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Upon touching the black obelisk, Daugo’s frozen hands broke, and he was zapped with an electrical current that set his nervous system ablaze. The Behemoth Giant went slack. Then slowly fell forward, it’s head edging towards the Ephel Duath.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user]


Turin ducked to the right whilst Eonwë cut around to the left, splitting up as the fire roared forth. They dodged it and ran around the wall of flame. Pyrus saw them going for a rear-attack from both left and right angles.


An arrow flew into the left eye of the drake.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user]


One Maia grabbed Zaro’s chain and pulled him off his horse. He hit the muddy grounds with a splash as the clangs of steel and sounds of laughter from Tulkas created a symphony around him.

The Maia, a female with raven black hair, gripped the chain with one hand and tugged it forward. Zaro was dragged towards her. A blade, shiny silver in complexion slid into one of her hands as she looked down at the elf with hatred and spite, malice in her dark blue eyes.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/_PigGuardian_/74.png" name="_PigGuardian_"]13873166[/user]
With the fire missing the two Maiar somehow Élnims shield would simply gain more "firepower" "lit"erally. With a scream she would push outward, sending the flames outwards and to the sides. Naisón and Pyrus would ready their weapons. Meanwhile the drake would roar in pain sending out a burst of flame at the direction it came from, looking for the source.
Zaro looked back his eyes filled with equal hatred. Zaro dropped the chain and pulled out a dagger throwing with all his strength towards her arm that was pulling the chain. Zaro then pulled out his shield and prepared his spear for a thrust moving his shield so it protected his full body and preparing to bash and combo if she tried something.
Sigeric recoiled, as the body of the Elven soldier fell into his arms. So much death... ...And this would not be the end of it. Sigeric advanced towards the ice spirit, its cold intensity matched only by his own glare. He focused on its movements, readying himself to dodge another icicle, or more than one. Once he had closed the distance, Sigeric swung the blunt end of his halberd's blade at the spirit's torso.
Eonwë burst into a sprint, sheathing his sword and examining the shield of flames. It was impossible to breach it without help and he was weaker than ever at this point. His skills were mainly combat based and this was not an ideal match up. If it came down to it he might be able to shield Turin and distract Pyrus. His hazel eyes fell over to Turin. The man had the same idea. It was scary, sometimes, considering how similar they were. Yet, he was a tortured soul. Today he would kill Morgoth. Eonwë would ensure that the Turambar would.

“Turin, make a break for Tulkas!” He yelled and reached around the rear of the shield, standing there, unsheathing his blade.

The Turambar ran past him without even a glance to confirm he had heard and continued through the midst of the storm.

Precipitation pelted at Pyrus’ flaming shield. The elements were against them on this occasion but Élnim could still maintain the fire-shield.

The Drake on the other hand found no signs of life around it. Whizz. Another arrow hit it, bouncing off its scales. From behind, it seemed to be coming from behind it, near the mountain.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user]


The dagger bounced off her arm leaving a minor cut. It was enough to make her drop the chains. Before Zaro could magically pull out both his shield and spear, she kicked him in the face, knocking his helmet off. Dirt splashed into his mouth and blood mixed to create a rather disgusting irony taste. She kept her boot on his skull, pressing it into the dirt while bringing the knife down in a swift arc towards his neck.

Sigeric cut through the spirit, the Maia falling back, body splitting horizontally. His halberd was tainted with azure blood. The rain had made his face wet and his helmet’s visor choked with humidity. A few meters ahead he saw one of the Maia. Her boot pressed down on an elf’s head. It was that Captain called Zaro from the campfires. She was about to slit his throat.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/_PigGuardian_/74.png" name="_PigGuardian_"]13873166[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user]
'Fuck', said Daugo inside the Giant. 'Fuuuuuuu--no, don't fall, DON'T FALL, ANDRETH HELP ME AHH".
And he toppled over, with no control over what was happening.
The Behemoth crashed into the Mountains of Ash, it’s face breaking upon the cold stone. Daugo’s world went dark for a moment before the back of the nape opened up, exerting him out cooly into the storm that was brewing. Thunder sounded in the distance and he could see the battle from here, tiny little miniature black dots moving about in a flurry.

He was far from the battlefield and the monoliths were still operational, emitting that blue light matrix. It would be a long walk to his friends. Yet, another option came to him. He saw a dragon about 200 meters away, a ball of fire, a figure in blue running away and one in dark black standing before the flames.

To his left, was the Udun Valley. He saw the body of the Leviathan, dissolving, leaving behind a huge skeleton. There were some movements down there. People, a few horses. Had some of the Gondorians survived?

