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  • I want to know what console you guys will be playing Star Wars: Battlefront on. PC (master race), PS4, or Xbox One. I will be playing it both on the PC and Xbox One
    All set with the Battlefront companion app. Got the most credits I could earn from base command. All I need to do is wait 5 days, 21 hours, 35 minutes, and 19 seconds till I can start leveling and putting those credits to use. NOTE: THE ENTIRE BATTLEFRONT COMPANION APP IS NOT RELEASED SO DONT S*** ON IF FOR HAVING ONLY 8 SEIGE LEVELS OF BASE COMMAND!
    To all the Idiots that bought there tickets al ready for Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens,

    Surprisingly I have not bought my tickets for The Force Awakens. There is an explanation to that. If you have bought tickets already, ARE YOU MAD!?!? You are gonna have to sit with a bunch of people more obsessed with Star Wars than I am (I know hard to believe) those are the kind of people who will cheer from their seats when a lightsaber is activated or like some crazy S*** like that. You will go to a movie with no ability to watch it with the peace and quiet that should be at movies. I for one am not seeing it opening day/night because I will wait for the vast majority of crazies to watch it and be happy. That'll be a couple weeks most likely (trust me I know that movie is gonna be out in the theater for a LONG time). Sorry if you take offense to me calling you people idiots but yeah pretty much.
    true, but most people don't want anything to do with the EU either. The EU is now non-cannon except a few books but it wasn't our choice
    Im sry :(
    I love the new battlefront
    I never meant to hurt.. i only wanted to say my opinion.
    I dont wana lose our friendship like we lost this dude
    If it makes you feel better, I love it!!!
    As I type this it is 11 Days, 10 hours, 40 minutes and 26 seconds till Star Wars: Battlefront is released.

    THE HYPE IS REAL!!!!!!!!
    YES!! [emogif]excitement:1[/emogif]
    I'm guessing this is going to be the same with you, but instead of internet Battlefront 3.
    that is half of what will block me from life's goals, SWTOR also stops me XD
    Took me 3 times of this cutscene to get this picture. Arcann is just so badass looking in this shot. If you think it's bad quality it's because I took it with my IPod because I'm too lazy to take a screenshot
    Bioware (EA) has done it!!!!! They have stolen the money from my wallet and I let them! Anyways, before SWTOR wouldn't work on my new computer, with the new update it now does work on my computer and do I fucking love it. I have played my Imperial Agent (who was level 28 before update) is now level 52 and I am no where near done with the main storyline, I still have 2 main chapters to go through. Bioware you have done it again, I could have wasted the money on Star Wars: Battlefront but.... Nope they gave me a good reason to spend money on them.
    I have to do school before I can play Knights of the Fallen Empire Dx I hate you school xD
    How did this ever make it into my geometry quiz?
    Cpt. Rex
    Cpt. Rex
    I hated Geometry, but I remember reasoning shit like that. also just wait till you hit proofs, mah man.
    You know, in the Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens trailer when the X-wings and the Tie fighters were dogfighting? that is how I think I am in Star Wars: Battlefront (2015), but in reality I am just crashing into the ground a bunch xD.
    Cpt. Rex
    Cpt. Rex
    I confess my gaming sins - I used the phlogastinator as pyro (completely off-topic, i know, but since we are confessing...)

    I called it from the beginning, ever since I heard that in the new expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic that there will be a new faction, The Eternal Empire I knew the Sith Emperor would be the Emperor of this new faction. If you read this and complain about spoilers I did warn you.
    That moment you find out your girlfriend comes to visit a week after Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens comes out and you want to see it with her for the first time.... Why must I be plagued with this decision?
    If you didn't think my last post was a spawn killing one... here is right before (theartmaster is in the last picture he is to the left of Blackhawk)
    Oh that happened a lot, look at the last screenshot. There was archers on one side and melee classes on the other
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