A Giant’s hand reached out and grasped Ha’zi before he hit the ground. The young Haradrim’s knife fell as the hand squeezed around him and raised him off the ground. A fifteen meter Giant with a mop of short silky red hair, skull-like armor protruded from its temples, covered over by the scarlet strands. Two big jade eyes stared back at Ha’zi in the midst of the steam that emanated from the blast.
Sigeric saw the new Giant. It had a boney-exoskeleton with armor across its chest and back. It’s legs were much like any normal Giant and it’s skin was fiery red like that of the Behemoth, though, lacking any flames. It had Ha’zi in one hand and the other hand was not a hand but a spiked protruding bone that acted as a saber of sorts. It was kneeling, swiftly began to stand and took off, kicking the dirt up and running, crushing an elf beneath its feet.
“What the fack...” Marco mumbled, having fallen over and hit his head.
Celeborn slowly stood up, shaking the daze from his head, “Stop that, that, that thing! It has the boy!”
Glorfindel stood up, grasped his sword, hopped on his disorientated horse and rode after Miriel’s Giant.
Iver found himself transforming mid-air but smashed into the ground, although, not majorly damaging himself. He was a bat again.
Cardiloc, Sigeric, Dimitri, Daugo and Thoruk were reeling from the blast and saw Miriel running south-east, deeper into Mordor with Glorfindel in hot pursuit.
“Iver!” Glorfindel called, “Take one of the Karoltai and go fight the Armoured and Serpent Giants which are attacking the flank! Fly over the barrier and into the Udun! Cardiloc, the Hybrid Shifter, Dimitri, the Dwarf, Sigeric, the Guard, you three go after the Traitor! Daugo, stay with us, we need you if Morgoth is to appear!”
Ha’zi’s legs and most of his upper body were trapped in Miriel’s grasp. She held him tightly but didn’t squeeze him to the point of uncomfort. His hands were free but he lacked his weapon and any way to reach for another. She’d given up looking at him and was merely staring ahead into the distance as she ran.
”Sir, take cover!” Karstir pushed Zaro off his horse before he could charge. The archers had been riding around, firing arrows down the hill at the Giants which had appeared.
One of the Giants grasped a rock and cracked it off in his hands, it had a huge white beard and gazed up at the archers, swinging its arms and hurdling a handful of rocks at them.
The big-mouthed one, simultaneously began to scream. A booming, terrifying screech, “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!”
Across the entire Gorgoroth the scream could be heard. Everyone from the Armoured Giant in the Udun to Elladan in the south heard that terrifying roar.
Zaro and his soldiers were hit by the blast of rocks and the screech. The archers were pulverized in one hit, blown up from the Earth and smashed to death by the rocks, their horses ripped apart.
The scream disorientated, blasted and concussed them all. Zaro’s elven ears bled and he couldn’t hear a thing that was happening. He saw Karstir screaming at him, mouthing some words but nothing came, only a faint whinging, Zeeeeeeeeeeee. Harros grabbed onto him and pulled him up, dragging him down their side of the hill.
A loud voice boomed out, ”HA HA. I MISSED THIS! Another rock, please!”
”Evade!” Elrohir yelled at his brothers in arms as they were swept away and smashed by the Giant they were fighting. Damn it. He looked at the devilish creature and swore. “Pull back, retreat. We can’t fight this thing alone!” The remainder of his cohort, sixty-two elves began riding back, avoiding the Giant and routing to the west.
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