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  • PoisonPot 's brother made this awesome little pixel character for me :D
    mines better bitch








    I Have recently finished my game "Matrul"
    A Boss fight minigame where you face against an extremely hardcore boss which is insanely difficult to defeat, Striking you with 6+ Special abilities, 2 Semi-Bosses, 2 Special melee attacks.

    The Map Also includes a custom pack for 3d models and music and other sounds needed in the game, an "easy" mode, as well as an awesome hall of info of the game greatly built by Mithlond (The Spawn is also built by him)

    I Am going to release it on PMC and for download, but I need a trailer video for it! I Have a $500 Video editor but the problem is I have a mac mini, probably the worst computer you could use for recording, so I have insane low fps when recording :/
    So if anyone here has a computer that can record without having horrible fps(And if you have screen recording software that can record the screen and sound) I Would love it if you could help!(Send me the recording afterwards so I can edit it, I will also credit you on the credits board)

    Here is the ip for the server I have been using to dev the game and test it with people(you can join if you have a good computer to record or if you just want to try it out):

    Minecraft 1.10
    I think this kid was on a really low budget for his gaming setup...
    Still better than mine kekekekeke
    Rip xP
    Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
    Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
    To be precise, the amount of people who use incorrect grammar IN GENERAL is way to high. Honestly guys, if you're not up for the task PLEEEEAASE take your English classes. It is very hard to take someone seriously if you can barely make out what they are trying to tell you due to grammar that is not even befitting of a 4 year old.
    You should watch the "Your grammar sucks" series
    The entire time at the republican convention they almost never said the "its a fact that" and instead most of the time said "it feels like it"

    Basically they are putting what it feels like rather than it actually is
    "Americans feel like the crime rate is rising"
    "Americans feel like they aren't safe"

    Seems like they think what they believe has to be true, which proven by psychology, isn't true.
    Unusual Brit
    Unusual Brit
    They both do, but trump and alot of other republics severally use it to make people fear things like isis when they are actually really small Now other parties use it but I mean trump supporting republicans
    that way if they say something racist/sexist they can claim they didn't really mean it.
    Another way of dealing with internet trolls, Logic

    Why is he calling said person autistic. That, kind of, is a good thing. I have autism. Autism is good and bad. It has lead me to meet new people. I am a special snowflake.
    Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
    Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
    Guess you got my point now. I wasn't exactly talking about being selfish, but BENEFITTING yourself.
    Okay wtf, This server used to be blacklisted by the eula but now its up and still has ranks like /kit giving you gameplay changing items!

    And apparently EW is dying because of it but this server for some reason doesn't have to follow it
    Maybe this will jog your memory
    Maybe my browser could not open ranks up. I tried to find a list of perks they got but figured they forgot it. nvm that is op and p2w
    My Computer is over heating because my cat keeps using it as a bed x.x

    (and yes I have a mac that wasn't my choice)
    Okay I got an idea and I want to share it, it also contains politics but mostly about a concept I came up with and want to see if it has any flaws.

    When people say
    "Guns don't kill people, people do"
    That's true, but guns facilitate killing, a guy with a fully automatic machine gun with several clips could just spray on a crowd with it and take out dozens in no time.
    Now a man with a kitchen knife can kill people with it but how many more people do you think the man is going to kill before he is disarmed/shot by the police?
    Probably around 0-5 depending on your skill with the knife.
    With a machine gun probably 0-100+ depending on the gunman's skill and how many bullets they have.

    So I'm not saying we should get rid of guns or anything, We just need to make it so people can't just walk into some elementary school with a fully automatic weapon or any other area with alot of people.

    Now guns can cost hundreds of dollars, So what if we added something to all of them that only costs about $15+ more?

    What I'm thinking about is a device that is used say for tracking your keys or something, these would connect to other devices in say a nearby school or theater, and the device would alarm you if you are going close to a no-gun zone(Stadium, consert, school theater), telling you to take the gun away to be permitted to go in that area. if they go in that area ignoring the alarm, it would contact the police and the building they are going into with the gun, so they can lock down the building waiting for the police to arrive
    It could also make the gun disabled unable to fire.

    It could also contact the police if the gun is fired showing the location of that gun, so say a man is being robbed and fires at the intruder, the police can arrive to help and arrest the intruder.

    Now if you are wondering, what happens if the device is destroyed by the gun owner so the gun can't be disabled and the police won't know in time?
    The Device can constantly send the location of the gun to the police station, and if it stops sending the location it will notify the police and the police can go to the last known location of it, and if its near a no-gun zone the police can notfiy those areas.

