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Ha'zi dashed along, ecstatic and carefree, soaked with excitement. What was she showing her? The mumakil? It was remarkable for her to be this happy over the display, but whatever- she was still a kid. So, the Haradrim bounced away behind, blind to the questionable route they were taking.

It came at tremendous surprise to him, then, when he was led into a room and before him: her. Miriel. The traitor. The former love of his life. The bearer of his children. The warmonger.

"Oh, you."
And again his message did not send. He received no mental feedback and once more was unsure if anyone had heard him. They had to have? Right? Maybe they weren't saying anything because nothing was amiss. He's just worrying too much. He prepared long enough for this and it was just jitters. He needed to calm down and not over-exert himself so he would be stable for the festival.

Aragorn was counting on him after all.


"Bet," Brego huffed back at Dimitri but nevertheless placed his feet solidly on the ground.

"Shh it's starting!" Taura hushed Brego and hampered down as a number of torchlights were lit over the stage. The curtains began to ruffle indicating figures behind them. It was beginning...


On the stage, Aragorn cleared his mind. He went through the events leading up to this moment. The preparations...the precautions...the deal. It was all in place. Everything. His entire life had been leading up to this moment. The curtains began to draw back...


"Uhm..." Ela felt the tension in the room as she took a place beside Miriel. "Hmm...I thought you said he'd be surprised. That you'd been gone for so long since your trip north? Right, Aunty Miriel?"

"Yes. Once again, thank you Ela for making this meeting happen. There's just a lot of catching up we have to do. In fact, it's hard to figure out where to begin." Miriel looked up at him, "You should sit. We have a lot of talking to do." And when he stood there, frozen in place, she raised her right hand to the ceiling.

"The commencement is about to start. Here's a good place to hear it from even though this building is behind the stage, lots of residents are staring out their windows in anticipation for the commotion on stage. Lots of families. Just above us." Blood dripped into her lap, staining her dirty overalls.

"Huh? Aunty, did you hurt yourself?" Ela asked staring at the cut with worry.

"Mhm. It's only a scratch." She looked at the man across from her. "Ha'zi."

"Sit down."

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Sigeric would take a deep breath and stop trying all together, they knew there duty and he knew his so he’d stop trying all together, going to look for Aragorn to begin his speech and give the signal
Like a high gnat, Ha'zi's eyes shot back and forth in quick procession: Ela. The cut. Miriel.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shitty shit shit.

"I- um, ok. Er... well, Ela, it's just that I haven't seen... Aunty Miriel... in so long, heh, um." Once he took a gulp, had a light soiling of undergarments, and had another flick of his vision between the two, Ha'zi approached the chair, a smile plastered on his face.

He sat down- an awkward motion, nearly knocking himself and the feable object over in the process- then crossed one leg over the other, placing his trembling, clenched hands on the upper.

"S-so... how's the ki- the, um, uh, the kind of life up north... erm... Miriel?"
"Ugh," Colonel Eadwyn grunted. "Why do we have to sit so close to the stage. It's far too loud."

"It's an honor. Look Prince Faramir is there and so too are the sons of Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth. Also Lord Blackroot and General Faras." Lord Romestamor said somewhat cheerfully.

"Yeah, but where's Belzagar and Balkazir?" The colonel inquired.

"I heard Belzagar had some business this morning and Balkazir was running the defense of Harlond. It's best neither are here to ruin our fun. Now let us take our stations."


"Any disturbances yet?" Vardamir asked overlooking the situation.

"No reports," Helvion confirmed.

"Tell them to inform us of everything even the smallest detail." He stared through a magnifying binocular at the stage.

"Noted, sir."


Brego tried and failed to ignore the knife sitting precariously in Dimitri's lap until his head turned with an announcement.

"Giants of Gondor!" A soldier called to Dimitri, Daugo, and Tamara. "Captain Vardamir has summoned you."

Aragorn shut his eyes and remembered the conversations of the past week. The talk with Sigeric on the inheritance of the Guardian Giant, the discussion with Belzagar, the gathering of all his friends and allies and even his enemies...the parties and galas of the past year. All of it for this moment. Traveling from north to south, west to east. Meeting King Thrak, Prince Luincrist, the Loke-Khan, Princess Nimrophel, King Thranduil, Baron Alucard, Cirdan the Shipwright, Samwise Gamgee, and so on. The stress...his wife...Eldarion...

