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Daugo glanced at Marco's delirium with profound grief. He had loved him like a brother; it was not fair at all that he should die because of the events that had transpired. And yet...

And yet, he felt a pang of pity and guilt when he thought about Joplin. Of course, if push came to shove, he himself would be willing to sacrifice his life to save Marco's; but it was not fair. None of this was.

His musings turned to alarm as he saw the tension escalate between the Gondorians and the Karoltai. "Whoa, let's all calm down a little," he said, speaking up. "This has probably been one of the worst days in all of our lives, but we simply cannot afford to turn on one another." He turned towards Magath and the Scoutmaster, disappointed that Iver had flown off when his persuasion skills were most needed. He could handle himself as well as the Dalishman, but it'd have been good to have some support. "Look, being a Giant-shifter is a dangerous business. You may have healing powers and ridiculous battle advantages, but all this is canceled by the fact that half the world wants you dead. Quite sensibly, you did not send King Aragorn to this battle, out of concern for his safety. His years of battle are at their end, for it is his task and his alone to rule.

"In much the same way, the best fighters in Gondor are either high-ranking officers that serve better as leaders than as meat-shields, or obscure rank-and-file soldiers that would be painfully hard to find. What you need is someone unimportant, someone expendable that also has experience with the Karoltai. Marco is this person. He's a great fighter, and is probably the one man that has the best knowledge of us besides us Karoltai. We also have team dynamics going on already; to give the power to someone unknown to us would require us to rework our cohesion once more. It needs to be Marco," he said earnestly.


"Where is Melkor?" he said wearily. "And... Where am I, for that matter?"
"I think id be able to take all of you." She would say as Miriel came to a stop. "Twn people can rest in my claws, even lay down and regain energy, then I could keep the mouth open and people could sit there while everyone else holds onto a spike. But if we really need to then sure I'll let ya down, any objections?"
Card nodded at Daugos words. “The halfling speaks right, choose Marco. But we must not tarry on the decision too long.”
Sigeric spoke up, addressing the Gondorians. "Daugo is correct. In any case, we have limited time before this man regains his strength. You know as well as I what will happen then. Would you like to see the events in Udun repeat themselves, Scoutmaster?" Sigeric stared the man down with cold, scrutinizing eyes. "As for our evidence: We already have it. Hundreds marched into Mordor, and yet we are all who remain."
”No.” It wasn’t the Scoutmaster speaking but Magath. “If we are to deliver this power to someone it should be the scores of injured soldiers that survived this bastard’s wrath. It’s only justice for one of them to receive his power.”

Celeborn unhorsed, so too did Harros and Karstir. Glorfindel’s hand slowly found its way to his dagger hilt.

“The fact that many of us died on this expedition is evidence to the King and the upper echelons of the nobility as well as the military. But it is hearsay to the common folk and especially to the leaders of foreign nations as well as their general masses.” Magath continued, addressing Sigeric. “We need solid undeniable proof.”

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/UnusualBrit/74.png" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user]


”Let me down and I’ll transform,” Equas nodded to Mirecyla.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user]


”You’re in the infirmary dock, Master.” Aranel spoke sweetly, “Lord Melkor is in the throne hall. He has been awaiting you ever since the battle.”
“He can transform at any time and cause catastrophic damage, better get this done with quickly. And I’m afraid we must insist,” Card shook his head bitterly.
Mirecyla would grab ahold on him, making sure not to squeeze to hard or crush him before setting him on the ground. "Hey Miriel, Berethor do you know where we're at?"
Miriel had already fallen asleep in Evenis' arms.

"I think we're in someplace called the Brown Lands. I'm not sure." Berethor chimed in.
"Let's keep going until we find a forest." Tytus said.

Meanwhile, Equas transformed into his usual ten meter Mimic. Then he split into five other ten meters and went about picking Miriel's party up. He nodded to Mirecyla when they were done and ready to continue.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user]


"Then we'll kill him now and give his health to the most wounded Gondorian Soldier." The Scoutmaster said, unsheathing his own knife and bringing it to Joplin's throat.

"Halt." Celeborn commanded him. "With Crandil dead, I am the senior authority on this expedition. Therefore, making me the acting commander. There is no point giving this power to someone who is injured when that man," he pointed at Marco with his only hand, "Is dying. Give him the power of this monster and save his life. He will be indebted to Gondor and serve it well. I know for a fact that he is a descendant of Numenor, like you."