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user]
God dammit!! Zaro felll of his horse into the mud thruttled and felt dizzy from the fall. He felt pain in his back from the drop but he quickly returned to the moment trying to ignore the strong stinging. Zaro felt the painful boot on his face and was done playing around. Zaro calculated a good attack plan. If he used his other hand to grab a dagger and sliced her leg it would be very advantageous but would put her into a rouge of anger and would lead to his death, so that couldn't happen. He was immobilized and his other arm was wrapped with a chain. But what she hadn't calculated was what his own legs could do, the disadvantage of this was she was not riding a horse and he was. He had spurs on his boots and legs were stronger than arms. Zaro kicked as hard as he could at the maiar's head stabbing her head with his spurs. Zaro then would use this distraction (which would most likely cause her to remove her boot from his head) and pulled her down with his arm wrapped in the chain, while she was distracted by the kick down to the mud and used his other arm that wasn't wrapped by a chain to quickly grab a dagger from his armor and try to stab it at her heart.
Sigeric rushed forward, careful not to slip on the wet terrain. As soon as the Maia was within his range, he reached forward, thrusting the tip of the halberd underneath his adversary's arm.
Pyrus would whistle and stomp his foot, the drake forgetting about the hidden archer and racing after Turin, letting out a breath of flame when he got close enough. "Élnim now." Pyrus said calmly as she shifted the barrier to encircle Eonwë, trapping him in a tornado of flames. Meanwhile Naisón would start to heat the floor under Eonwë, going to hopefully sooner than later turn it into lava. Meanwhile how was Pyrus' power doing for his healing?
Daugo brushed off some dust from his knees as he left the Behemoth. He was tired, and a bit disappointed at having to leave so soon, but he also felt a strange rush from it; he had enjoyed every second, even when things seemed darkest.

He saw the dragon, the blue shape, and the black shape, and decided that he would steer well-away from such potentially hazardous people. The small shapes with horses seemed much more promising. With a sigh of tiredness, he started making a cautious descent over to them.
Pyrus’ chest was filling with tissue material and healing but he was still in a vulnerable state.

As the dragon chased after Turin, the man continually looked back at it. Smaller than Glaurung but nonetheless deadly. He grimaced.

Eonwë was surrounded by the flames and held his sword close to him. His feet started to boil and he began to sweat as the walls closed in around him. Would this be how he died? Burned to death? If it meant Turin survived, then yes. His death would have meaning and that was enough for him. He thought of Eru and made a quick prayer, his mind drifting to the one regret he had. Arien.


“Pffppfhhhyyyyyrrr-“ Élnim gurgled as an arrow penetrated her neck and bursted through. It continued on and hit Naisón’s spine.

Pyrus watched in horror as the last of his comrades fell. The wall of flames slowly died away. Behind him appeared an elf, a devil, burn marks covering his body. He was partially nude with only a loincloth left to cover him, most of his clothes having been burnt to tethers. His hair was all but gone and he looked like a fire spirit had been doused in a river. It was remarkable how he had survived dragonflame and his eyes were red and filled with hate as he stared at Pyrus. He held one bow, an empty quiver and a short sword tucked into a burnt leather sheath.

“For my brother,” Elladan cried and let loose the last of his arrows at Pyrus.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user]


Daugo found that to reach the Udun Valley, he’d have to climb down the mountainside. It was steep but navigable for his huge hobbit-feet. He could bypass the issue of the fence this way but that would leave his friends trapped on the opposite side without him. Perhaps this was better for them? Keeping the Behemoth safe and away from the enemy.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user]


Azura clamped her head down on the elf and spat some rainwater out of her mouth. This was hell. It had all gone down the drain. They had been winning until that huge tardy piece of lard showed up. Bitch-faced laughing Tulkas. Why did he have to exist?

She brought the Maiar-blade down to the elf’s throat-


She stopped. The steel had entered her exposed armpit and she quickly pulled away from her assailant. Why had she been distracted? Stop thinking about that Vala and kill him instead!