He quickly wiped his forehead as the curtains slowly pulled back.

"It's beginning your Grace." One of the actress' called out to him.

"Yes, thank you, Mina." He smiled and put on his most charismatic face as drums began to beat and trumpets sounded loud.


The curtains began to pull back but Sigeric's line of vision was obscured. He couldn't do much but rely on the audio cues and the rangers at the top of the buildings between his field.


"Has she returned yet?" Lady Eldrith asked glancing at one of the maids nearby who merely shook her head. "Ah that Ela. Always running off. How rude." They sat three rows behind the Karoltai and their inheritors. "Ah it's beginning! How marvelous!"


"Tiring. You know." She intoned. "Kinda miss it but I do enjoy the warmth down here."

"Uh. Uncle Ha'zi you're shaking. Are you okay?" Ela asked.

"Yes, Ha'zi. Is everything alright?" Miriel's repeated, her eyes staring daggers into his.

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Soon, soon the world would know the threat that was at hand, what the world truly was. The enemies the Void created with Manwe and Morgoth, everything the world has known will change this day. He shuffled his feet and decided to do some stretching to loosen himself up waiting on the speech to begin and for the signal
"Oth- of course, I'm good. I'm fine. Everything's good. Dandy. H-how about you, M-Miriel?" Ha'zi asked, petrified.
"Peachy." She stooped forward slightly. "I'm surprised you haven't asked me anything of substance yet," She heard the trumpets. "But then again it was always like you to let me take charge." She blinked lightly, her face showing no emotion in it.

"It's been awhile Ha'zi. And although we have our differences...I have missed you. Even with all that's been said and done. It would have been nice for you to have come and visited. Instead of sending your...friends after us. It would've been easier for you to see why I was busy for so long rather than for me to have to come here and explain it to you. Iver did visit. He tried to hurt someone dear to me, and dear to you too," She let that remark pass, "He brought the dwarf and another one, Arandil, I know he's a mutual friend of ours. I paid him and Marco a visit."

"Marco?" Ela asked at the mention of Lady Eldrith's son.

"Mhm. He's not too well. Don't worry. I've been taking good care of him. You'll get to see him today."

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user]
"I'm... sorry. Got busy: Work. Training. Testing. You know, Ranger stuff. Preparing to save lives and all that. The usual. I would've... loved... to visit- really, I truly did. But, uh, I was restricted by my job."

Ha'zi's eyes bulged at this new information. "Friends? Don't know what you speak of. Why would they go all the way north to visit some.. eh... noble's daughter? And I-Iver was there? With Thoruk and Arandil... a-and Marco?" His breath picked up. "M-marco... that guy... him. You say he's not too well... yet he's here? Shouldn't he be, um, healing then?"

While he sputtered nonsense, Ha'zi was meanwhile freaking the fuck out inwardly: Marco was here. The Leviathan was here, at Minas Tirith. Minas Tirith. Where millions of people were gathered at once... Shit. Kablamo. This was his vision, wasn't it? He was the figure. He was going to shift. Shit. S-h-i-t. That is what they were in now. DEEP.

Frantic, he tried to use the meager number of remaining smarts he had to inform Sigeric of the massacre-in-waiting: "Leviathan. Miriel. Here. NOW."
[Time Bubble]
"O-oh... I'm sorry for him..." she'd mutter as she realised that their fates were quite similar, no one had cared about them...

"Y-yes that's true, I realy had no clue why everyone else was frozen... this realy was strange, b-but how'd you not be frozen?" she'd ask Dimitri curious of how he would explain that,he couldn't certainly be Telimekhtars sister aswell, could he?

"Fight l-like him?" she'd blush upon hearing Dimitris words. "I-I am sorry, but this isn't true. I have to much fear in my heart to ever fight like a real warrior... if it ever came to a battle to the death I-I... I would probably run away..." she'd say, knowing fully well that Telimekhtar was a great fighter... such strength and honor... but she herself? She allways relied on others or ran away from her problems... no she wasn't like him.

