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  • Look at that, steam Winter sale!
    Time to consider buying games and ending up not buying them at all.
    me, every sale
    #1 Medic
    #1 Medic
    Saving up for a keyboard (the piano), so I can't buy anything :c
    Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
    Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
    I'm getting my ignorant-ass friend Fallout 4 for his birthday, which is in January.
    Well... I know most of you have heard this story before, but I'm going to tell it again for the last time. This time, however, it'll sadly be complete, since EW is shutting down.

    I "joined" somewhere in january 2014, after searching for new servers on a server list. I saw "LotR Siege" and immediately got the ip, since I was very into LotR at that time. Joining, I didn't really know what to do. This was one of my first pvp servers, after all. After about 3 minutes of searching, I found the signs that said "Gondor" and "Mordor" and joined one of the two. I picked a class and died countless times, getting a few kills here and there. In 2 weeks time, I grew bored of the server, mostly because I didn't talk and I didn't know about the forums. I got back into WoW and stopped playing EW.

    When my game time ran out around August 20, and I couldn't bother to buy another card, I decided to take a look at my server list. I saw "LotR Siege Server" and joined again. My stats were all still there, and I recognised a few people. It was then that I actually said a word in chat. To my surprise, some people talked back. That, of course, was rare in those big servers like Mineplex I used to play on. A couple days later, august 26, I think, I made my first couple of actual friends. Necro, Bucky and Slime. They were apparently building something called "#FortDeNeccyBuckySlime". I asked if I could help, and when it was done, it became "#FortDeNeccyBuckyRobSlime". There, I made one of my first screenshots of EW.

    In the months between that and Christmas, I made a few more friends and got about two classes. I finally decided to buy VIP, and watched the 3rd Hobbit shortly after. I also climbed the Christmas Tree a couple times and got my /christmashat. A couple months after that, the Antzorg and the other guy (sorry ;- flame war started and I joined TBL. Had a load of fun there until it shut down.

    The months after that, including the summer break, I got all the classes and started to grow bored of EW. The donator update came, and it kept me playing for a while. In november, I was thinking about leaving. But, on 15 november I was offered Pre-Mod. I gladly accepted and it gave me the boost to keep playing for another few months. Not much happened after that, except for my promote to Mod in April 2016.

    Then, we arrive here. In the shadow of the dark clouds that resemble EW's shutdown. As an end note, and a farewell, I'd like to say thank you to every player and staff member for giving me an amazing 2.5 years. Now, I'm not naming names, in fear of forgetting lots of people. Just know I thank you ALL for this awesome time, and not just a couple people.

    Thank you, EW.
    Gele used depromote!

    It's super effective!
    Now you know how it feels to always get demoted when I get my artist rank >:C
    The only difference between us is that I don't actually care so much for Architect, you do xD
    kek poor you, evil gele is rood to you?
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