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  • Oh crap.... We are all screwed.... Empire War has gone down...... I am panicking and I don't even play on the sever anymore O.O
    I finally bought a Star Wars vehicle for my action figures...

    This is the Elite Speeder Bike and a First Order Stormtrooper from Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens
    I bought Kylo Ren (in my opinion the most coolest looking thing I bought on Force Friday)

    This is Kylo Ren from Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens

    Again on this figure I think the armor up thing is bulky but it looks cooler than the Luke Skywalker one. The only thing I don't like about this figure is that there is no hood to put on or cover the top of his head... but he still looks cool
    Finnaly a new Jedi Knight added to my collection of... three others...

    This is Luke Skywalker from Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

    To be honest the armor up thing is bulky on the figure and I don't like it but its still cool
    Force Friday was AMAZING..... but I have never had so much stress on what to buy that is Star Wars related.... I bought three things...
    Congratulations it is someone's lucky day (tomorrow) I will choose a number between 1-100 (random number generator) and the person closest to it get 1915 points... comment your choice below, share on your wall and all that jazz see ya tomorrow....
    This will be my formal goodbye,

    Let me get this point across right now, Tim you f***ed up and do I care? Yes...

    With the addition of people raging at the moment I am one of them. Though I did not have any real special point classes I am pissed that other players got their classes that they worked hard for and for what? They got the classes taken away because now everyone has to be a donor to get better classes (voters don't count voter classes suck).

    Also Tim did this for the "benefit" of the server so the funding can come back because nobody donates anymore, hmmm..... I wonder why Tim has added nothing good to Empire War in a long while he hasn't added any good classes or maps, The Black Gate map is just impossible for sometime if your on Gondor trying to get up the wall while you got an entire team waiting for 4 or 5 guys.

    There is so many more things I can rage about but others will just state it in their goodbyes...

    Don't frown because its over, Smile because it happened -Dr. Seuss

    May the force ever serve you all
    As much as I liked the old Empire War and the title "Lord" (trust me its better than VIP) Tim really f***ed up on this one.... Tim could have at least given the players that had the classes bought have access to them, Tim is apparently is doing this to fund the server but instead he is losing a good chunk of his server... Bravo Tim, Bravo you really did a f*** up this time *sigh*
    ikr all the classes that are now donators i had, nazgul, lossy, hamer, cit guard, etc. wasted my time on this server if thats what i get for playing and voting for this server
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