"Valar? One punch? My f-" she was a bit confused but yet she understood most of it after thinking twice.

"S-so they are basically gods a-and your friend was one of their sons? I-isn't this a bit crazy? I mean, how could a god get a child... wouldn't we all be his children? If he created us that is..." Tamara would state, still a bit dazzled by the fact she should be a daughter of a god....

"I-i mean you're right... I was always faster than the others and-and I don't know how I won against the warriors of gondor back then when training... but- a daughter of a god?" she couldn't realy believe him, yet who could blame her, she grew up in gondor without anyone and now she should trust the words of two people she didn't even know for a year?

"I-I y-you honor me, but please... everyone always tries to protect me... and you see what happend to your friend, I don't want more people to die for me.." she'd mumble, a tear tumbling down her cheek.

She wasn't believing him at one point... yet he believed him in all the other ones, starring at him "A-a daughter of a god?" she'd ask him once more...



As they went back towards Minas tirith and entered the barracks they were allowed to stay in she had a lot to think and almost ate nothing at first before the others brought her food and she basically had to eat,due to respect for the others...

The night went over quite fast and besides a few dream-sequences about what she had discussed with this warrior... Dimitri, nothing special occured and she slept well till the next sunrise.

"So... today is the day huh?"she'd ask no one in particular, leaving the barracks early to get a gorgeous look of the sunrise, standing above the main gate, enjoying the what seemed to be, last quiet day she would witness as she saw warriors after warriors pass the main gate she'd hurry not to get to late before giving a last praise of hope towards the sun. "Tulkas... huh? she'd ask. "This might sound weird... but lean me your strength... 'father'." she'd say, with a short kneeling sequence before rushing down the stairs and onto her horse, greeting the other Karoltai.

As they rode of to the pelenor fields she had lots to stare upon as thousands, no tens of thousands warriors were all over the place.

Knights, archers, pikemen, cavalry, but... not only men.. dwarves, elves, haradrim... they were all here,all united in this one place... she felt like she witnessed the greatest army in history as she looked through their ranks, too many to count, golden armours, strong warriors, ready to give their lives for a greater purpose... but she? She still hadn't realised why they were here or what would be going onin the upcoming days...

The fields bloomed with life, even more things happening as they went on and on through the thousands of caravans, inns and... whatever those half-naked women were.

Tamara would spend the free time they were given till nightfall together with Sigeric as she wasn't supposed to be getting Taura as an apprentice, although she would've realy loved it... but it was a great evening nonetheless, they went into the circus where she even got a glance at a small, well-big? small? A elefant of some sorts who seemed so cute she couldn't hold back from letting out a long "Awwww."

They ate well, whatever these things were, she had no clue,but they tasted good enaugh for her to eat them anyway, weird food but food nonetheless.

Then... later this evening they all met up again with a knight telling them to follow them to the big stage where they were a few hours earlier... "W-we don't have to talk, right?"she'd ask in curiosity, not realy hyped to speek, nor stand infront of such a huge crowd as they passed countless noble man, chieftains of the dwarves and even some warrior in a gorgeous golden armour which made Tamara jealous as she looked at her own clothes before sitting down and waiting for the so called 'festival' to begin.
"What in Durins gra..." Thoruk was hit by surprise although he had checked twice if there was someone approaching and a mere second later he slid down onto the ground, loosing both his arms and feet before his body came to a halt on the ground and he looked directly at this thing.... it-it couldn't be, but it was HIM, it was this damned elf....

He'd let out a yell even gondor could hear from afar as this unbelievable pain flow through his body, or rather what was left of it and he saw as the elf pointed his blade at his father...

"Thor-.." he'd hear before yelling "DONT YOUR DARE, I SWEAR I WILL..." before he could even finish this sentence his father was cut into two pieces and Thoruk looked at it as the blood splattered all over the place...

"F-father father FATHERRRR!" he'd shout, his own pain meaning nothing to him.

"NONONONONO NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" he'd yell of the top of his lungs, tears runnings down his cheeks, more tears than he had ever imagined he could let out, looking over towards Glorfindel....