The Scoutmaster paused then yelled at the soldiers surrounding him, "The elf is with the enemy. Do not believe him. He wishes to strip us of our only bargaining chip. Do not let our evidence be given in vain to a dying man. Who knows if he'll even live!"

Four of the twenty Gondorians unsheathed their swords and two of them knocked arrows, pointing them at Cardiloc, Thoruk and Celeborn. In response to this, Harros' bow flew out into his hands, an arrow already knocked whilst Karstir unsheathed her sword. Glorfindel's frown deepened further as he pulled out his dagger.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/UnusualBrit/74.png" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user]
If he had a weapon Cardiloc would also pull his out, addressing the scoutmaster "How dare you be so selfish. Marco has been through worse than hell than ANY of your soldiers and is worth twice as much as them. Lord Celebron is right and because he is the next highest commander you are inclined to listen to his orders. Or are you going to commit treason? Has Gondor fallen so low that they can't even see reason?, to the point where they can't even see that we are allies and not enemies?"He would spit out the last part, staring down the Scoutmaster
"The Brown Lands, what an odd name." Mirecyla would say, motioning for Equas to follow her as she started to run again, not going so fast though that he couldn't keep up. "Who names a place the Brown Lands? Is it some big toilet where trolls and other beasts come shit?"
"Thank you, Celeborn. Someone here is actually thinking for once." Ha'zi says, giving a clear insult to the Gondorians. Then, to his dismay, the soldiers actually began to threaten them. "You guys are absolute idiots. You Gondorians already lost so many back in Mordor, and now you want to start some conflict over something so trivial? What the hell? If you assholes are so selfish enough to not care about Marco and put your king, who would indeed become a target, by the way, as the new giant, then I'll just give my friend my powers to let him live." [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Captain_Aasim/74.png" name="Captain_Aasim"]12253360[/user]
"Then do it, kid!" The Scoutmaster yelled at Ha'zi, in his anger, kicking Joplin again in the groin.

"Scoutmaster," Magath said, cooly, "You are hereby court martialed. Soldiers, lower your arms. Celeborn has given ruling. His judgement will be discussed later. I understand that we've lost heavily today in a way that only rivals the Siege of Minas Tirith or the Loss of our Fleet at Pelargir. But that does not excuse us to act like barbarian Dunlendings." He insulted Cardiloc's race in front of the boy, oblivious to him.

The Scoutmaster grabbed Joplin and shoved a knife into his throat, "Fuck all of you. I'll take this power for myse-" someone struck him down with their sword hilt.

"Sir..." The Gondorian soldier who knocked out the Scoutmaster said, untying Joplin and handing him to Celeborn.

The rest of the men tied up the Scoutmaster in ropes and hauled him onto a horse.

"Get it over with," Celeborn threw the dying Joplin at Ha'zi, not even bothering to look at the boy.

"Monsters." Glorfindel whispered to himself and shook his head. All of them were monsters.


"More like you rubbed your face in it." Berethor said, smiling. A couple of them laughed.

"I don't get it," Raddis said.

All of Equas Mimics face-palmed in unison.

It would be hours before they finally traveled around the marshes and made it to a couple mountains in the distance.
Ha'zi glared at the Scoutmaster and briefly nodded to Celeborn. He asks for someone to pull Marco closer and demands for everyone else to back away from this process. Closing his eyes, Ha'zi imagines a bolt of electricity coming out quickly and striking through Joplin as the Haradrim boy does a kick towards the shifter, feeling little remorse for the monstrous man.
"The Elf is with the enemy?! You clearly have not been paying a modicum of attention, you tactless imbecile. Did you not spend any time on the front lines?" Sigeric riposted, not breaking eye contact with the scoutmaster as the Gondorians drew their weapons. As the man was knocked unconscious by his far more intelligent subordinate, Sigeric turned back towards the others. He wondered how the Leviathan Shifter felt, hearing them speak so nonchalantly of his impending demise. What they were about to do was far from morally sound, though it was obvious that there was no other choice. This Shifter could not be trusted to not transform the moment he regained his energy. At least now, he could be at rest, after spending millennia in the service of Morgoth.
Joplin screamed as the Scoutmaster plunged a knife into his throat. It became a terrible gargle as he choked on his own blood. He wanted to die. He truly did. But not like this. The light faded in his eyes before a strange sensation, a stinging tingle struck him and his body spasmed, surging this way and that as darkness enveloped him.

