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  • If anyone has a Xbox One with Star Wars: Battlefront and doesn't know where all the collectables are, has no one to play with (Like me xD), or is bored of their own friends feel free to add me as a friend on Xbox Live I'm D42STRIKER
    I might get it :) im on XBOX1
    How am I so hyped to play a game I already have? Like seriously I'm so hyped to play it again my hype kept me up all night it is 6 minutes till sunrise. Why must I love the game so much?!?!?!?!? xD
    I just dreamed I was playing Battlefront 3.
    Get on my level bro.
    I had a dream where a bought it on steam but then it didn't work... RIP
    The moment you realize you don't have to leave your computer in order to play your Xbox One downstairs. All thanks to Windows 10
    I'm just chilling in my room playing battlefront xD
    Ok, my girlfriend got me into playing Roblox (and I only played it 2 times) THE GAME IS A PEICE OF SHIT SLAPPED ON ANOTHER PEICE OF SHIT. The only way to get currency is to login every 24 ours and you get 10 tickets or you can pay them money to get money for shit. The camera angles are complete shit you have to click and hold and follow your character in the games in order to keep the camera directly behind your character. Let me just say the CEO/Owner/ what ever the fuck he is, is a retarded bitch who created a piece of shit game.
    roblox was the game! I played it at my friends house in 5th grade.. ahh the memories
    I might be biased in this review for Star Wars: Battlefront, but ill try to be as honest as I can.

    To start this review off, on consoles (I'm not sure on PC) while the game is downloading you can play as Darth Vader cutting down Rebels on Hoth. The idea is great, letting players play a little bit of the game. The only problem with it is that it get boring after awhile, and the Rebels don't get any difficult to defeat.

    When the game finally stops downloading you are given the chance to do a tutorial. This tutorial is a walk in the park, it tells you how to walk, jump, shoot, use your starcards, and use the powerups you pick up. You get an achievement for completing the tutorial (15 GP, or a Bronze Trophy). From there you have the option to do singleplayer or multiplayer. I do enjoy both, but there is a lack of maps. Sometimes when I play singleplayer I will be shooting a Imperial/Rebel and they will disappear, other times when they die their limbs might get stuck in the wall. Over all I like the singleplayer and find a lot of enjoyment from it. On multiplayer if you played all the singleplayer maps most of the maps will crossover to the multiplayer maps. This in my opinion lacks creativity (I find their lack of creativity... disturbing) Probable the only modes that different maps are walker assault and...... I believe that's it. Where some other people have lost interest in the modes by now because the maps are the same, I have not lost interest in the game I enjoy it.

    Now lets talk about some cosmetic stuff. Lets talk about customization, I like the customization while other people don't (Because OH NO!! You can play as a stormtrooper without a helmet! THE WORLD IS GONNA BLOW UP!!!!!!!!). I kind of have interest in the emotes even though they are kinda similar to the ones from Destiny (animation wise). The music in the game is AMAZING! It makes me feel more into the game, but I don't believe the music plays all the time throughout the maps (I don't know never payed attention). You can use all the weapons no matter what faction your on. Now the heroes, I love it when I get a hero pickup, but if I have one problem with them is that the stuff they say when you spawn them in don't sound like the actual characters from the films. I am fine with Boba Fett's and the Emperor's voices because they are well done.

    I might have been a bit biased in that review (seeming that I love the game) but there is a couple problems I'm not happy with. If you think the review was to generic and didn't go into much detail on the game, say so in the comments. I will have to give Star Wars: Battlefront a B+. Battlefront is not the best game (Neither is the other two Battlefronts so don't bitch and moan that they were SOOOOOOOOO.... much better!) Battlefront also did live up to my expectations in multiple ways but not all of them.

    *from my reply Cool down* And I'll have to look into game ranger thanks for letting me know. :p
    I went to the mid-night release and I got all I need. The Poster, The game itself (along with the season pass), and the game guide (I don't even need that so don't ask why I bought it)
    Tim doesn't need to nerf/ buff shit for us. He focuses on the what the server needs as a whole not on out personal needs. If Tim was to focus on our needs only I don't think Empire War would be the same. We would all be spoiled bitches if Tim focused on our needs alone. If Tim doesn't focus on the servers' needs as a whole there probably wouldn't be an Empire War. So the next time you bitch and complain about classes needed to be buffed or nerfed or you complain about anything really, remember Tim is the one who created those classes and he can take them away whenever he wants. So don't cry, or complain about classes or anything because Tim is most likely not focus on what you want.
    Well you kinda have a point but remember that the server is for the needs of the people who play it, so indirectly the community's needs should be addressed as well. That said all sectors of the community should be focused on fairly.
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