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  • Here is an example of something that really needs replacing, like wtf is this on Tirith. Compared to Dale its basically a cardboard box.
    i made the base for a minas tirith if you want it. will take some time to get it to you as its on a old pc that is not set up currently.
    I don't want to make empire war look bad, but today was the worst day I've ever had on the server.

    Firstly, everyone is complaining about tim not adding mods, it gets so annoying because it just spams the chat. The reason they're annoyed is because there's constantly 3-4 hackers and a load of people speaking dutch online, random people just keep spamming *name* hacker in chat! It got so bad that at one point I even turned my chat off. This isn't one of those 'Add mod threads', to be honest I don't even know why the staff team don't like those threads, they do the server a favour.

    But it all adds up, today it wasn't an enjoyable server to be on and there's solely 1 reason behind that...no mods online. I agreed this with so many vets that it's just ridiculous. I don't understand why the staff are saying 'Don't make mod threads' when 90% of people agree with them, there's a reason why there's so many of these threads. It's because of times like today when there's 3-4 hackers on all the time, and a load of spammers etc. Today was NOT enjoyable.
    Does anyone else get annoyed when a ***** **** **** *** (I mean person) makes map suggestions of maps that haven't even been built and expects the EpicQuestz team, in it's dead form to instantly make the map. Then the fucking suggestion gets a load of support off people who say it should be added! When do map suggestions without a map submission ever even get looked at anyway? Usually tim makes EW maps out of what we build of EQ.
    You must mean the ones that get added, right?
    Yes I am going to rant! Heh.

    Random Scrublord 9000 : Omg nerf nazgul adam and miho aren't good they just using nooby class, anyone can get good killstreak with nazgul!!!!!

    Overlord Adam 6379 : Have you ever played nazgul? Everyone who's never played it before says it's super op until they've played it, then they say it needs a buff because its really bad.

    Random Scrublord 9000 : Stfu p2w noob just because your **** noob *********

    But seriously, to anyone who sees this who hasn't played nazgul before. It's NOT really easy, it's actually quite hard. It requires a lot of skill to average 100 killstreaks with it, so stop calling us noobs for playing it :3

    adam out.
    Yeah, I'm gonna have a rant about something that I know is necessary and the people who do it are doing the server a favour, but it annoys me nevertheless. I won't mention any names in this, but someone joined EW forums on 16th October (I've never seen them before) and instantly donates to Sage, then goes on the server and starts acting like 'I'm a sage donor so I'm better than you'. I just wanna say 'shut up you idiot, you've been playing on here for like a day', I know its wrong, but I dislike tho's people who join a server then donate within like the first week, there's so many more people out there who deserve donor ranks who've been playing for a year+. I know this is wrong and I doubt many people will see this the way I see it, but yeah..
    And then god said, respect others how you want to be respected...

    (No I'm not religious but I believe this fits quite well)
    Damn... has he been disowned yet?
    When you run a scan and find your computer has 259 viruses on it, fuck.
    I solved it, it's because java takes up 99.8% of my CPU, mainly because I got the 32 bit version instead of 64 bit.
    As for giveaway.....IM DOING IT NOW BETCHES!!!! YAY

    Thanks to everyone who entered, and everyone who made me rich on EW, its greatly appreciated!

    1st place, alt account - zoomerendhd! Congratulations!
    2nd place, alt account - fj333! Congratulations!
    3rd place, alt account - robwookie! Congratulations
    4th place, hero rank (Will Get Soon) - Rikumaru! Congratulations
    5th place, 20000 EW points - agencolar! Congratulations!
    6th place, 10000 EW points - K_A_N_T! Congratulations!

    Message me on enjin when you want your reward. Let me make this clear, the alts will not be changed to your email account, I will just no longer use them.
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