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Microsoft bought Mojang

You all need to calm down, Microsoft is one of the best companies (if not the best) that will give this game the justice it deserves. Notch was very particular on who got the game, cause he wanted it to continue to grow. Rest assured, announcements were already made that Minecraft will remain on all its current platforms. Microsoft does a killer job, anyone remember the AoE, AoM, and Rise of Nations game series? They know what they are doing, and I for one can not wait to see what will happen.

Sjoerdtim, I could not disagree with you anymore on what you said. Microsoft is SMART, they won't double prices and try to cut down on servers. Infact, I wouldn't be surprised if they loosened the Eula a bit. If you read the post, it talks about how Microsoft has been working closely with them since 2012. That is TWO YEARS, and look at how great the game has come from then.
Minecraft earned 500 million in 5 years.
If Microsoft wants to earn all money back, they'll have to spend 25 years on keeping the game as successful, which is very very hard for them. I wouldn't think they'd invest on something to only make profit after 25 years?

The EULA was made by Microsoft. Mojang adding the new EULA was a part of their deal with Microsoft, Mojang added it to be able to sell the game (confirmed by Microsoft & Bebopvox)
I'm not saying they'll destroy the game, that'd be too stupid for them.

I'm just saying that making the EULA any more strict or forcing every server owner to pay a specific sum to Microsoft will make it impossible for most servers. (Servers that aren't Hypixel Network sized.)
[quote user_id="5632000" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Titan_Kronos_/74.png" name="Titan_Kronos_"]You all need to calm down, Microsoft is one of the best companies (if not the best) that will give this game the justice it deserves. Notch was very particular on who got the game, cause he wanted it to continue to grow. Rest assured, announcements were already made that Minecraft will remain on all its current platforms. Microsoft does a killer job, anyone remember the AoE, AoM, and Rise of Nations game series? They know what they are doing, and I for one can not wait to see what will happen.

Sjoerdtim, I could not disagree with you anymore on what you said. Microsoft is SMART, they won't double prices and try to cut down on servers. Infact, I wouldn't be surprised if they loosened the Eula a bit. If you read the post, it talks about how Microsoft has been working closely with them since 2012. That is TWO YEARS, and look at how great the game has come from then.
Minecraft earned 500 million in 5 years.
If Microsoft wants to earn all money back, they'll have to spend 25 years on keeping the game as successful, which is very very hard for them. I wouldn't think they'd invest on something to only make profit after 25 years?

The EULA was made by Microsoft. Mojang adding the new EULA was a part of their deal with Microsoft, Mojang added it to be able to sell the game (confirmed by Microsoft & Bebopvox)
I'm not saying they'll destroy the game, that'd be too stupid for them.

I'm just saying that making the EULA any more strict or forcing every server owner to pay a specific sum to Microsoft will make it impossible for most servers. (Servers that aren't Hypixel Network sized.)[/quote]

So this means they made the servers collapse and are going to enforce more! They are total idiots and Mojang should have told us all along and not cover up their deal tbh Mojang lied as they said they would always be open if anything liked this happend but this EULA thing means Microsoft has owned mc for over 3 months...
So what... Do you feel betrayed? backstabbed? do you feel like crap? well grow up. This is a common occurrence in capitalist systems. What runs the world? greed so why would you think that Mojang's company owners would be any difference. I think it was a smart deal for Mojang because lets face it MC hit its peak already and it carried out for a while but now the economic prediction would be a downturn in user base and ultimately a death of the brand. Now that Microsoft bought it not only will the death of minecraft be slower thus allowing for more happiness of users but also Mojang gets a buttload of cash. Good job mojang your true capitalists now!
So this means they made the servers collapse and are going to enforce more! They are total idiots and Mojang should have told us all along and not cover up their deal tbh Mojang lied as they said they would always be open if anything liked this happend but this EULA thing means Microsoft has owned mc for over 3 months...

*unfair servers that give people who can fish money out of their parents credit cards unfair advantages

They're not 'total idiots', they are a multinational, multi-billion-pound (or dollar, or euro) corporation that takes their investments very seriously. They've bought gaming developers before, look what they did to Bungee, at first people thought it would die, and now with the funding of Microsoft they have increased popularity, sales, and now have the Halo franchise under their belt, as well as the new Destiny game.
Oh, and they haven't owned Mojang for over three months, they haven't even owned it for three days. They didn't 'cover it up', they just didn't tell the community about it. Look at it this way; when a company is buying another company, they don't want the information public, especially in a gaming community that they knew wouldn't take the news very well (like the Minecraft community, we've all been screaming our heads off. Some people are even threatening to crucify Notch >.>).
To sum it up, Minecraft is primarily focused at children and young adults, Microsoft will keep it that way. They won't make you pay to take a dump, they're a good corporation. In fact, I think in a years time, they'll make the game even better.
( before reading my stupid post notice THIS IS A JOKE!)

MINECRAFT 2! coming for Kinect ONLY!
i see myself swinging my arm for like 2 hours till i found my diamonds >:)
also microsoft said they want to get that 2.5 billion doaller back WITHIN 1 year, they also will be hosting servers soon, which are not gonna be OVERPRISED -.- because otherwise nobody will hire server space at them so dont worry microsoft has more potential then mojang ever had because they ARE BIGGER WAY BIGGER BIGGER THEN ME OYU AND ME :)
also microsoft said they want to get that 2.5 billion doaller back WITHIN 1 year, they also will be hosting servers soon, which are not gonna be OVERPRISED -.- because otherwise nobody will hire server space at them so dont worry microsoft has more potential then mojang ever had because they ARE BIGGER WAY BIGGER BIGGER THEN ME OYU AND ME :)
the "up" bigger or the "sideways" (fat) bigger?
Microsoft is a bunch of technology obsessed freaks who can never live a day without someone paying them money. Big business is unpredictable and sour (just like auto-correct or Siri). So just keep a open mind on what might happen with this situation. I just hope microsoft can give us the news on what will happen otherwise im going to go crazy from all this intense waiting.
Microsoft is a bunch of technology obsessed freaks who can never live a day without someone paying them money. Big business is unpredictable and sour (just like auto-correct or Siri). So just keep a open mind on what might happen with this situation. I just hope microsoft can give us the news on what will happen otherwise im going to go crazy from all this intense waiting.

And yet we're fine with using their software and hardware.
Microsoft is a company who has high trained employees and a good budget to expand Minecraft. They've have trained economics there, they surely know how to do this the right way, which isn't forcing out money.
So probrably they found a way to get back their investment within a year, im so curious how they wanne do that :/
So probrably they found a way to get back their investment within a year, im so curious how they wanne do that :/

Microsoft confirmed they are relaunching Microsoft plushies, as well as creating more Minecraft poster designs. Ways to get money from Minecraft doesn't just come from creating sanctions on the game and making a Minecraft 2 :P, so they'll sell Minecraft merchandise; hoodies, Lego, new poster designs, hats, foam swords and loads of other crap people will be stupid enough to buy. Calm your tits everyone, they're not gonna make you pay to log onto servers or to get resource packs like some people claim. *cough* Ice *cough* >.> Because for a corporate giant like Microsoft; money does grow on trees.
So probrably they found a way to get back their investment within a year, im so curious how they wanne do that :/

If you ask me, they're going to try to get as much people as possible to play MC. They will earn a lot of money from new accounts, but also from MC merchandise and the MC app on the phone.
they could make servers unable to see ip addresses. or remove ip banning. and any plugin that somehow ip bans. then all players would buy alt's over and over. Lol