Dovahro kul, dovahro kul, lost vahriin naal ok meyar zahkrii,
Wah dein hokzii mahfaeraak hond!
Ahrk zokvul dostoz graan fod nust hon Aegon zaan!
Dovahro kul, fah spaan mu laanah!
Huzrah nu, kul do gol, wah himdah, lingrah vod,
Ahrk teynuv tey do kril kendaar ahrk kulaan Aegon!
Wo lost fron wah Tiidnavir Ved ahrk faal Brod do Yol,
Voth ahkrin wah vogahvon faal Vulzid!
Ahrk ok zul, rok drey wahl, nau tol gel geved frod,
Fod Arpenia lost aad!
Rahus Jurvil, kog tuz, vey zeim hokzii ahrk Ogiim,
Ol sahrot kulaan grah fah ok joriin!
Dovahro kul, dovahro kul, lost vahriin naal ok meyar zahkrii,
Wah dein hokzii mahfaeraak hond!
Ahrk zokvul dostoz graan fod nust hon Aegon zaan!
Dovahro kul, fah spaan mu laanah!
Ahrk faal Sonaan lost prodah, do vul feyal ko golro gevild,
Tol fod muz ahrk Dilfahliil gesahlo kaag amativ!
Yolhokzii, Feyn do Lein, hokzii kulaan do faal Ausul,
Voth lahvu wah gevul lein!
Nuz hun, fent alok, ahrk faal Vokun Drogro miin,
Fent kos krahus mahfaeraak ahrk ruz!
Arpenia fen kos tirahk nol vulziden feyal,
Vedyol kos saviik do muz!
Dovahro kul, dovahro kul, lost vahriin naal ok meyar zahkrii,
Wah dein hokzii mahfaeraak hond!
Ahrk zokvul dostoz graan fod nust hon Aegon zaan!
Dovahro kul, fah spaan mu laanah!
Dragon's son, dragon's son, has sworn by his own sword,
To keep demons forever away!
And the darkest fiends rout when they hear Aegon shout!
Dragon's son, for your shielding we plead!
Hearken now, sons of earth, to a land, long ago,
And the fabulous tale of the brave knight and prince Aegon!
Who was kin to House Black and the Clans of Fire,
With the courage to defy the Abyss!
And his voice, he did raise, on that smoke blackened field,
When Arpenia was invaded!
Godly Jurvil, blessed blade, cut through demons and Orcs,
As the mighty prince battled for his people!
Dragon's son, dragon's son, has sworn by his own sword,
To keep demons forever away!
And the darkest fiends rout when they hear Aegon shout!
Dragon's son, for your shielding we plead!
And the Bards have foretold, of dark hordes in earth's hold,
That when men and Dwarves weaken burst forth!
Yolhokzii, Bane of Worlds, demon prince of the Hells,
With an army to darken the world!
But a hero, shall arise, and the Shadow Lord's eyes,
Shall be cooled forever and then!
Arpenia will be safe from abyssal hordes,
Blackfyre be the savior of men!
Dragon's son, dragon's son, has sworn by his own sword,
To keep demons forever away!
And the darkest fiends rout when they hear Aegon shout!
Dragon's son, for your shielding we plead!