Gothmog’s eyes flared, not wanting to take orders from that swine but the situation was dire and he complied.
”FIGHT YOU MAGGOTS! PROTECT THE LORD!” He shouted at his brothers, urging them now. The axe-wielder was hit by a whip then struck down by a flaming sword from Gothmog. Most of the Champions had been felled, however, some like Stadus had managed to cut through. One of the Balrogs, the blue flames Be’Lakor had been slaughtered due to it falling for a trap and being surrounded since it was oh so over confident in its own self.
Down at the bottom of the crater, lay the body of Morgoth, no, not Morgoth, Melkor. His true form left vulnerable. He was motionless, eyes shut, hands and legs spread. Blood seeped from his mouth, temple, cheek, eye and nearly every limb and sectional area of his form had been wounded. Bones broken. Dreams shattered. His fëa was but a flickering flame in the wind.
[user avatar="" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user]
Mirecyla could not break the shard, she dented it slightly but that was all. Eventually she dropped it. There was no sign of the dragonman but she caught sight of Berethor’s Armoured Giant, decaying. He had not appeared from the nape. Was he dead?
Sigeric found Grimnir in the shard. He was smiling, laughing and giving him the finger all at the same time. His crystal shard was the same make as Sigeric’s. So...this was another power of the Destroyer Giant. It could crystallize itself from harm.
Miriel heard Sigeric, glanced towards Mirecyla, shrugged and spoke, ”Truce.”
A fireball smashed into her hand, she dropped the man, Niel. Her eyes glowered as she turned around, ”Who the fuck?” She paused, their eyes had met.
Niel fell but stopped in mid-air.
He was dangling in mid-air! Could he fly?!
“Mir-Miriel-“ Niel stuttered as he slowly started to levitate towards the castle, unable to move, “Miriel! Help!”
The Savage Giant had been too distracted with Ha’zi. She broke eye contact and turned, ”Niel?”
The man floated backwards, his arms and legs trapped in place.
Beneath Sigeric, the shard containing Grimnir also began to move, rising up off the ground and into the air.
Ha’zi saw past the Savage Giant’s head, there was someone, a figure standing upon the walls of the fortress, their hand extended towards Niel.
[user avatar="" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user] [user avatar="" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user] [user avatar="" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user]
Thoruk transformed on the battlefield, using the last of his energy reserves. He saw ahead of him, two Giants. The Savage which had attacked Ha’zi in the beginning and the Executioner that had fought Sigeric.
[user avatar="" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user]