”Oi, I’m-“ Berethor was unbalanced back by the shockwave from the Leviathan and tripped. He quickly got back on his feet and saw the Dwarf Giant leaping up the mountainside, climbing each rock and jumping towards them.
Fine then. Don’t want to talk. We can do this my way then. Berethor glanced at Evenis and the Serpent’s head shook.
“What? We can take him, together.”
The Serpent Giant opened its mouth. Berethor hesitated but walked forward, stepped over its fangs and into the slime-ridden mouth.
“Alright, do what you must,” Berethor said as the Serpent’s mouth shut and he waited in the warm, slimey insides.
Before Dimitri could reach them, the Serpent took off, batting it’s wings and flying over the mountains. Two Drakes came down on him, breathing fire and engulfing the mountainside. Dimitri jumped from it and landed next to Cardiloc. The Dunlending and the Forochelrim facing off against three Drakes. The Jade, and the two newcomers which were Scarlet.
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/UnusualBrit/74.png" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user]
Glorfindel’s armor seemed to have stopped moving and he quickly helped Ha’zi unhook all his apparel from his chest plate to his chain pants. After a minute, the elf was bruised but standing, unarmored and tall.
“Something was controlling me,” He said to Ha’zi, “Thank you. But, this doesn’t make us friends. You...and your Karoltai led us into this disaster. First by releasing the one Enemy that millions had died to defeat, and second by failing to see the traitor in our midst. That girl. Whatever her name was. She deceived us all. I will kill her. I swear it. To all those who died her. I swear, she’ll die.”
From the southeast, a line of soldiers appeared, walking towards them. Marco ran over, breathing heavily, “What the fack is going on? Who are they?”
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user]
After two minutes, the left eye opened and Daugo could see. There were more Drakes in the sky now. They had been flying in a circle around him, not going close out of fear but remaining within striking proximity.
The Destroyer and Screaming Giant’s seemed to be dead. Only the Elemental was on the field. Giant skeletons littered the rest of the place. The Leviathan had not resurfaced but a force of Maia approached from the southeast. Yet they were not the problem.
Scores of spirits flew around him, costing his legs with ice, water and locking his feet in by building rocks over him. He was stuck in place, unable to move.
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user]
”Yes, he was a dumbass.” Miriel said, “Kind of like you. He’s completely blind. You only care about Sauron. You and your fanatical love for him. You’re blind. He’s a monster. And so are those elves and Giants we fought. They’re all monsters and liars. And I’m one of them. I only care for my family. For Tytus and Aranel, for Berethor and Evenis, for Equas and Thule, for Endo and Yellena and for all the others that are locked down here in sleep. They are our family. Not Sauron. And if you can’t see that, you might as well be dead, Mirecyla!” Miriel bursted, screaming at the girl, slamming her fist down next to her head.
The platform shook as the warhammer sent a burst of energy everywhere, knocking back Maiar and Elves alike. Quickly both sides began to recover and another burst of arrows hit Pyrus, slamming his chest and sending him tumbling back into the fountain. Naisón grabbed Pyrus out of the water and ran. They passed Thalól who’s body littered the mountain passage and quickly led Pyrus down the staircase whilst Élnim followed, covering them. Nearly thirty elves had captured the platform and slain the Maia guarding it.
Elrohir clinged to his brother and settled down on the floor, breathing heavily. He had been stabbed and was being tended to by the medics. Elladan and their combined cohorts secured the sector and he began to tinker with the obelisk attempting to break it and open the fence.
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user]