"YOUUUUUU!!!" he'd shout at the elf. "BY DURIN, IF I EVER SURVIVE THIS NOTHING WILL SAVE YOU, YOU HEAR ME?! NOOOTHIIIINNNGGGG" Thoruk would shout at the top of his lungs before Glorfindel took him and threw him onto the ground again pointing the blade at his throat..

"This damned stone... had I just never found it.. had I just waited" he would tell to himself "It brought nothing but pain upon our house as he was the last one living and not for long as it seemed...

"Rott in hell" he'd mumble towards Glorfindel... "What more could be taken from me? You've already taken my family and my honor from me, as if my life would matter at this point..." he'd say, praising one last time to his ancestors.

"I am not worthy to go into your halls 'o mighty Durin, I am a disgrace for your kin as I let an elf kill both my father and me without even fighting back... I beg you allfather, spend me another life and I shall not disapoint you again,bringing down every single one of them... from this elf to the ginger, no one shall stay in my way...Durin..." he'd think looking at Glorfindel.

"Bring it on you pointy eared whore." he'd say spatting at the elf.
''Whatever the announcement may be, I most likely have no affiliation or even know of it already. At least that is what I hope. My priority should be to head to that healing house and find my brother.'' He thought to himself. ''Thank you good sir, ill take my leave.'' He said as he departed from the bar.
W-what? What was Glorfindel doing? Cardiloc froze time, Glorfindel below was taunting Thoruk, drawing out the kill, mutilating him, was this really how he operated? He was dealing with a giant shifter for Wulf’s sake. Why hasn’t he just ended him right there decapitating Thoruk, Glorfindel was about efficiency not gloating about a kill. None of that really mattered right now, he wasn’t sure what the elf was trying to do but one of his friends was in danger, he hadn’t seen Thoruk at Gondor so perhaps he wasn’t a stuck up cunt like the rest of them, letting go of Endo momentarily,, Cardiloc swooped down and grabbed Thoruks broken body with right claw, rose up and circled around, then Cardiloc took hold of Endo with his left claw, before flying hard towards a safe area. Time unfroze, Cardiloc kept flying, he wasn’t sure what Glorfindel was doing but as far as he was concerned he needed to get Thoruk urgent medical attention, he scanned out for a clearing.


Rambo grimaced, clutching his spear. He had to be incredibly cautious, such a prestigious event would only attract attention from the King’s enemies. But the southerner would be prepared, he waited, watching thousands of foreigners from distant lands stream into the King’s royal banquet halls, even a few swarthy faces similar to his own. His kin did not matter, he had a duty to new kin, to his King and country. Gondor. So he waited silently.
The shade swung his blade to behead the Dwarf but time froze. Cardiloc maneuvered and picked him out of Glorfindel's hands then flew off. As he did so whilst time was frozen, the shade's eyes moved ever so slowly taking into account the Hybrid Giant.

Then it unfroze.

Thoruk was losing blood at an unparalleled rate, his body suffering through shock and his healing was not kicking in. The insufferable fool had used so much power over the last day that he was unable to giantize let alone regenerate. He was still conscious, though, able to watch as he bled to death slowly. Somehow he was in the air...what...?

He was too weak to even turn his head up to see what was carrying him but it had to be bad, right? Another monster taking him to his grave. Below Thoruk, something zoomed across the plains sending dust and grass flying in upheavals. A silver shadow.

"What the heck is going on Card?!" Endo lost it finally seeing the limbless dwarf torso hanging in the other talon beside him. "And what in Morgoth's name is beneath us!?!"


Cardiloc felt something enter his right arm. A short-sword had penetrated through his gryphon and managed to actually hit him. His motor capabilities began to fail, the right talon which gripped Thoruk twitching and threatening to drop the dwarf.


"Ahem! Giants of Gondor. This way!" The soldier called at the trio left seated at the front row. "Vardamir is waiting." Dimitri, Tamara and Daugo heard.

"What about us?" Taura asked quizzically.

"Giants of Gondor only."

"Hah." Brego smirked, "Go on old man." He said to Dimitri. "I'll be sure to stay right here," He gave him a sly smirk.


