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  • I decided to temporarily change my profile picture for Byrgisvik pride on Blackflames v3.

    Anyways, BF v3 is lit though. Sadly, I do not have time for good shit like this because I have bullshit for Pre Calculus and I live in LA, my lover.
    Atomic Bomb
    Atomic Bomb
    Are you talking about Battlefield V or something else. And yes this is a legitimate question
    Something else. Roleplay server.
    Atomic Bomb
    Atomic Bomb
    For your answer I will reward you with a wall post on your wall
    hoi4 enthusiast I assume?
    Yus yus, typical American. Keep thinking about how I play hearts of iron 4 while I fill Pearl Harbor with honorable bombs.
    Khan Academy: Earn badges by asking and answering questions, voting, and flagging inappropriate content.

    Me: too bad I'm Asian and I see every thing in Math.
    If y'all not wondering why I'm not in Discord anymore, I'm studyin n all dat shit from Pre Calculus. Steampunk RP will continue on Friday. I will be in Blackflames as well.
    From a coder's prospective, this game is super flawed. Obviously, teachers aren't going to study Minecraft coding to counter hackers. I can easily do this like:

    /execute @a ~ ~ ~ /summon creeper ~ ~ ~ {Fuse:0}

    Then I can blow anyone up. And that's only the complicated shit. Someone recently just do a simple ban command and every student gets fucked. The teacher won't be able to do anything except find my coding ass through luck.

    Plus, almost no one is obviously going to use this shit lmao
    everyone except me up*
    Mehmet II
    " Polarnik Today at 11:34 AM
    @everyone We changed the prices for some of the merchants. You now get 1 emerald for every stack of wooden logs, 1 emerald for every stack of smelted stone and we added sugar cane to the shop!
    The grace period ends in 2 days."

    Damn commies keep manipulating the economy...

    Anyways, Blackflames was lit. Beautiful terrain, especially the caves. They are so huge, I kept getting lost. These guys did a great ass job.

    The mobs weren't as difficult as last BF, but I don't care since people want easy ass mobs. So, I'll just roll with it lol.

    There's only one thing I wished for on this server, a farmer merchant. As all you guys know, I'm the most badass farmer on the server. From what I heard from my favorite political leader, o great King Akam_7912 , I am the only one with a farm. But, I still feel like I haven't accomplish anything, as farm stuff such as wheat doesn't feel like it's worth any emeralds, which feels like I'm not worth anything... *cries in hole.* Anyways, if y'all can add that, I would be so happy and felt like I accomplish something by selling it and bring money for my country! I love the server so far! Keep it up!
    Everyone be unavailable to play on Blackflames while I'm just sitting there watching the countdown at 2 am in the morning Los Angeles Time. (3 hours till server launches so it will be 5 am at my crib)
    You had the wrong version you autist.
    Because my Empire is next to a bunch of shit commies trying to sabotage my glory.
    Also, ty. I shall be using this for now on.
    This will be my next goal. Fuck all the side quests
    This is as far as I know not possible to do without mods, since arrows magically just disappear after travelling a certain distance.
    Ya, I'm trying to search for it but I just can't seem to find it lol
    Remember how I talked about how annoying it is when reporters asked questions when the person being interviewed is speaking? Well, I'm glad Trump is shoving a dick up their throats for once. It was getting fucking annoying and they get away with it every time.
    Viktor ze Husky
    Even better than when he called them fake news!
    For those in the Golgotha RP community, you can make your steampunk RP apps now. Meanwhile, I got to study for this bullshit called "written driving test."
    Mehmet II
    good luck
    I shall be leaving Europe tomorrow. For those in the Golgotha RP community, I will be done with the map by Friday hopefully.

    BTW, to all my European homies out there, y'all make the best alcohol. No wonder your age limit is so low compared to the US's. But, I will miss the castles more than the alcohol.
    So, I've come back and this was literally on my first few notifications on Enjin.

    "Iver saw the ugly ass giant that roared at him. "Damn, that wanker is uglier than my giant" he thought as the giant roared at him. He screeched back at the wanker but didn't do anything with him, what could he do after he lost the element of surprise?"

    I guess this is how you react in Captain_Aasim 's RP these days. You see a massive giant and you randomly scream at it like you're the fucking lvl 1000 Dragonborn from Skyrim. gg assassiniv . gg

    On the side note, I am currently in Germany rn. I will come back in LA, my lover, in 3-4 days. peace out hos.
    At least someone gets the reference
    but why would you risk your character's life for a reference lmao
    Because of the memes lad
    Tell my mother, my brothers, my father, and others
    I'll be gone till November with LA, my lover
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