Daugo's stomach was veritably roaring with hunger, and thirst parched his mouth. Normally, these two factors would be enough to have him yapping and complaining constantly, but he was well and truly depressed. The thought of Pomona in bed with Bob, and the horrible sound Newleaf's head made when it cracked, were locked in an endless jive inside his mind, going round and round, never leaving... My, Daugo, people have said a lot about you in this lifetime, he thinks, but they've never considered you a mellow person. Another epithet of conmanship crossed though his mind then: your emotions are weakness. Never let the other know what you truly feel, and they will never have complete power over you.
He couldn't even try to feign happiness yet, that was certain, but he could mask his deep, deep scars behind an aura of stupidity or fright. He could not bear to be regarded as stupid, though, so he chose the latter. Fear is good. Fear is natural, to be expected. Everyone here was afraid or apathetic.
He was not afraid.
With an unsteady voice, he says something to the at least somewhat sensible prisoner that spoke earlier. "Who do you mean by 'they'?" He was surprised at how easy Frightened Daugo still came to him after all these years.