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((You're not wrong there. Assassin, let's keep RP here, I'll make an RP meme thread for everyone to post on. Alright? Here: http://www.empirewar.org/forums/m/5312442/viewthread/31829575-vitr-rp-memes-discussion/page/1))
Dimitri had felt the blissful touch of ale many a time and the painful wrath of a hangover, but never had he felt this. "By Manwe, my head feels like an axe is in it." He groaned. "Oi, Furies, how far are we from Middle-Earth? And can I have my damn arm back?!"
Grimnir looks around and inspects all, the prisoners, the shape of the locks, the interior of the ship, the materials used for the lock, and investigates if he can use anything to loosen him or someone else..
Thoruk can't control his headache anymore, he's thirsty as hell and by Durins name, he would still not surrender to anyone, especially now, the first time he surrendered in his whole life, he instandly regrets it. "Ah... gosh that pain running through my head, why in Durins name haven't they killed us yet?" he asks the group "I would have prefered to die in a battle than on a filthy ship with some bastards that don't even have da balls to get in here" Thoruk moans. after a short break to spit onto the ground he continues to speak "I don't get it, they want to kill us, but they don't kill us, even if we kill some of them, that makes no sense at all, something is wrong there... don't ya think the same lads?"
Daugo's stomach was veritably roaring with hunger, and thirst parched his mouth. Normally, these two factors would be enough to have him yapping and complaining constantly, but he was well and truly depressed. The thought of Pomona in bed with Bob, and the horrible sound Newleaf's head made when it cracked, were locked in an endless jive inside his mind, going round and round, never leaving... My, Daugo, people have said a lot about you in this lifetime, he thinks, but they've never considered you a mellow person. Another epithet of conmanship crossed though his mind then: your emotions are weakness. Never let the other know what you truly feel, and they will never have complete power over you.

He couldn't even try to feign happiness yet, that was certain, but he could mask his deep, deep scars behind an aura of stupidity or fright. He could not bear to be regarded as stupid, though, so he chose the latter. Fear is good. Fear is natural, to be expected. Everyone here was afraid or apathetic.

He was not afraid.

With an unsteady voice, he says something to the at least somewhat sensible prisoner that spoke earlier. "Who do you mean by 'they'?" He was surprised at how easy Frightened Daugo still came to him after all these years.
Sigeric managed to keep his composure despite the pain all over his body from when the guards had beaten him. He wouldn't make a spectacle of this. He had a reputation to think of. Neither did he reply to the Dwarf's constant verbal attacks. He wouldn't waste his voice on such an ill-bred vermin. Sigeric was not in a mood for conversation, but perhaps having something else to focus on would ease the feelings of hunger and intense pain. He looked to his right and to his left to see which prisoners neighbored him, while passively listening to Daugo's conversation with the prisoner. Sigeric pitied the Halfling. He wasn't certain how he had ended up on the ship with the rest of them, but this was undoubtably no place for a Hobbit.
((Time for some setting.))

Grimnir and the others would see that the ship, or what they could see anyways - the hull section that they were chained in contained three barrels which lay on their sides, empty; no visible objects aside from these; a single grate that lay on the floor above them, allowing sunlight in, directly in the middle of the room; a hatch located next to the grate; and over a dozen prisoners aside from them. They were on onside of the room with each chained by iron links to iron cuffs embedded into the wooden walls of the hull. The chains had a key-lock and were rusty, so any wound that might come into contact might end in a fatal infection. There were no objects that could help them escape this. Deslan's metal leg and Dimitri's metal arms were missing, likely removed, along with all their weapons and armor. All the prisoners wore peasant clothing, simple dirty brown tunics, and pants.

Daugo was the further from all of them, he lay in the corner on all their rights; then came Thoruk who was closer; then Grimnir; then Iver which separated the dwarves from the men; then Sigeric; followed by Elodrin; Margoz; Dimitri; and lastly Deslan who lay in the other corner opposite from Daugo. They couldn't stand or strut with the chains restricting them, immobilizing their arms and legs but they could do some menial movements such as moving their legs and hands yet this would only tire them further and would serve to accomplish nothing in the means of getting them out. On the opposite side of the room, there were another nine prisoners and an additional ten situated on both sides of the hull between the ends of the corners. These nineteen were unknown to the group, some bearing foreign looks while others seeming of similar look to Elodrin, Deslan and Margoz. Some were swarthy skinned and dark, others pale white and unblemished. Yet they all suffered the same appearance of being malnourished.

((Now for shit to hit the fan, again. :) ))

Iver successfully managed to keep his screams down with his hand, quite unsanitarily, in his mouth. His nose was injected back into place with much strain and the pain subsided after a few minutes. He was fine now but tired, and especially thirsty.

