about all this? That everything depends on us, a bunch of people randomly tossed together and given the task to save it all... does it scare you?" [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user]
A bit flashed from the question thrown at him the dwarf mumbles "Sc-scared? Well, that's a good question, I haven't realy thought bout it ya know?" while scratching his forehead. "Well, ya know, my story is far from over, I promissed my father that I'd come home and we Ironbeards never break a promisse. So I'd say I'm rather not scared, scared is a word.. well I've actually never felt like something scares me, not even as a kid" he pauses for a bit. "I mostly felt anger and sometimes I was worried or I just didn't like anything and anybody after the loss of my parents but still, I think I've never realy felt any kind of fear" he answers, looking at the ground. "I've never felt fear... I wonder... nah" he thinks before shaking his head and looking towards Ha'zi. "Well lad, you should get yourself something to drink and take a pause, you look exhausted he says. "If you feel like you want to improve your fighting skills or just want to talk, just speak to me lad" he says as he nods towards the boy, walking away from the damaged tree to some other trees. "I wonder..." he looks at his axe before waiting for the boy to react to his rather crazy answer "never felt fear" the boy must think he's lieing for sure.
Thoruk's speech didn't do a lot of help in quelling his fear of failing, but Ha'zi made sure not to let it show, and he still appreciated his response. He nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I do need to get some water and cool down a bit. I'll talk with you if I ever need help or some weapons' tips, if you don't mind. And thanks for helping me with this, Thoruk. I'm going to head over and get a horse for Miriel, see you later."

Ha'zi bids goodbye to the dwarf and heads over to the assembled army that is getting ready to move out. He decides to ask around for where available horses are. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Captain_Aasim/74.png" name="Captain_Aasim"]12253360[/user]
"Aye, see ya" Thoruk mumbles, starring at his axe. "I realy wonder.." he keeps starring at it for a while, sunken in thoughts "Aye Irdis, I'd like to try something.." he thinks as he aims for the tree. "Not sure if it'll work but.." he stoppes as he concentrates his power into his left arm and into the axe. "Is it possible to save the electricity in the axe? Or do I have to throw it and then use some kind of element to support it? I want to throw it and keep the lightning running through the axe....ya know?" Without any answer yet he let's the electricity flow through the axe as he tries to bundle up the power in the axe and prepares his arm to throw the axe.
After the elf allowed Iver to take his violin, he made his way back to the tent. On the way he picked up some half filled bottles of alcohol and if they were from the same type he combined them into one bottle, taking some of them back to his tent. He put them in his clothes pack along with his 2 and a half bottles of "smaug's breath", he drank it too fast, maybe tonight he will go to sleep without drinking.
As soon as he fell asleep the dreams came. He saw a kid version of him, he was in the alley where the kids met to play with rug ball and chalk. Another kid, his name he forgot, got into an argument about one of the chalk pieces that Iver clearly brought "my father says that your mother is a slut, she dress and show everyone her boobs" said the other kid, the argument has passed the point of regular insults long ago and now they moved to insults about real things. "he is just jealous because your mom is too ugly to dress like that" Iver replied, "her nose is like one of a dwarf and she is fat, just like you" Iver continued. The kid released an angry scream, he hated when people laughed at his size. He soon released a punch that knocked Iver, now crying to the ground. The fat kid staryed kicking him on the ground as the other kids watched.
The dream went fast forward few hours, he saw his young self looking in shock at his brother, he just told him what he have done to the fat kid. "You really did that for me?" Iver asked him, "I'm your big brother, I'll always defend you" he told him.
The dream moved to the day before Iver left Dale on his journey to Bree, he met his brother in the main gate as he was posed there. "Take care Iver, come back in time for the wedding" his brother told him, "oh relax, it's Bree and I'm bringing double the guards, there is no bandit group in this side of the world that will be foolish enough to attack such a big caravan. I'll be back in time for the wedding in 4 months" Iver said and left the city. His brother, unlike him, found a beautiful lady that he loved, she loved him back, and both of the families agreed for their engagement. He was about to finally become a knight of Dale, win a nobility title, and along his wealth, good personality and amazing look he was the wet dream of every Lady in Dale. Iver wondered if they did marry before he died or his brother delayed the entire wedding for him to return home in time.
A new dream started, he was in a battlefield, near erebor. Thousands of easterlings swarmed the gates of erebor where a small group of dwarves and daliah knights fought hopelessly and bravely too defend something. It was a pair of dead bodies, one of a man and one of a dwarf. Iver moved closer and as he reached the bodies something happened, the easterlings started to retreat, flee for their life. The dwarves and dalish men cheered as the battle was over bit Iver busy with something else. Next to the two bodies lied many other who died defending them. One of the men Iver thought was dead raised his hand and pointed at him, it was his dying brother. "Iver, why did you leave us?" He asked coughing blood. "It wasn't my fault, I got kidnapped..." Iver replied but his brother interfered, "you left us Iver, left me, and I died. Why did you leave us Iver, why did you leave me? You were my brother".
"I'm sorry, it's not my fault, the valar did this to me" Iver replied with tears in his eyes. "You failed us Iver, I always  protected you and you abounded me when I needed you the most" He said and grabbed Iver's arm.
He shouted and woke up waving his dagger, his spear fell on his hand. He needed a drink, it seems like otherwise the dreams won't go away...
Iver watched in surprise as Zaro appeared, "what the fck m8? Let me piss in peace" he shouted at the elf while turning around so he won't see his junk.
First the elf was touching a gondorian soldier and now he was staring at his junk, was he gay?
Iver slowly regretted saving the elf from the boar earlier, it seems like whenever he saves someone that guy is determined to make him regret his action.
"It was unremarkable." Sigeric replied to Ha'zi, his eyes calm and calculating. He seemed as though he were about to say something more, but was suddenly addressed by an Elven captain. "That would depend on what the questions are." Sigeric said, examining the newcomer. He recognized the Elf, but did not know his name. "In either case, I would prefer to know the identity of the inquisitor."
"Oh, alright." He waited to see what Sigeric was going to say, but he noticed Miriel approached the table and greeted her. (Timebubble popped)
As Ha’zi went over to his horse he noticed the blanket had been ripped open and the painting was missing. No...it wasn’t missing....it was still inside...no wait...