Sigeric’s opponent twisted free of the halberd and kicked it. Zaro felt the weight lift from his head and his enemy step away from his body. He was still dazed and had a chunk of muddy Mordor dirt in his mouth. Azura swung her Maiar-blade at Sigeric’s neck, aiming for the chink in his armor. The weather was blinding them all, the rain pouring down in drizzling heaps.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/_PigGuardian_/74.png" name="_PigGuardian_"]13873166[/user]
"Thank ya, mi'lord!" Dimitri replied excitedly. He knew his name! Well, a version of it, but it was close enough! After crushing a Maia with his bloodsoaked claw, he kept pushing onwards, ignoring the wider conflict and focusing on clearing the 'tunnel'. All enemies in his tunnel of vision must be destroyed. He relied on his superior strength, speed, and hardened claws to carry the day, and tried to make sure he was near support.
no, No, NO! Pyrus would roar inside his head spinning around to face his friends killers. Breathing heavily as he took in the mans appearance and what he said he would finish channeling his extra speed and strength. Time seemed to slow for Pyrus as he went to dodge out of the way, fast even for the likes of an elf, moving in a zigzag motion and then swinging his Warhammer around going to use his speed and strength to hopefully quickly hit the elf in the head/neck/collarbone.
The Drake would continue to race after the man, keeping enough focus and attention on him to know when he would slow down, speed, up, turn right or left, etc. He was presumably faster but it wasn't wise to underestimate an opponent.
It probably was better to keep out of sight now that he was just a hobbit again. He decided to crawl downhill into the valley, taking advantage of every opportunity he got to hide behind rocks and dead bushes and any Mordorian obstructions he could find.
"my name is Iber" Iver said with broken nose. "And I should habe stabbed you in the neck you little piece of shit" he adds before trying to fix his nose. He then added "Unless you enjoy the naked Iver show do you mind if I'll go and get my clothes from the bat cropse?"
Then he heard the guards talking about the enemies. He looked at Hazi and whispered "Get ready".
When Arandil heard the water he ran to it, he ignored the bats and ran through with his torch searching for the water. He sprinted and sprinted carefully so he would not trip.He thought his men might just live.
Although a bit interested at what was happening outside, Ha'zi only focused on his captors in front of him, and decided to respond to Tytus. "My name is Hector." Ha'zi lied, grinning on the inside. He looked at Iver for a brief second, understanding, then turned back to the Screaming shifter. "So, are you going to tell what you'll do to us or leave it up to our imagination?" He grunted. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Captain_Aasim/74.png" name="Captain_Aasim"]12253360[/user]
The arrow flew past Pyrus’ cheek, slicing off a bit of his earlobe.

Elladan fell back, dodging the warhammer, a bit slowly. He unsheathed his short sword and kept the bow in hand, backing off.

Meanwhile, the dragon was quickly catching up to Turin and the man did a quick turn, running off to the north.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user]


After eight minutes of heart-pounding cliff-climbing, Daugo slipped, his butt scraping down the mountainside before coming to a stop at the end of the slope. He could pick up voices ahead.

“-caught the bastard tryin’ to make a run for it.”
“Is that meant to be-“
“Yeah, that’s it a’right,”

Three Gondorians were up ahead along with a man pinned to the charred valley floor.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user]


Arandil tripped and smacked his head into something wet. Opening his eyes he’d see a small stream of water in the cave. It tasted fresh on his lips and he felt renewed vigor at the prize.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Yiannis123/74.png" name="Yiannis123"]18199471[/user]


”Alright then. Iber and Hector.” Tytus laughed, turned around and picked up something then tossed it at Iver. It wasn’t his clothes but at least it was something. “We took the liberty of destroying your weapons and disarming you. Don’t try anything funny, okay. We’re not going to hurt you or anything, not seriously, anyway. We don’t want to. Listen, just make it easy on us, alright?” The man glanced behind him at the guards and leaned in to Ha’zi and Iver. He was within their grasp. Either man could touch him.

“Listen, I’m not happy about this either. I don’t like it. I’m forced to do it. I apologize on behalf of my friends for everything that has transpired today. I know you lost people. I did as well. Just follow along and everything will be fine, okay? I have a plan.”

A voice called out from the back. Two men approached. One was tall and fair with dark brown hair, the other had a light blonde military-cut and had burn marks on his face. Ha’zi recognized them. They had seen them in the camp. They were the Gondorians. Ha’zi had seen them speaking with Dimitri and witnessed Miriel in conversation with the couple. Iver remembered only one. The blonde one. It was that boy. He remembered him from the Palace at Dale. The Armoured Shifter.

“Oi, Tytus. They’re getting hammered out there by some fucking God or something. I don’t know what’s going down but shit’s hit the fan. They need us now. So, hurry it up!” The dark-haired one said. He was the handsomest of them all and made both Ha’zi and Iver feel insecure. The blonde one with the beard remained silent, staring at Iver. He took a step forward but stopped in his tracks.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user]


The battle raged on, Tulkas smashing through dozens of Maiar, Dimitri knocking out the unlucky hopeless sod or the stupidly brave lunatic.

A water spirit appeared and doused him in the rain, creating a ball of water around Dimitri, choking him.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user]
Arandil once seeing the stream began to try to fill up his bottles. He carried a bag with him filled with more bottles. He filled all the bottles he had and headed back. He feared that the chaos outside would frighten his companions even more. So he rushed back to the cave's opening.