Dimitri's exclamations which were met with awkward, confused silence, did little to aid his condition.
"Yer, arm? Oh, ye, they took it when they broughtya down 'ere." The talkative prisoner replied.

Thoruk's comments were met with an answer from the comparatively reasonable prisoner.
"Oh, they don't want to kill you. No, no. They want to sell you. Use you. They've already bought you. Like the rest of us, you're now a slave. Welcome to your new life, pal." He said, somewhat dementedly.
"Oi, shaddap Dean." Came a retort from the talkative prisoner.
When the hobbit spoke up the talkative one fell silent at the mention of 'They' directly. A hush fell over the room.
"They," The one called Dean said, discreetly, "They are-"


The hatch opened up above them all. They could see a ladder being lowered and a group of men came sliding down bearing various objects. They handed down a barrel and a box from which they began to dispense plates from and place food onto them. The food, smelling rather bad, was lopped onto the plates in the darkness and brought to each prisoner by one of the men along with a steel canteen of some liquid which could only be water, albeit, the grime look of it. The sloppy food smelled of fish and salt as well as some vinegar and the water tasted bitter and was dull. As the men approached, handing out the food, each prisoner could get a good look at them. They all bore some sort of weapon from knives to sabers that were attached to their belts. They wore no armor and had light clothing that was mostly stained. Their breaths were horrendous and they smelt as if none had ever bathed in their lives. If any could get a close look at their teeth one would wish they hadn't for those teeth were filthier than a pig sty and smellier than Grimnir on a bad day.

As the food was being dispensed one of them, seemingly with authority over the rest, strutted towards the prisoner called Dean and bent low, whispering something to him before shouting aloud,
"SO, WHO'S BEEN CHATTING TOO MUCH? WHO DO WE NEED TO SET AN EXAMPLE OF?" Before looking about the room. His eyes roamed each prisoner, some flinching away in fear, others remaining apathetic, before coming to a stop on Thoruk. The man, not really tall for a man, but in their current situation where they were unable to stand, appeared to loom over the dwarf as he reached him with a scallywag swagger.
"So, whadda we have 'ere? Ey?" He mused eyeing Thoruk as he reached into his belt and retrieved a whip.
"Are ye, the one talking? Ya better speak up, I don't like having to wait. So, who was talkin' down 'ere?"

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Grissum1/74.png" name="Grissum1"]16191695[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user] Gundabad1 (16311516) [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user]
Grimnir looking at the whole situation with interest, looking at the man, examining each and every pirate. He knew how to act in these situations, to remember everything that happens.
"Little? Eh, not too tough without yer arm, ya wenchling's cack-headed mutt." The whipper untied his whip and stretched it out, the black leather tensing as it was pulled. "Umbar? Nay, I am my own and my own is I. AYE!" He cried, lifting the whip back and striking Dimitri's face with a lash as his men repeated the chant with each lash.
"I AM MY OWN AND MY OWN IS I! AYE! AYE! AYE!!!" When it was over Dimitri had blood trickling down his cheeks and nose, his shirt was bloodied and three lines were traced across his scarred chest.
"Now, will any of ye be talkative anymore?" He asked, cleaning the whip with a handkerchief, Dimitri's blood coating it.

Grimnir saw that there were eight of them in total down in the hull with them. The whipper, and seven others. Four appeared to be manual laborers and three similar to the whipper were held at a higher rank than the laborers. Dimitri's beating was a sacrifice made, not only for them but for all the prisoners.

[user avatar="https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/16311516/avatar/small.1517585379.jpeg" name="Gundabad1"]16311516[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Grissum1/74.png" name="Grissum1"]16191695[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user]
Grimnir keeps an eye on the whole situation, he investigates again how the lads walk, their movements are important, their timing, essential. Grimnir looks at how Daugo keeps his will infront of what just happened to him. The is surprised that the Hobbit managed to not break.
Dimitri had suffered worse than this. He lost his arm to an orc blade, and felt its poison burn through his veins. But he survived. He would outlive all these slime, for he would sink their ship and personally choke the life out of scum-sucking, warmongering son of a pathetic excuse for a bitch.

(The following only applies if my comrades are in danger of being whipped again.)

"Aye, scum-boy, I have much more to say. You are your own, yes, but all you are is a orc cock-sucking, Uruk-loving, piece of troll shit with nothing better to do than whip people so that your pathetic excuse of a cock could get a bit hard."
Elodrins head was throbbing, even though he had been hit before in his life he was old now, even though not serious his ears buzzed and his vision was spinning. Not really knowing what was going on, he tried to drink the water and eat the food given to him but ended up spilling it or moving it away. Knowing he wouldn't be able to eat just yet he would move to go to sleep but hear the sound of a whip. Instinctively he would say "Hey! Leave the lad alone!"