The art piece had been slashed in half and cut apart. All that was left was the section with the blonde woman’s face. The Trickster and everything else including the background had been shredded apart.

“I suppose you could try,” Irdis said to Thoruk as his axe charged with lightning and began to fiercely shake. It was becoming static and Thoruk felt extreme tingling in his fingers as more electricity erupted from it.

Both Zaro and Iver heard the shouts of people going and an elf passed both of them, “Hurry up, Sirs. We must be on our way. Zaro, Elladan wants you at the front, this instant!”

“Let’s get moving! Everyone on horses, now!” Elladan yelled at all of them, a bit more ungraciously. The Gondorian Cavalry Regiment had all moved onto the road and so had a majority of the Noldorin Detachment. It was mostly the Shifters who had yet to depart. Marco, Miriel and Dimitri had already been ahorse. Dimitri had actually found twenty-two elves who served Tulkas the Mighty and they were singing merry chants throughout breakfast.

Their horses were set before them, sprightly and neighing as the moisture plastered to their thick leathery skin. The mist had begun to evaporate as the sun began to rise above the Ithilien forest.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/_PigGuardian_/74.png" name="_PigGuardian_"]13873166[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/UnusualBrit/74.png" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user]


Miriel looked at them all from her position on the horse. So many of them. Most of them would die. Only a few of them were needed and even then if they did not comply, Sauron might just kill them and transfer their powers to someone who would. Her eyes fell on Ha’zi, then to Sigeric and the Hobbit they called Daugo, then to Dimitri at the head of the column with those elves that would definitely be slaughtered. It all reminded her too much of those early days years ago...


Fire and ice. The dungeons of Angband were part of a mighty prison encompassing the deeps of the Thangorodrim. Far beneath the Earth in one of those dungeons sixty-two people sat, stood, slept, drank, eat or talked around a dining hall. It was Sauron’s idea. He had suggested to let them interact, see what could come about from their abilities melding with one another.

Miriel was with her sisters then. They weren’t at the top of the food chain, back then, anyway. Miriel was a mediocre Giant, Aranel had no supposed powers and was kept alive merely out of Sauron’s curiosity, and Laurelos was only just discovering herself. They were so young. All of them were.

