The pick was able to be used once more before breaking beyond repair. Only one more person could be released from the thirty-eight prisoners. Deslan, on inspection of the hull, found the barrels full of turd, fish guts and rats to be of no use. There were no belongings or makeshift walking of the empty barrels, if broken could provide wooden planks to use for walking and perhaps even as blunt weapons. Maybe he could use them to smash the locks like Grimnir had said.
The hatch opened, held up by Daugo. The slavers never expected them to escape their chains so, lazily, they never locked the hatch considering they used it on a daily basis. Above him the sky was grey and dark, rain droplets descended upon Daugo like daggers falling from the heavens and he felt the cold drops trickle down his back and drench his clothes. Celeste was below him and then Sam who waited at the bottom of the ladder.
"What do you see?" Called up Celeste.
If Daugo peaked over the edge he would see the stern of the ship and the large quarterdeck as well as a most glorious scene. The slavers were struggling, some were flopping over the deck as waves surged up and others were manning ropes and holding stations along the mizenmast. The sails fluttered in the howling gales dropping a screaming sailor overboard and into the abyss. Daugo could see dozens of crew packed attempting to keep the ship afloat, so distracted by the storm that they paid no heed to the raising of the grate and opening of the hatch. The rain, winds, thunder, and seas provided the most excellent of covers for the trio, yet they also hindered them. Making it from the hatch to the quarterdeck would be a challenge. There were obstacles such as barrels, timber latched down, scorpions and other objects that cluttered the passage which could be used as additional cover to mask their approach. The Captain's Quarters were slightly obscured by these, yet, Daugo could make out that the door was shut with the storm brewing and could view oil lamps lighting up the inner room through wet windows.
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