((Its all good I remember.))
With the blast of horns, the ramming stopped and the rebel armies turned to face their opponents. Battle lines, made hastily, where smashed by the incoming horse. They plowed through the army before eventually being stopped deep inside. Infantry and knights hacked and slashed their way at the rebel army making great headway. The day was far from over however and the Lord Reyne, Tully, and Tarbeck and beckoned forth leading the heavy cavalry and light cavalry. They wheeled around their host and would slam into the Lannister rear. A great many of the rebels where slaughtered during this, a good move by the Lannisters though they were still outnumbered.
At Lannisort, the army flooding inside the city halted and turned to face the new foe. They made battle lines and worked their way further into the city to easily defend against the incoming horse. Battle insued and a great many of the rebel attackers where slain by the heavy horse but horses don't do quite well in a city and eventually, the butchery reverses on the Lannister assailants. A great many where slain on both sides this day...
Lord Beesbury was found with a valiant group of soldiers and the Lord of faricastle. The other rebel lords where counted among the dead...
The Lord Greyjoy felt his wound and stuck his finger in it. "Dammed redwyne archers. Sticking me with an arrow like that. Get us ashore, We gotta pick up our other men." The men next to him helmped him up and carried him below deck where he could receive medical treatment. Infection was highly possible due to poor medical practices and being at sea and all. The Lord greyjoy could survive but it would be interesting to sea what would happen if he died.
Losses from the Battle of Isle and Sea.
Lannister: Payne(Unscathed) and Tyland (burns on left arm from battle) survive, the other lannister died, the flayed body of the other lannister is found in the dungeons.
all but 5 ships destroyed
300/1000 knights
700/2000 foot
0/300 pikes
130/200 archers
captured vessels: 1 war dromond, 2 war galleys
Beesbury, Mullendore, Fairman, Bulwere, Redwyne: Lord Redwyne, the only lord who escapes with no wounds
0/3000Land forces whipped out (each house still has some force in their home thought.)
Fairman and Beesbury lord captured as well as the Fairman family
14/ 170 redwyne ships sail away
Greyjoy: The Lord Greyjoy wounded by an arrow in the chest, still alive
23/100 ships survive
329/ 1000 land soldiers
140/200 reinforcements (joined battle late)
captured vessels: 2 war dromonds, 4 war galleys, 1 carrack (1 war galley and the carrack are highly damaged. Will be used as fire ships)