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Roleplay Adventure

Okay. Overhaul.

New List O' New Stuff:

1. Spells. Only Beep will get 2 spells: Light of Pelor, which makes light, and Burning Beam, which burns up to 3 people and/or things in a beam of pure sunlight. The first is At-Will, the second is Daily. All other people wishing to learn spells must find scrolls, books, etc. teaching how to use a spell, and then they can have that spell.

2. Classes. There are no classes anymore. You can decide what tactics you use, i.e. melee or ranged weapons. Classes defeat rp. Also I will be taking a much more liberal interaction. I encourage you all to think creatively.
((Akam, are you forgetting a) neither side has all their pieces b) the pieces they do have are scattered around the board c) the other side would be freaking moving too, it's not just white playing.))
((Akam, are you forgetting a) neither side has all their pieces b) the pieces they do have are scattered around the board c) the other side would be freaking moving too, it's not just white playing.))

((You forgot the part where checkmate is powergaming, unless you allow that))
((Hold on. I've got this))

*finds a button on the bottom of each of the pieces. Presses the buttons. All the figures explode. Dimitri takes 3 damage.
(( >.> I call beepbobit, He is our mage after all, AND I LIKE CLASSES and is there a
spell that can raise the dead? Not OP like, raising like 100 dead in 10 seconds but Like
raise 1-5 dead enemies *Weak like 3 hp* 2 times a day? ))
first, stop with the faces
Second, you have to work hard to get necromancer. By the time you've earned necromancer, you'll be able to be OP
Also, why do you always want to summon dead minions? Where have you seen people doing this, because you obviously caught it from somewhere))
"I volunteer to do the roll thing the ominous dungeon master voice in our heads said to do"
(( Well, 1. I like making faces, Coz they are so awesome, And I got it from this game called
"Battle for Wesnoth" Its like a turn based game, and there are Necromancers in it and you can
have like ghosts, Wraiths, Walking corpses, Skeletons, Skeleton archers, Skeletons riding Horses.
Its just a turn based game, If you wanna see it Then just type in Wesnoth.org
just a game, and I also thought it would be cool to have such a spell ))