Cardiloc saw the main fight was occurring in the distance, nearby a large black fortress which was in a vale, hidden by hills.
Nearby, however, there was the scarlet drake from before as well as the corpse of the jade drake. Three men were fighting and one was running from the scarlet drake.
The beast’s flames spewed forth towards Turin and he banked right again, going in a semi-circle.
Elladan tried to dodge both attacks but slipped and fell, the warhammer missed his head but came down on his foot, breaking it with a sickening crack. Elladan suppressed a cry.
”Pyrus, stop!” Eonwe instructed him. The voice came from directly behind Pyrus. He was in a situation where he could either finish off the elf or turn to meet his rival. Either choice could result in his subsequent death.
[user avatar="" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user] [user avatar="" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user]
”I’ll show you this!” The man yelled in retort and his body started to burn, his clothes, lighting with a strange flame. He screamed inaudibly and the recruit jumped back from the man. Arandil felt extreme warmth spread over him and his body begin to burn...
Ahead of Daugo, the Hobbit saw one man on the floor resonating with flames, the same type that Andreth had. The same ability he had. The other men around him seemed to have been Gondorians and there were a couple gathering on the horses. The man on the floor was screaming and his body seemed on the brink of exploding...
[user avatar="" name="Yiannis123"]18199471[/user] [user avatar="" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user]
The male Maia continued to press down on Iver, making it even more uncomfortable for him.
The female reached her hand into the box and grabbed Ha’zi, pulling him out and throwing him next to Iver. She did not attempt to restrain him.
In front of Ha’zi was a very young girl. She had light brown eyes and wild, curly brown hair. She looked at Ha’zi almost quizzically.
“Hello.” She said.
“No, time for chit-chat. Do it when I give the order.” The female grabbed Ha’zi by the neck, pulled him up, pushed him forward, and lead him up and over the hill. Ha’zi couldn’t do much but follow whilst Iver was left behind. He, did, however, catch a glimpse of the black fortress in the background, sitting nearby a river.
[user avatar="" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user] [user avatar="" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user]
Tulkas turned around and with one punch in the direction, not even touching the Water Spirit, just aiming his fist in its general direction. Dimitri had a split-second to react before a torrent of gales pushed forth towards the Water Spirit and the Dwarf Giant.
“It’s too late for me,” Azura muttered, slowly backing away but realizing it was futile when Zaro placed the Maiar-blade to her neck.
“I yield but promise that-“
In the midst of the battle, the Armoured Giant appeared at the top of the hill. It’s mouth opened and steam blew out before closing shut. On its shoulder were three figures: two men and a boy. Staring down upon the battlefield.
Equas glanced at Tytus and Evenis.
“Time to regulate on a bitch,” he laughed and leaped off Berethor’s shoulder.
Each of them jumped in a different direction, a blast of steam and explosion of heat rocking the world.
The Screaming, Serpent and Mimic Giants materialized around the Armoured and began to attack the battlefield. The Serpent and Armoured charging whilst the Mimic cloned itself into three additional Giants, surrounding the Screaming who began to open its wide mouth.
Sigeric felt a blade slice through his back-armor around his neck. A knife pierced his skin, digging one centimeter in. The Dalishman heard a voice speak.
“Yield.” It was another Maia.
[user avatar="" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user] [user avatar="" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user] [user avatar="" name="_PigGuardian_"]13873166[/user]