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  • So I am giving my thoughts on Minecraft: Story Mode

    I thought this game was gonna be stupid. I was wrong it has got to be one of my favorite RPG's since I have played Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic. It sticks to the Minecraft crafting logic, and it isn't like the actual Minecraft style of doing things, the game it is all complete animation (like those music animations people make). I have one complaint though, quicktime events I hate those.

    If I had to give it a rating I would give it a 10/10 even though there are quicktime events (which I hate) that is just personal preference.
    If you all think Empire War gets bad lag.... play walker assault on Hoth in the Star Wars: Battlefront Beta then you will know the true meaning of lag

    (Also YAY!!!!! 1,000 profile views)
    just keep talking :(
    I'm excited for Hero mode and Hero hunt
    They might make a DLC for it... (not like destiny DLC xD but like new modes and everything just for clone wars)
    I love the Star Wars: Battlefront Beta, I have it on PC and Xbox One if anyone ever wants to play with me my name on Origin is Fekesho and my gammertag on Xbox is StormerCNTI
    Wait, there's a time limit on it? Crap...
    *is told that another FrodoSwaggins is out there*

    Me: There can only be one FrodoSwagins, and he does not share power.
    Okay....I read that in Sean connery's voice.
    How is school doing for everyone? I'm at the beach with my family and I have straight A's so far (got to love homeschool)
    Holidays bruh [emogif]happiness:9[/emogif]
    I saw The Scorch Trials last night and let me say when the cranks first came I was scared as heck. The movie was good but it didn't really stick to the book. I liked it though as a movie and I would recommend it to other people, if you like being scared for 30-60 minutes of the movie
    Today's the day.... I am getting rid of Destiny, wanna know why? I don't want to spend $40 on an expansion and now I have to be level 40 (have to have The Taken King in order to) to get shit in the game... Hell I would rather play Peggle 2 magical masters edition than destiny now
    ill do that when I buy destiny after battlefront comes out I used the money for destiny when I returned it to help pay for battlefront
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