    So, do you think this would work? why and why not?
    Any ways to improve it?
    If it doesn't work anyways to make it work?
    Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
    Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
    Ender... if you had taken the time to even read our posts, you would know that no one even so much as MENTIONED you in the context of nukes...
    Oh, you replied to my comment so i thought that, but what about the guns? It sounded like you said that I want everyone in the us to have one
    Fuck you spoiled my chance to shoot up a school
    Turns out that ISIS has only killed 1730 people in total
    That means you have approximately a 1 in 4,624,277 chance of being killed by ISIS
    Though their goal is not to kill but to spread terror and fear, so they have done obviously a very good job on scaring people, but in reality, they haven't done much.
    Changed my name to EnderMatrul

    Just putting that out there
    my last name from rp i came up with, idk i think it sounds cool
    But if Ender was the common part of your name, why leave it? ;3 (And yes it does sound kewl)
    Leave it? its apart of my name "EnderMatrul]
    Literally all of mineplex right now
    Oh and if anyone didn't get the joke, One of the admins just suddenly left and joined hypixel's admin team, so mineplex is basicly freaking out about it
    (A Bit of a rant here, so warning or whatever)
    DISCLAIMER: Please read the whole thing before you comment

    If you have been on the internet, you have probably heard this before:
    "The Kuran tells all Muslims that they are allowed(or sometimes have) to kill everyone who isn't Muslim."

    I'm going to explain why this is all just some ignorant bullshit
    1: First of all It's not even spelled Kuran its spelled "Quran" if you don't even know how to spell it, and you are making such ignorant judgments you can just get out.
    2: Where did you hear this? you probably heard it from:
    -Some friend or acquaintance
    -Searched "Quran English translated", and the book is pretty long, so I doubt you looked through the whole book for that just one thing, and a lot of them are false copies where they just edited that in.
    -From a Class on religion with an Islamophobic teacher
    3: If you actually picked up an actual legit Quran copy that isn't English translated and read it yourself then maybe you would realize what it actually says.

    So what it mentions is that the ONLY conditions you are allowed to kill are when someone is trying to kill you or a family member. In a nutshell, the only exception to it is self-defense or defense of a family member(And before you say "what about friends or just an innocent person" I'm sure you are allowed to still defend someone from a killer but just have to refrain from purposely killing them.

    I Just am tired of seeing people like this on the internet and just wanted to point it out, if you ever see someone on the internet saying that, just tell them this so people stop spitting out this bullshit.

    Sorry for the long post, Please read the full post before you comment.
    yes you are right BUT as i keep saying the book never killed anyone, the beliver does well as most of the religions in the world the islam have religion leaders (idk how translate thier name to english) wich all they do is to "interpret" the holy book (even Quran is not the right way to say it its untranslateble). well those guys are saying what ever they want so the ppl will belive in god and (how not) anything that will give them power. well as a kid that know muslims most off them are vary nice and smart but like in any group off ppls there are some violent asholes that have nothing good to do with thier life, those guys are coming to the "mosque" (again not sure in translate) and there they hear from the the local "preacher" that israel are evil and that they took over "palastin", that the american are bad ppls and that they need to die' they hear that ISIS are heroes and (in some places) that the other kind of muslims are "disbeliever" and so on. those violent asholes (again not all of them or even most) think to themself a little bit and they go to: ISIS, HISBALA, ect' they get bomb/gun and they been told to kill as many non muslims as they can. again not most off them are asholes and every group have asholes you can see it when some Europe's christians ppls are trying to join ISIS, in Asia there is north koria, in america there are the K.K.K and i can keep up forever but ill stop coz this is so long.
    Yes I know ofc, People use religon as a way to gain power, and then they use that power to take the book out of context and stuff and make mistranslations so people will follow them whilist they can make the religon of their followers seem different then how it is, Like the saudi goverment giving everyone burkas when in islam it doesnt tell you to wear one.
    finly someone that understand :D
    For a while now I have been working on a one command block creation, and everything goes at it should:
    1: Creates a big blinding flash right when the explosion starts.
    2: Sends a shockwave of explosion that does most of the damage.
    3: And creates a mushroom cloud that lasts for a while and sickens anyone in the smoke with smoke inhalation.
    4: After mushroom cloud is gone radioactive waste is left over poisoning anyone who touches it with(Poison, Nausea, Slowness, Weakness), however it becomes harmless after 3 Minecraft days(You can tell by seeing no green particles around it).

    But the only problem is the blast wave is soooo laggy, idk if its because of just because so many explosions or if it's something else(See what it looks like here:

    you can use it for yourself here but the blastwave explosion takes 20 seconds when it should last 1:
    Seems kewl, I'll try it when I next get on mc ;3
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