[Time Bubble]
"O-oh... I'm sorry for him..." she'd mutter as she realised that their fates were quite similar, no one had cared about them...
"Y-yes that's true, I realy had no clue why everyone else was frozen... this realy was strange, b-but how'd you not be frozen?" she'd ask Dimitri curious of how he would explain that,he couldn't certainly be Telimekhtars sister aswell, could he?
"Fight l-like him?" she'd blush upon hearing Dimitris words. "I-I am sorry, but this isn't true. I have to much fear in my heart to ever fight like a real warrior... if it ever came to a battle to the death I-I... I would probably run away..." she'd say, knowing fully well that Telimekhtar was a great fighter... such strength and honor... but she herself? She allways relied on others or ran away from her problems... no she wasn't like him.
"Valar? One punch? My f-" she was a bit confused but yet she understood most of it after thinking twice.
"S-so they are basically gods a-and your friend was one of their sons? I-isn't this a bit crazy? I mean, how could a god get a child... wouldn't we all be his children? If he created us that is..." Tamara would state, still a bit dazzled by the fact she should be a daughter of a god....
"I-i mean you're right... I was always faster than the others and-and I don't know how I won against the warriors of gondor back then when training... but- a daughter of a god?" she couldn't realy believe him, yet who could blame her, she grew up in gondor without anyone and now she should trust the words of two people she didn't even know for a year?
"I-I y-you honor me, but please... everyone always tries to protect me... and you see what happend to your friend, I don't want more people to die for me.." she'd mumble, a tear tumbling down her cheek.
She wasn't believing him at one point... yet he believed him in all the other ones, starring at him "A-a daughter of a god?" she'd ask him once more...
As they went back towards Minas tirith and entered the barracks they were allowed to stay in she had a lot to think and almost ate nothing at first before the others brought her food and she basically had to eat,due to respect for the others...
The night went over quite fast and besides a few dream-sequences about what she had discussed with this warrior... Dimitri, nothing special occured and she slept well till the next sunrise.
"So... today is the day huh?"she'd ask no one in particular, leaving the barracks early to get a gorgeous look of the sunrise, standing above the main gate, enjoying the what seemed to be, last quiet day she would witness as she saw warriors after warriors pass the main gate she'd hurry not to get to late before giving a last praise of hope towards the sun. "Tulkas... huh? she'd ask. "This might sound weird... but lean me your strength... 'father'." she'd say, with a short kneeling sequence before rushing down the stairs and onto her horse, greeting the other Karoltai.
As they rode of to the pelenor fields she had lots to stare upon as thousands, no tens of thousands warriors were all over the place.
Knights, archers, pikemen, cavalry, but... not only men.. dwarves, elves, haradrim... they were all here,all united in this one place... she felt like she witnessed the greatest army in history as she looked through their ranks, too many to count, golden armours, strong warriors, ready to give their lives for a greater purpose... but she? She still hadn't realised why they were here or what would be going onin the upcoming days...
The fields bloomed with life, even more things happening as they went on and on through the thousands of caravans, inns and... whatever those half-naked women were.
Tamara would spend the free time they were given till nightfall together with Sigeric as she wasn't supposed to be getting Taura as an apprentice, although she would've realy loved it... but it was a great evening nonetheless, they went into the circus where she even got a glance at a small, well-big? small? A elefant of some sorts who seemed so cute she couldn't hold back from letting out a long "Awwww."
They ate well, whatever these things were, she had no clue,but they tasted good enaugh for her to eat them anyway, weird food but food nonetheless.
Then... later this evening they all met up again with a knight telling them to follow them to the big stage where they were a few hours earlier... "W-we don't have to talk, right?"she'd ask in curiosity, not realy hyped to speek, nor stand infront of such a huge crowd as they passed countless noble man, chieftains of the dwarves and even some warrior in a gorgeous golden armour which made Tamara jealous as she looked at her own clothes before sitting down and waiting for the so called 'festival' to begin.