((Also Cap if the guy tries to whip me can I try to defend myself?))
Sigeric looked at the food placed before him, examining it in all of its grotesque glory. He sat for a few minutes, trying to weigh the unappealing nature of the food in comparison to the adverse effects of not eating at all. Eventually he decided that starving to death was worse (probably by a very slim margin), and ate the sorry excuse for a meal. The Dalishman was promptly interrupted by the sound of the slavers whipping Dimitri. Such a noble gesture, to encourage his own torture so that the others may be spared. But unless the prisoners could escape, he felt that that was only the beginning of the agony that was to come.
Margoz starts to examine every weapon they have and how they used that whip as he lies down towards the wall. He thinks about their will. He is playing in their own shoes, remembering all his experience on Dorwinion and Rhun on how to run a cartel.
Daugo eats ravenously, flinching with every hit landed on Dimitri's face by the cruel tongues of the pirate's whip. He issues a carefully planned shudder, his mind having stopped absorbing new trauma, and starts sobbing quietly in Thoruk's direction.

As far as he can see, his options are severely limited. The safest course of action for the moment seems to be to lie low and wait till the pirates stop to sell him. At least then he would have some leeway, and perhaps his masters would fall for his deceits.
"u eating that?" Iver asked the Noble dalish. He has eaten worse food and even some rotten food. His belly was the strongest thing beside his brain which now seem to be damaged.
"Aye slavers, how much for all of us?" He said while eating his food.
"Why would I eat this mud?" Thoruk thinks with a bit of disgust in his eyes. He puts the broth from the right side of his "bowl" to the left and notices how it literally rins of his fork. "Disgusting" he says to himself. "Not even a goblin should eat something like this mud." "May Durin be my witness as I go through all of this torcher" he thinks before taking a sip of this weird "brew" and tries to sleep again to save his energy.
With Iver, Thoruk and Elodrin all speaking as the whipping ended, the whipper, quite furiously, turned around to see who dared defy his rules.
"YOU.YOU." His eyes narrow at Thoruk who was the last to speak before attempting to fall asleep.
"YOU DARE OPEN YOUR FAT LIPS!" The whipper moved towards the dwarf just as Dimitri cut in again.

"Aye, scum-boy, I have much more to say. You are your own, yes, but all you are is a orc cock-sucking, Uruk-loving, piece of troll shit with nothing better to do than whip people so that your pathetic excuse of a cock could get a bit hard."

The whipper turned back, marched over and struck his whip into Dimitri's face, slashing open his nose from cheek to cheek then lashed the man five more times across the chest, arms and legs. By the end of it, Dimitri was unable to move, blood trickled out of the many wounds he had just acquired and the adrenaline he experienced was subsiding which caused a vacuum of pain to engulf him. The whipper then grabbed a portion of his food and flung it across the room, hitting some prisoners who gladly ate and spilling elsewhere in the hull. Now Dimitri had less to eat and would be diminished in energy.
"Speak again, curr, and I shall have ye tongue. I am thy master and ye are my barnacle." The whipper placed his boot on Dimitri's face, pushing the helpless man down to the floor of the hull which was damp, dirty and stank of fish. "Yer me wench, curr." He stated, dominating Dimitri, before lifting his boot, kicking the man in the stomach further damaging him and moving away towards the ladder where many of the other slavers had gathered.

"Next person who dares speaks shall receive ten lashings and lose their fingers to the chum buckets! I AM MY OWN AND MY OWN IS I! AYE!!" He exclaimed loudly, smiling, revealing missing teeth galore and black stains across his gums before climbing the ladder out of the hull with his crew shouting their chant, following after him.

In a minute the hull was silent once more and the only difference was a beaten down, bloodied, starved Dimitri.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Grissum1/74.png" name="Grissum1"]16191695[/user] [user avatar="https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/16311516/avatar/small.1517585379.jpeg" name="Gundabad1"]16311516[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user]

((In regards to defending yourselves, the short answer is no. You have no means to prevent the slavers from torturing you aside by abiding by their rules. Just a tip: don't speak too loudly next time. And you might want to pass some food and water down to Dimitri considering that he is liable to die from blood loss, infection, dehydration and other forms of death.))
After the slaver left Iver was trying to figure if he can give him his water, he will need it to wash the blood.
"If you ain't gonna eat that can you bring it me?" He whispered toward [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user] and [user avatar="https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.enjin.com/187965/site_logo/small.png" name="KingTraitor"]18966657[/user]