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  • Lets talk EULA...

    Recently a page discovered by the MC community showed that Mojang is willing to implement a blacklist feature to block any 3rd party servers that they choose. This list contained many large servers that will be blacklisted in the next update. I myself have donated on a few of these servers and here is my opinion.

    As you are all well aware (I assume) Microsoft purchase Mojang back in 2014. Since then, has there been any notable changes to the game? The answer is no. This leads me to believe that Microsoft has not had a say in this issue. Unlike Microsoft, Mojang is a rather small company with fairly little experience. I assume that this money making plan of theirs was around before the purchase of Mojang.

    This leads me to my second point. Was this written in the purchase terms to Mojang? The likely answer is no. But if so then there is nothing we can do. However lets assume it was not written in. Large servers are sponsored by networks and YouTubers. The large influence this has over the community leads me to believe that it is only a matter of time before Microsoft steps into discuss what has happened.

    Finally my third point. If Microsoft do listen to us, and further discussions take place, will everything revert to before? I don't think so. I believe there will be a form of Negotiation between key influential figures and Microsoft. Mojang has no power over Microsoft, and remember MC belongs to them now. I think that this has been coming for a while, and due to Mojang's failed customer services we have not been able to receive the full story.

    I can't end here without saying what I believe will happen if nothing changes. Large networks will be blacklisted, that is for sure. What does this mean for the community you ask? Basically a lot. This will result in already large pro-EULA servers like Hypixel and Mineplex to grow enormously as competition will effectively be wiped out. However as you are all likely aware, the majority of Minecraft players only play for the online experience. Changing it this late in its life without updating the game frequently will likely result in a slow decline of players.

    Finally for my opinion, I believe Mojang has stepped to far. The threats they pose are stupid money making schemes to promote their own ideals. They need to face that without adequate donation systems the game would not be what it is today. This could also potentially give Microsoft a chance to step into the role of developing the game. I believe that they have their own ideas for the game we may not be aware about. However one thing is for sure, Mojang did NOT listen to the majority of the community. Any decent developer should think about the majority instead of the minority, Unfortunately for us, we have no say,

    I am sorry for this being so long, I could write so much more but I do not have time. I feel strongly on this issue and believe it must be resolved hastily, before serious impacts on the community are made.

    Thanks for reading,
    Loyal donator and player of MC.
    I guess I will... maybe see you in summer...
    Had a good time on EW tonight, hope to see you soon :3
    love ya my local Norfolk buddy <3
    Hello Guys, Girls and Bobby. I have some news.

    As you are likely aware, I am currently sitting my A - Levels. As a result, I have no time, as you should all know. As of recent, I have had a very small period of time exam free, thus I have spent it with family and having fun. That's what I am back, however in a few days I must return to my normal schedule to resume examinations.

    It is a pain for me to have to say this message... I don't think I am going to be able to reopen BuildLegacy this summer. I simply have not the time. Perhaps in the future, there will be a chance. I may still reopen this summer, but I am doubtful.

    Anyway, one thing is certain, I will be back this summer, and I can't wait.

    Bye guys!!!!!!!!!!
    Lemme get this straight a sec, TBL is reopening this summer right?
    That's all I wanna say xD
    Btw, missing you my local Norfolk babe <3
    A second revolution?

    Guys seriously, just don't.... I have been there and done that, along with many others. It always ends badly. Trust me, follow what the staff say with no exception, and everything will be fine. Please stop messaging me on Skype to come and join in etc, I won't. I like both parties, and do not wish to cause a rift between me and my friends.

    Drop the subject guys, it is nothing to do with us.
    I don't tell people what is right, they already know that. I just have the confidence to speak my opinion :)
    Squeezed in a tiny bit of Siege in today. Gosh I miss it! I want it to be summer already! Missing you all, hope to see you in the summer!!! Byez!
    Hey guys, just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year!!!!

    Can't wait to see you all in the summer!!!!! <3
    please tell me you have the world from the old towny server, remember erebor, and moria :'( If its deleted so be it but if u have it may i download it?
    ahh, thanks for respdoning tho. just try ur best and if u cant get it its fine.
    I know I said I wouldn't be online. I just needed to wish you all a very merry christmas. I hope that everything goes well for you all, and I will next be online in the summer some point. Bye!!!!

    Hey, I'll make this short! I am leaving for however long it takes me to return. I honestly don't really care for MineCraft anymore, I love Empire War, but I don't have the time and it doesn't really interest me much now. I have tried to be active on the forums, but I see it as being pretty pointless if I don't play MC. So I guess this is goodbye, idk if I will be back (I think I likely will be next summer).

    If you're wondering why I have such little time, that is because I have A levels, and ontop of that I do boarding and have to fit work and sport into that aswell. So free time for me is a luxury, and one that I would rather spend with my friends and family. I hope you can understand that. I might be on over Winter break, but I do not know, I likely will have revision to be doing.

    Bye guys!!!!! <3 \o/
    I miss you :c , your server was so much fun , cya soon m8
    Is it bad that this weekend me and the lads are staying at our boarding so that we can do a Game Of Thrones Marathon. We're gunna watch as much as we can and try to finish season 5 by next weekend.
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