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  • Would you guys believe me if I am legitimately depressed?
    Cpt. Rex
    Cpt. Rex
    Frodo... if you are ever down, just pm me on enjin. I have been to hell and back, and have done and had unspeakable things. I can relate and help you out (what worked for me and what didn't).
    I know y'all are so sad that I lived. It wasn't as bad as I thought, he actually likes me! I am so happy he approves of me... Phew
    The person impersonating FrodoSwagins is FrodoSwagins
    Good bye my good friends.... I am about to be killed in a conversation by my ex's dad
    By Frodo farewell don't get killed by a psycho maniac :3
    OK, to the people who cry about Episode VII's plot is too similar to Episode IV.

    You are wrong, the entire plot of the movie was to find Luke Skywalker. in A New Hope the goal was to blow up the Death Star. In Episode VII they were more focused on finding Luke than blowing up Starkiller base. Blowing up Starkiller base wasn't the main goal of the film, like the Death Star Wars for A New Hope. In fact they didn't even mention blowing it up till like the last 20-30 minutes of the movie. So in your face Rebel Scum! HA!
    Cpt. Rex
    Cpt. Rex
    It is a cut and paste job, but a really good one.
    My life is ending tomorrow. My ex wants her dad to get to know me. I am terrified wish me the best of luck while he interrogates me.
    Maybe you should stay in a full suit of knight armor as well as holding up a riot shield :)
    That moment you find out that your ex still likes you and possibly might come back o.o YES! YES! YES! Oh yeah I still like her. And f*** off if you decide to piss on this in the comments
    School thinks I'm dumb:

    This was on a test:

    A quadrilateral is a polygon.

    A) Always
    B) Sometimes
    C) Never

    I thought it was sometimes? You know, it changes depending on the day of the week.
    That moment someone calls your Guardians of the Galaxy shirt a Star Wars shirt...
    KEK Love your cover thingy picture btw ^-^
    Out of all the music in the Star Wars: The Force Awakens soundtrack this one stole the show for me.
    (There is no spoilers its just music)
    Cpt. Rex
    Cpt. Rex
    I was a little disappointed with the track, like it could be better, but it wasnt bad either.
    So even though my girlfriend broke up with me we are still remaining good friends, I overreacted when I explained why I would've left. I don't know very many people who they still are good friends with their ex.
    Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
    Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
    Always strange hanging out with your ex... also, my friend and his ex said they would "stay friends", and in the end, they just started tossing the salad again...
    OH MY FUCK!!!!!!!!! OH MY FUCK!!!!!! WHAT THE SHIT!!!!! THE FORCE HAS FUCKING SLEPT SINCE 1999 AND NOW IT HAS FUCKING AWAKENED!!!!!! THAT MOVIE WAS AMAZING.... Though I want to say something but you all will get very pissed at me for saying it so I won't
    The soundtrack of this game is amazing! I listen to it whenever I play Minecraft
    Cpt. Rex
    Cpt. Rex
    At least listen to the soundtrack, man I can link you tomorreh
    You know what, fuck that break! I will discuss and say what happened.

    My girlfriend broke up with me and now I have nothing to fucking distract me from video games so let's fuck some shit up! Let's make all the noobs bitch and complain I do not give no jack shit if I get in trouble.
    you know what i meant. but yea making noobs complain > girl friend
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