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Regent of Carthage

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  • mfw when Thu says Terrorgheists are undead wyverns, Doom Divers are called Doom Gliders, and Vlad and Isabella von Carstein are still alive.

    Fucking Nomad factions. Fuck them all. Especially you, Royals. Fuck you in particular. God damn lack of good ranged...
    That's why you play factions that actually managed to build a stable empire.
    Regent of Carthage
    Regent of Carthage
    I'm playing as the Hellenic-Nomadic faction, Cimmeria. Due to the constant raiding of the Royals, I was forced to get militia hoplites and slingers. I managed to win a few battles, but was slowly overrun by constant hordes. It doesn't help when Pontus sends a massive army north.
    Sorry, we had to give your Krepost away.
    Aside from the fact that the EU is gonna fracture slowly but steadily because of some dumbass tea-sippers, I have good new and badish news. Good news is my dad is okay. Badish news is that I have to go next week to help my dad move back up to Novgorod from Moscow. So I will be inactive for all of next week, unless the glorious Soviet internet allows me to connect.
    Well, this is a start. Just quickly typed up my first Total War After Action Report. If you don't mind, please take a look at it. Thanks.
    High Command in Moscow has sent new orders for you miserable lot. The link below will lead you to a critically important place. This place will be opened soon, but only those with whitelist status are permitted to enter.

    Used to be 29, now it's 35. And I didn't do it with archer. Got the last kills with my fist as troll, which is super OP vs melee classes. Still weak as hell to arrow spammers and spears tho. One spear deals 4 hearts.

    And now I have to save the Clans of Enedwaith from the damn Gondorians.
    It's been a while since I've done this...

    Anyways, Deathvalley has made an RP site. While it does have an LOTR RP, it also has a Warhammer Fantasy RP. I encourage you all to at least try to RP, as I know many of you are on break and are going to be bored sometimes.
    I just fought a 4 hour long battle on CoH2... and got a fucking Ambush skin. 4 hours of Russians dying to Brumbars. 4 hours of T-34/85 spam. 4 hours of endless Grenadier rifle grenades. And I get something so shitty, it makes all of Lelic's updates look good.
    Sometimes, I go through all the ban appeals and reports of old, just to see the reports that were made by idiots that claimed they didn't hack, but clearly did. Almost as amusing as the Huns' attempt to overthrow the Western Roman Empire. However, the Huns actually put effort into assaulting my version of the Gothic Line, while the appealers don't. The Goths have proved to be a great meatshield, and the fact that they dominate eastern Germania and northern Thracia prevents the seemingly endless hordes of Huns and Rebels from entering my land. The 6 armies I have stationed in forts in every major providence, and the many ambush armies I have doesn't help them. gl Huns, I doubt you can past Roman steel.(Rome: Total War: Barbarian Invasion. Not Attila.)

    Also, go to Everybody13's new RP site! It's forum, but it could revive Forum RP once more!
    It seems that Conwy staff did not approve of a thread that I made to see how people on Conwy think of EW. Before they deleted the thread, it seemed that most people that participated in the poll either hated or disliked EW. However, a small amount were okay or liked EW.

    Also, if you like Warhammer, there is a Warhammer Forum RP in the Roleplay Section of the Forum Games of EW.

    - Dimitri.
    Comrades, a great grievance has been committed against the people of the west, if not the world! A group of terrorists have killed and wounded dozens of persons, spreading fear and anger throughout not just France, but throughout Europe.

    However, France is not alone.

    70 years ago, we stood with the French people in World War 2. 70 years later, we stand with them in this most horrible act. Regardless of who we are, who we are led by, or what we believe, the people of the Rodina will NEVER forget the sacrifice of the French People!

    The World stands with you, France. You will never be alone.
    [user]8861015[/user] Turkey shot down one of your fighter planes
    Hail comrades. First post here in a while, anyways...

    I got a new game on steam called "7 Days to Die". I just wanted to know if anyone has it, and if so, if they would want to join me.

    Cheers, Dimitri.
    Riko son of Pdor son of Kmer
    Riko son of Pdor son of Kmer
    Meh, seen it, not going to buy it. The only "zombie" survival I have is Nether and currently I can't log on for some reason.
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