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  • workbook: "Discuss a situation that could be considered an example of aggressive driving but that would not be considered reckless."
    Me: ok, first of all, aggressive driving is a behavior that threatens the safety of other people. Aggressive drivers seem to have low consideration of other people. So, how in the actual fuck can you think of an example about it if aggressive driving is basically being salty and then carelessly committing moving traffic violations such as speeding, running red lights and stop signs, etc. Second of all, if I misunderstood, forgive me. I'm Asian. you can't expect me to be good at driving. Third of all, now would you excuse me. speaking of driving, I gtg laugh at Drew and his badass car.
    m4, you did this before me. I'm sure you can help me with this, right? :P
    fucking fj and his jumpscare websites. and then all of then sudden, I accidently clicked on drew's minecraft face in the friends list and he pop out of nowhere and oh god... I'll just resume my studies. XD
    teacher: "I want you to be a responsible and safe driver"
    in my head: "I can't tell if she's being racist since I'm Asian or she wants me to do something in my notebook. Why did I even choose driver's ed as my summer school class?"
    kek... you actually took this question seriously :P
    what do you want me to say? Shes racist when shes just doing her job?
    well, that was a rhetorical question. I didn't expect you to say anything :P
    Sorry Denous... I got bored waiting for you so I created a town... and bio nerd... can you pls add this town to your nation :\
    Viva la Revolution!!
    viva la vida
    If you're gonna write the first 2/3s of the phrase in Spanish, why not go ahead and do it all in said language...? "¡Viva la Revolución!" See how nice that reads? ;3
    guys... you are mistaken... I posted this to win a certain competition.
    this faggots... claims that varmalore threatened and then killed me... ya... what a mature person you are... blaming other people and shit
    Heres what happened, were at the trial and its about to be over when suddenly everyone attacks Wither and Poison, someone tells me to and run and i do. i get a more when i hear King Aegon your under arrest, i tell him to run an he does, after i got another horse i made my way to Elsinore where i fought these two guys didn't kill them and thy didn't kill me. All i know is that i have pox and need your help
    and then I helped ya when I got back.. this is some weird ass chain reaction shit going on here XD
    Unusual Brit
    Unusual Brit
    I don't even know, why I was murdered. I hadn't even finished my trial
    hey i just joined enjin, we met on that lord of the rings server. So what do I have to do to join that Hertz server you were talking about
    oh! sorry... I was offine... anyways... hold up
    blackflamesrp.enjin.com go here then get whitelisted
    sorry... didn't had a lot of time
    To all you blackfyres and varmalorians who fought during the war... good job.... even though all we did was loot... no fights occurred... -_-
    If I see Mcsporren or Doober imma kill them.
    no u dont we show them our power and they wont mess with us again but dont hunt them jusnt ignore
    There banned now but I would still kill them, I haven't got a chance to kill anyone so my bloodlust is almost past berserker
    kek... everyone is addicted to black flames apperently
    OMG so much EW people what makes that server so wonderful?
    Idk, it's partly due to the fact that so many of us are from EW, but the server itself is also pretty cool; good plugins, nice map, interesting lore, and actual teamwork.
    ikr same
    wow... I was expecting them to rekt me since it's 3v1 (captain was afk) but it was difficult for them to capture :\
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