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When I hear...I think of...

I think of trolls standing on the rock outside the main gate of Tirith and begging.
:( pls bad memori :(

[quote user_id="14628767" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]When i hear of trolls standing on the rock outside the main gate of Tirith and begging.
Im thinking on the secret enter to tirith[/quote]
When Im thinking on the secret enter to tirith, I think about the secret entrance into Tirith.
When I think about the secret entrance into Tirith, I think about sneaking in and knocking everyone off the walls.
When I hear about sneaking in and knocking everyone off the walls, I think of being knocked off a wall by a sneaky person.
When I think of being knocked off a wall by a sneaky person, I think of being a sneaky twol and rocking someone from behind.
When I hear of sniping people running along the minecart tracks, I think of riding bat minecarts over the lava.
When I hear of riding bat minecarts over the lava, I think of repeatedly failing to jump into said minecarts from the top of the bridge.
When I think of repeatedly failing to jump into said minecarts from the top of the bridge, I think of Szucs' failed attempts to kill off the noble race of twols with his evil axethrower.
((thewitchking, you missed out a loada posts. I'll start from assassiniv))

When I think of camping in the stairs and pushing the goblins to the lava, I think of assassiniv's grammar.
((thewitchking10 wut?))

When i hearassassiniv's grammar i think of gelek's jokes