Random guy: well the builders on ew / eq are dickheads mainly
zoom.hd1: Most of them
zoom.hd1: 9 of 10 times
zoom.hd1: they're trolling and joking around
zoom.hd1: for giggles
zoom.hd1: I do it too
zoom.hd1: cuz this is a 4-5 year old community
zoom.hd1: we know each orther already
zoom.hd1: xD
Random guy: but its annoying when they dont know me atm
zoom.hd1: Yea, tobberz
zoom.hd1: well known guy
zoom.hd1: never talked
zoom.hd1: untill
zoom.hd1: last year
zoom.hd1: ;P
Random guy: theres no players because all the newer players are instantly turned of by this community
Random guy: not that kind of turn off, you know what i mean
zoom.hd1: We can get really friendly but we joke a lot
zoom.hd1: hahah
zoom.hd1: thanks for feedback though
zoom.hd1: I will keep it in mind for new players
Random guy: good
Well, seems like a good feedback to me. So what do you guys think?