"Fine thing ya know.. but i was actually the only one who didn't want to give his blood back then. the others just took my blood when I wasn't looking for a short moment. I mean you can trust my word or not, but I'm not the cause of this since I didn't agree on giving my blood to open this gate..." Thoruk would say, leaning back, making a slight grin before turning into a stone-cold face again. "About the whole captured your family thing ya telling there. My father has gone missing and the guards of our homecity were found knocked out. And to be honest, I don't trust anybody at this point. Not you, neither the gondorians and not even the other shifters. The only 2 persons I trust to a slight degree are the two lads that're here with me, ya know? So if ya wanna tell me anything about who's fault it was, do as you please. How ever the outcome of this will be, I'll be going north next, preparing my kin for the upcoming battle and find my father. I might be the only dwarf with the abilities of a shifter, but none should say dwarves would hide in their holes like cowards, we will fight against Morgoth, if needed to the last, I don't know what you consider doing if not joining us, but let's be realistic lad, your best chances to survive all of this is joining us and defeating Morgoth. He will crush your families after he's done with us and you know that as good as me. So decide wisely lad, die as heroes or die as cowards." Thoruk would say looking at him.