Beredur felt pathos and sympathy for Dimitri up until the last moment where he stifled a giggle at that notion.
“When this is all over, I’ll buy you some Dorwinion wine and we’ll see how long it takes until you smile.” Beredur mused, a grin on his face before he picked up his sword and left the training area.
“May Tulkas allow it.” Were his departing words.
((Time-bubble ended.))
Miriel’s hand squeezed his, “I know,” She responded to the boy, neither smiling nor frowning at him. Ha’zi could sense that there was something else on her mind, something troubling her.
Naive child. Miriel thought. If he doesn’t hate me after this, he must truly be mad. We all die. Even if we’re immortal. Even if we run, even if we hide, fate will catch up to us and end it all. All that matters is now. It wasn’t time yet. She glanced back to Ha’zi, “I’m sorry if I seem dour this day, I just didn’t enjoy your friend, the Flyer saying those things about me.” She lied. She couldn’t give a rats ass about that idiotic Dalishman. Now, he, she was sure, was insane. The man looked drunk every day and smelt of piss and alcohol. At least he didn’t get the power of the Warrior Giant. Imagine trying to seduce him. Miriel kept her vomit down. At least it went to Ha’zi. He’s cu-nope. Don’t think about that. Only the mission. Yes. Just the mission. Her eyes fell past Ha’zi, past the Shifters, and past the elves, looking at the Gondorian Cavalry Regiment. Soon it would happen. She turned back. Soon she’d be back with Tytus and Equas and all the others. And Sauron wouldn’t need to release Aranel when he’d have the Warrior instead.
Elladan chuckled at the hobbit’s question, “My cohort, with me!” He commanded and broke off from the Shifters with another hundred elves following him, riding towards the Carach Angren.
Elrohir’s cohort had already crossed the passageway and was moving out across the Plateau of Gorgoroth when Celeborn’s retinue and the Shifters reached the Iron Mouth (Carach Angren).
“Master Burgins, the three elven cohorts shall split up and act as scouts to our party. We shall continue behind them. Elladan’s cohort is heading east, Elrohir’s is going south and Zaro’s shall be southeast, directly ahead of us. The Gondorians shall follow up and will have their own similar scouting parties. They’ll break up once we hit the Lithlad area south of-“
A firework rose into the air from beyond the Carach Angren. It was green.
“The passage is clear!” Glorfindel called back to Celeborn’s party, riding towards them before turning his horse in a semi-circle and riding with them, “However, there is a complication. Those structures. They bear resemblance to nothing I’ve ever seen.” The white-haired elf pointed towards the tall ebony monoliths which stood at each side of the Iron Mouth.
All of them could see the menacing tall monuments standing high and tall, strutting out of the Ash Mountains. They seemed almost unnatural to Middle-Earth. But, then again, so did many of the obsidian-like rocky settlements that had once populated Mordor.
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/UnusualBrit/74.png" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/_PigGuardian_/74.png" name="_PigGuardian_"]13873166[/user]
”They’re in place. Waiting for the command, sir.” Saenes saluted.
Pyrus saw, far in the distance, the Carach Angren from his vantage point. The first lines of riders had passed through.
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user]
The chamber was dark and the guards stood by as Eonwë’s twin walked up the obsidian floor and stood before the Dark Lord on his great black throne.
”Everything is in place, Melkor,”
”As expected of my first lieutenant. I too have orchestrated and arranged my own tactic to dealing with the Eight. I hope you notified your pets of their powers and strengths. They cannot underestimate them.” Morgoth spat back, sitting on his throne.
Mairon was reminded of the failure of the Armoured Giant and Azura in attempting to capture the Flying, Elemental and Guardian Giants. Of course the Armoured had failed; it was fighting three Karoltai. He had only assumed the Elemental and Flyer would be there not Berra’s Inheritor.
”Of course, my Lord. You need not worry about even putting yourself in the field. I shall handle it, my Lord.”
”Hmm.” Morgoth grumbled.
Mairon bowed his head, turned and walked back out of the fortress, disappearing mid-stride as his Maiar Wings allowed him to fly through space and time.