From the boy with scars on his body as a result of the experimentation to the woman who’s arms could expand and grow. The oldest was around Aranel’s age. A fellow called Tytus. He assumed charge of their motley band of warriors whenever together, and few opposed him. Miriel had seen his power. He was definitely strong but could be defeated by someone like her. His strength was in his intelligence. He out-witted everyone, nearly everyone. There was that boy who was able to cloak himself. He beat him once. But Tytus nearly killed him in the last match.

Sauron subjected them to various tests, feats of strength. To determine which would pass, though Miriel, in her naivety could not understand what that would result in. Only now, gazing at the Shifters, did she realize what their lives had been sacrificed for. They were dummies. Rats. Insects. All to be used and abused by Sauron for his final test. His final product. The Eight Giants of Morgoth.

Sixty-two boys and girls, dwarves and men cursed so that eight could be used as weapons. It was sickening. Yet some of them had taken a liking to that curse. There was the little girl, Mirecyla, was her name. So strange. So tiny. Yet so taken with Master Sauron that it almost seemed as if she loved him. Miriel tried her best to befriend her but the child seemed to care for nothing, not even herself. There were some like her and Raddis who enjoyed their power. Then there were those like Joplin who wanted nothing but to die. Miriel, Laurelos and Aranel, they were all in the middle. They had each other and that’s all that mattered.

Until the day that everything changed. The memory stung harder than a wasp. Laurelos’ death. Aranel’s final discovery. Sauron who was both shocked and later, pleasantly surprised at her sister’s new found power. Aranel hadn’t been a complete failure. She had merely been cursed with a power that relied on their powers. And after Laurelos’, Aranel had tried to kill herself. She would’ve been able to had Miriel not stopped her. Damn her. Why had she stopped her. If she had only left Aranel end it there and then none of this could have transpired. There would have been sixty of them alive now instead of the fourty-eight that remain. A dozen lives. One life. Aranel’s. Had it been worth it? Had she done the right thing? The moral thing? Save her sister only to instead allow Aranel to spiral into madness and slaughter a dozen of her friends, willing or unwilling. It mattered little to her now as she sat on this horse and stared at all these people. If Miriel could succeed in her mission, then only a thousand would die. If she failed, if Sauron released Aranel, then not even she would survive. They’d all die. Men, dwarves, funny-looking hobbits and knife-eared elves, even the Shifters, no, especially the shifters. Aranel’s power made it so. Miriel remembered her sisters words before the night she went mad.

“I won’t let it get the best of me, Mir.”


A sad smile crossed Miriel’s face as the mist dissipated around them.

I won’t let them unleash you, Ara. I won’t let them hurt any of us anymore. She thought.
Dimitri looked at his newfound comrades and tried to memorize their names, what they looked like, and fighting style, maybe some bits about their history too. (This is the part where Cap makes up 22 Elves with unique names, appearances, fightstyles, and brief histories or gives Dimitri a love interedt because he doesn't want to be alone for eternity).
Among those twenty-two was an elf called Beredur, who chanted the loudest. His fighting style was that of a heavyset warrior, however, Dimitri would only find out later down the road when they'd train together. Beredur's sword was unable to match his warhammer, yet, his speed and agility managed to tire out the Forochelrim and defeat him when Dimitri ran out of strength.

Another was named Pellor, she was surprisingly taller than Beredur, however, her blade was able to out manuever his warhammer and she too defeated him, a bit too easily.

The last memorable one that was willing to give up their name to the Forochelrim was Tanithil, another female with jet black hair like a raven and was among the two that Dimitri could actually best in battle. She wielded a bow and daggers, and thus, during their training, she wouldn't use the bow on him as with her aim it would be a fatal wound. The elves clearly did not know that the Shifters had regenerative properties. Thus, Dimitri won, due to Tanithil's refuse to demolish him in combat.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user]
Oh great. Well, there goes his evidence. Or at least, some of it. He could show it to the elves still, and have one of the shifters come over to confirm that they'd seen it at the mansion.

