((Everything occurring before this moment is time-bubbled. This is a time-skip.))
And so they rode on.
The days passed in flashes. Zaro trained Ha’zi and Daugo together; Sigeric had some rather interesting conversations with Glorfindel and Celeborn; Dimitri found his troop with Beredur, Pellor, Tanithil and the other nineteen elves that praised Tulkas Astaldo; Ha’zi and Miriel fornicated in a few more places, Iver himself catching it once (this guy can’t catch a break); Iver, Marco and Thoruk trained together, Iver witnessed Thoruk’s powers again and saw they had grown, Marco helped Iver do cardiovascular press ups and constantly made jokes about the Flying Giant being the strongest; Karstir and Daugo shared some wine for an evening under the stars, along with Turmir and Harros who watched from afar; Cardiloc and Ha’zi had their time to one another in order to make up and talk out their issues; Zaro had another homosexual encounter when he ‘accidentally’ fell and kissed Elladan, who swore and cursed him fifteen times that night; Elrohir was the ever diligent of the two brothers and apologized for the misdemenaor, becoming friends with Zaro; and Ha’zi never really found out who ripped apart the Trickster’s tapestry, the mystery baffling him through the long nights with Miriel.
It was dawn when the column of riders reached the ruins of the Black Gate. The tower of narchost to the south had fallen and carchost to the north too was in need of much repair. The innards of the Udun valley were laid bare to them all. A stark, barren wasteland. Little grew. Less lived. A beetle rolled over the ground, crawling through the skeleton of a troll. Thousands of skeletons littered the cracked volcanic dirt. It was as if a painting of doom and gloom had been drawn by Mandos himself.
“After the War of the Ring, Mordor was abandoned and left to rot. Most of the settlements had been destroyed after the ruination of Mt. Doom and the Dark Tower.” Glorfindel narrated to them shrewdly.
Celeborn halted the host and Crandil rode up to meet him. Together with the shifters and a dozen
military personnel on both Gondor and Noldorin sides, they discussed the plans once over.
“Remember to protect the Shifters at all costs. Understand?” Celeborn spoke to the Gondorian Captain.
“Understood. If I fire the black flare, we must retreat. Green is all clear. Yellow is hazardous. And red, red is for imminent danger.” Crandil replied.
All the Shifters had been handed firework-guns which spot off a spark. They had two sets of ammunition for each color code, except black. Two greens, two yellows, and, of course, two reds.
“Is everyone ready?” Celeborn asked them all.
The huge column of soldiers fanned out behind the Shifters. A thousand riders. A thousand soldiers. A thousand elves and men taking a risk. Green boys, some veterans, and of course, the elves who’d fight to the death as death itself meant little to them.
Celeborn addressed them all.
“I’m not one for grand speeches or heralding visions. Truth be told I’m merely an elf. We are about to embark into the Land of Shadows. Be cautious. Be studious. Be at your best. This is no time to fool around, friends. Now, onward!” He grasped his horse’s reigns, turned it around and It started to trot towards the ruins of the Black Gate.
Elladan and Elrohir followed next, their regiments hot on their tails, following up the left and right corners of the Shifters group. Zaro’s was directly in the center, behind theirs, waiting for the Shifters to take the plunge forwards into the Land of Shadow. Into the darkness. Into Mordor.
“Let’s go kill some facks!” Marco shouted and rode ahead after Celeborn and the elves.
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