Arandil found the Houses of Healing and most of the upper levels to have relatively less traffic than usual. Once there he managed his way in and found out from a nurse that his brother had left. His parents had come for their last surviving son, according to the nurse, and taken him back to their homestead in southern Ithilien where he would live out his days as a cripple.


No message returned to Ha'zi. In fact, he couldn't hear anything, nor could he read Miriel's mind. For some reason, he was unable to whether this was due to the interference of so many people in his radius, or due to him being out of range or his own nervousness...he did not know. Maybe Sigeric had received it. Maybe they were sending soldiers for him right this moment...

"Mhm. Restricted. Right." Miriel murmured, "Ela, you see Ha'zi here is a very busy man. Always trying to protect Gondor. Always trying to save the world. Isn't that right?" She asked rhetorically, "Marco's fine. Not really but you only have yourself to blame for that." She changed the topic.

"And your friends...oh I don't know? Glorfindel? A dozen Gondorian soldiers? Or was it a hundred? Can't seem to remember. Ah yes. No. It was both. I mean in sequence. First, you sent the Slayer and his goons to capture Mirecyla and Endo. Then you tried to have him kill our peace-party. That didn't go so well didn't it? I mean a sword through Berethor's chest, a slit to Tytus' throat? I wonder Ha'zi. Why did you hurt my family? But hurting them wasn't enough, was it? No that wasn't enough. Then you went ahead and killed Evenis. You killed my family."

Ela began to panic. She stood up and backed away. "I-I-I think I'm-I'm gonna g-g-go now," She stammered.

"No. You're going to stay put and listen to what I have to say." Miriel kept her eyes on Ha'zi, staring him down.

"Huh?" Ela looked to Ha'zi for an answer. The Haradrim was sweating frantically at this point. Miriel's finger continued to drip blood onto her leg. At any moment she could...

"Ha'zi?" Ela asked her voice quivering.


"No one enters without word from the-" Rambo heard the chief citadel guard who stood at the top of the gate fall silent. A number of heads turned. The man's body toppled off the gate and suddenly the gate began opening on its own. The guard who was meant to be watching it was slouched back, leaning against the wall, motionless. Suddenly five figures appeared on the outside of the gate and entered.

"The enemy is upon us." The ranger heard one of the captains nearby whisper. "Do not allow them passage." He called out and the mustered forces of fifty-eight Citadel Guards stationed on the seventh level formed into two cohorts and began to approach the enemy. Behind them were two dozen Fountain Guards defending the White Tree and the passage to the King's quarters. And further back was Rambo and his rangers tasked with securing the doorway to the King's dungeon. The Haradrim ranger had a choice. Take a stand with the men of the Citadel or retreat back to his station and hold it like he was ordered to.

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Fuck he was fast, Cardiloc needed to stop him there and then. He paused time, dropped the two useless shits and dive bombed towards Glorfindel, his beak heading directly towards the elf’s breast trying to tear into it.


Rambo retreated to the dungeons with the other rangers, he had his own duty as much as those soldiers facing down the intruders.
"I swear this blood-loss and this pain, where the fack is the heal... wait?" he'd just now realise that he was in the air, some claw around him.

"Not again, what kinda mad facker is...C-Cardiloc?" he'd ask as someone next to him called out the name. "I-I knew someone with that name, don't tell me you're..." suddenly the claw allmost dropped him as something pierced through it's wing.

"Oh fack off, why always me, just go hunt someone else ye shitfackers" he'd call out, praying to Durin to give him the strength to survive this.... For his honor was taken from him and so was his family once more... he had nothing to lose but much to gain if he would survive this...and a oath he still had to fullfill...


"I-I, we don't have to go up onto the stage... do we?" she'd ask, a bit in panic. "I realy don't want to stand infront of so many people.... nononono" she'd think, standing up, yet waiting for the answer of the guard that ordered them around.
''Ithilien.. back in the homeland eh?'' He thanked the nurse and nurse and hurried off to find a horse to.. take. He wanted to head to South Ithilien as fast as possible to finally reunite with his family. But the moment he got outside the Healing House he saw that he was filthy and smelly, he couldnt go back to them like that. So before he would steal a horse, or get back to his family he would need to go get a bath. He searched for inns that would give out a bath for free.