But... who did this? Who even knew he had this painting? There was no way any of the others could have seen it, he was alone in his tent when he had it after his dream. So, what happened? And why only the Trickster's side? Why not this golden-haired lady?
And why is Cap making it so that the elves will be sZUCCs and believe the Trickster is Orome, too?

Ha'zi sighed. He shouldn't focus on this that much, what he really needed to do was get Miriel her horse. So, Ha'zi grabbed the torn blanket and took it over to the supply caravans, dropping it off for safe keeping.

He then collected his supplies, making a quick check to see if anything there was ravaged, too, before setting off on his horse after untying it to find an available horse for Miriel. Ha'zi knew that he'd have to hurry. They were departing, and he had spent quite a lot of time taking down tents and practicing throwing axes with Thoruk. So, he set off, deternination in his mind to get a horse for her.

As he was travelling around to find one, he spotted Miriel.... already on a horse. Of course, he was late. And failed the one thing she had asked of him! Dang it. Ha'zi internally facepalmed, and rode up to her. "Hey, Miriel. Sorry about getting that horse for you, I got a bit distracted." [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Captain_Aasim/74.png" name="Captain_Aasim"]12253360[/user]
"Aye" Thoruk thinks as he finally bundles the energy into the axe, feeling it flow of his hand and throws it into the direction of the tree.
The axe cut into the tree and continued, passing through it and slicing the bark apart. It flew out and landed in a bush, fused with electricity, setting the bush on fire.

In the distance, Thoruk could hear the cries of people gathering and leaving.

“Where the hell is that dwarf?” Elladan asked, turning around to no one in particular.

Ha’zi saw Miriel’s face brighten at his approach, “Oh, no big deal. I found it myself,” She mused, flicking her eyes to an open position next her, hoping Ha’zi wasn’t a complete idiot. Even if he was, it made it easier for her mission.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user]
"Not just a dragon master elf." Card indulged as he tucked into the eggs, "I am a skin changer, so I can change into any animal of any size, as long as it's not too large." He explained to the elf between mouthfuls of egg.
Card searched for a suitable black destrier, he wasn't sure why. No had he forgotten about Radaa? The hill man who had been his friend, or even Lesier the old man who had given him his spear. So many has died on that island for Card and the other Karoltai. Had their sacrifice even been worth it? That city in Aldemos, the people had been safe enough until the freed slaves had come along. Hadn't the Card and the rest of his companions caused their deaths? This was all their fault, yes they had been deceived but they should never have revolted... No, this has all been for a reason, they would defeat Morgoth.

The dunlending remained silent so far in the journey.
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Captain_Aasim/74.png" name="Captain_Aasim"]12253360[/user]
"Oh fack..." Thoruk grumbles as he turns around, hearing the cries of the others. "I need to put that out before it grows and I can't leave that axe just because of some fire." he thinks as he approaches the fire. "I have an idea, not saying it's clever, but how bout I use the wind to put out the fire? I know it will go wrong but I can't realy handle fire in my normal form, can I?" he thinks, seemingly asking Irdis for advice. "Well I guess I could try to focus, but that'll take time and these buggers are crieing around like orcs just so they can move on... pitiful humans."

”I see,” Elrohir said, “Are you...?” He paused, “Rideable?”

Elladan chuckled at that whilst he stretched.

“Can any of us ride your back as a mount? And if so would you allow us to?”


Cardiloc saw Ha’zi coming over with his horse. The situation between the two had been static ever since the Great Hall of Feasts. Card had spent his time contemplating the future whilst Ha’zi and Miriel were taken with one another. What would this prospect lead to for the young Dunlending and Haradrim?

”I never tried it, if it burns you then you can just heal, I’d say try at your own risk,” Irdis responded to Thoruk, “Don’t try to control the wind. Focus your hand on the fire. If that doesn’t work, try and summon some water. You can feel it in the air,” Thoruk did feel the moisture, the heavy mist had much dew in it and he could almost feel the Waters’s it coated his beard.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/UnusualBrit/74.png" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user]
"You're right..." he mumbles as he suddenly feels small drops of power, well, rather water, floating around him in the air. As he feels the fire getting bigger he closes his eyes and concentrates on pulling the water towards his hands, hopefully forming some sort of a ball. As he does so he tries to completely ignore the others who are waiting for him.