Joplin's body crackled to a halt and he went still. Suddenly Marco's feet began to steam. Something under his tunic began to burn and a hole appeared as a black mark seared itself into his skin. A fiery burn marked itself on his lower abdomen.

"My Lord," one of the elves spoke up.
"He has passed." Eönwë's voice became clear through the murk. The Maia was at the rear contingent of the column and had dismounted. Nearby him was a burnt body.

Celeborn turned around and walked over to it. He crouched next to Elladan's corpse and closed the elf's blue eyes with one slow flick. Celeborn's own eyes shut and a stream of tears erupted from them.

Glorfindel put away his dagger and ran to his friend, embracing him.
"You should not have to endure this alone," The elf spoke in Quenyan.

"He was my grandson. Both him and his brother died because of me. I led them into this nightmarish hell. All these deaths, they are on my hands. I am Death, Glorfindel." Celeborn replied in their language, as he wiped away his tears, "I must make their sacrifices count for something. I will not let our fallen kinsmen die in vain."
Looking at everything these barbarians were doing Thoruk decided to not throw himself into a conversation... or rather a pretty bad peasant fight between some complete non brainers who follow a guy that's not even capable to see the truth and shifters that were seemingly exhausted and pretty damn angry. Yet it was entertaining till the scoutfack stabbed the shifter and the elf decided to throw him over to them. "Marco is ok?" Thoruk thinks as he stares at his friends body, as his feet start to move weirdly.
"He should be." Ha'zi says, giving a disgusted look at the Scoutmaster. "The shifter is dead... a pretty violent passing instead of the swift end I was going for." He sighed, feeling some form of pity for Joplin. "Obviously most of you will detest this greatly, but I want to give this man some form of proper burial, if you don't mind." [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Captain_Aasim/74.png" name="Captain_Aasim"]12253360[/user]
Cardiloc would put his spear away, if he had one that is, glaring at Magath for a second he would turn his body to face Lord Celebron, noticing him crying for the fallen elf. "I'm truly sorry for your loss Lord Celebron, if only we had gotten there before Pyrus felt the death blow. Hopefully he's dead by now." He would give an approving nod to Eonwë
"At least I have some form on uniqueness" She would counter, shaking her head at Raddis and chuckling. Son however shitland turned into marshes and up ahead were mountains, tall and menecing. "Hey Tytus, I think we should camp at the base of the mountains, that way all of us can regain our energy and multiple Giants can carry the loads."
"I'll help you, Ha'zi," said Daugo in a quiet voice. "Just a second," he added, before walking over to Celeborn. His frown deepened. "There are no words, Master Celeborn. He deserved so much better," he said sorrowfully. "I hope he is more at peace now than any of us shall be for a long time."


"How long was I indisposed?" he asked, shifting out of his bed.
"Thanks Daugo.." Ha'zi muttered. He'd planned to just use his borrowed powers, but the Southron did need a break from it. A worrisome thought came to Ha'zi as he saw the hobbit walked over to Celeborn and gave his grievances. What would happen when the elf eventually tells him the ghastly things the Haradrim did to the soldiers and Celeborn himself? How will Daugo react to this? He probably wanted to talk to Ha'zi already about Miriel, and yet his eventual talk with the hobbit about the rampage digged at the boy more. Hopefully it wouldn't occur too soon. Ha'zi continues to keep his thoughts to himself as he waits for Daugo. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Captain_Aasim/74.png" name="Captain_Aasim"]12253360[/user]
Arandil watching began to grow even more heatred for the Scoutmaster.
"We've lost a lot cunt," he said while unsheathing his sword and grabbing his shield."You want us to lose whatever we have left? Stand down, give the man the power, King Aragorn would do the same, it almost feels like you've never met him and are just thinking he is some sort of cunt ass steward like Denethor that wants to hoard the power." He said with anger. He began to get in between everyone.
"If you dare fucking betray these lads, and let him die, whatever men we have left will die, you will die, the captain will die, I will die, all of us will die, for your petty and stupid decision."