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A huge arrow lodged itself through the mouth of the Screaming Giant, piercing through its brain. It continued to scream for a second before falling over and smashing into the ground, dead.


Osman looked at the dead Giant. Sure, he hated the little shit but he needed him alive. What the hell was he doing slacking off? That arrow-

He turned to see the Guardian Giant in the distance.


“Bring me around to his nape, please, I want to rip this bastard out of it,” Glorfindel whispered to Iver, slowly getting up as the screams ended. The elf’s ears bled. Marco was still clutching his head in pain and Ha’zi was returning to his senses.

A dark shadow fell upon Iver. Above him, was a lapis lazuli coloured Dragon.

Sigeric saw the beast hovering over the Flying Giant. It’s hooked talons aiming for Iver’s back.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user]
"Oh, what a relief." Ha'zi muttered as the ringing in his ears faded away. "Hopefully nothing else is going to interru- shit." He swore as the dragon flew right above them. Shit, shit, shit. "Iver... you might wanna move." Ha'zi tells the Flying urgently.
Iver saw that the destroyer was distracted, a large shadow covered him and he guessed that its not a cloud. With great haste he try to dash away from the shadow but also outside of the destroyer's field of view. He would then rush toward the destroyer's back so the elf could land on his nape
"Away... Ouch... Arghh! ARGHRGAHAGRHGHHGHHHHH", the Behemoth roared as the little giants below kept bothering him and the drakes tried to hurt his face and some needle-like things seemed to be pushing their way up his back. This was much harder than he would've expected, but then again any single one of these things would've already annihilated Daugo.

With one hand he tried covering his eyes a little, and shooed the dragons away with frenzied movements, even trying to hit those that got closest to him with his boulder-like face.

With the other one, he scratched his back savagely, trying to rip out those annoying little ballista bolts that were being a nuisance.

He was beginning to stomp furiously at the ground where the giants were when he heard the penetrating boom of the new giant. This was a problem. Intrigued, he stopped scratching and bent down, trying to pick up the giants at his feet in one hand and toss them at the newcomer's face.
His ears ringing and his mind more confused than Zaro after seeing Iver's cock, Dimitri burrows through the ground and pops up just outside of Card. "YOU LITTLE BUGGER, I'M GONNA USE YER INTENSTINES TO HANG YA PRETTY LITTLE NECK, YA FILTHY GALOT!" Dimitri/the Dwarf shouted. He sprints after the serpent with all due haste, hoping to dodge any attacks by him.
Sigeric wasted no time in aiming his bow at the new target. He saw Iver dive towards the Destroyer, reducing Sigeric's odds of friendly fire. Pulling back his bow and conjuring a new arrow, he carefully aimed at the joint connecting the Dragon's wing to its body. He held his breath, and released.

The arrow would’ve hit its mark had Iver now swooped beneath the beast and gone after the Destroyer, the dragon turned and the arrow bounced off its hide, twirling through the air.

Just then, a loud roar was heard and a huge rock smashed into Sigeric, crushing his Giant form. It had been thrown by the Leviathan Giant who ripped it off the Udun Valley mountainside.

The beast chucked another rock, aimed at Daugo, it missed. The Behemoth could see its foe readying another shot as he plucked up two of the last four Giants at his feet. The other two retreated, running back towards the Destroyer. His hands burnt the Giants he grasped and they wildly throttled in his hands.

Iver’s speed allowed him to successfully outmanuever the dragon’s claws. He reached the Destroyer but Osman swung his hand at Iver and placed his other behind his neck, protecting his nape.


A Giant muscled fist came straight at Iver and Glorfindel jumped. Marco grasped onto the bat for his dear life and Ha’zi saw that the dragon was nearly upon them, watching their moves and following after in hot pursuit. The elf landed on the fist, sword unsheathed and ran down the Destroyer’s arm, slicing his blade through its skin in one swift strike.

In the Udun Valley, Dimitri saw the Serpent gliding up the mountain with small scaly wings like those of a drake, it spat out the Armoured Shifter, Berethor who landed on the mountainside with a grunt. He looked down, slightly dazed and very disheveled at the Dwarf.

“Calm down, Mister Dimitri, we just want to talk!” He yelled at the Dwarf.

Dimitri could see that if he pivoted correctly, he could climb the mountain and reach them. The Serpent was no longer acting defensively and watched, its neck bulging. The Armoured Shifter, that boy with the burn marks from the camp, stood up and gazed down at him, something in his eyes. Whether it was malice or admiration or another emotion he could not tell.

Cardiloc found his current form had degraded and was no longer viable to use. He had enough energy to transform again, so that was a positive. Dimitri had chased after the Serpent and Armoured Giant’s but the Leviathan, that beast was almost as big as the Behemoth and he remembered the damage it could do.

Thoruk chased after the Destroyer, ready to counter its attacks but paused upon seeing Sigeric get completely annihilated. He turned to see the new Giant. It was big. But not as big as Erebor’s gates. “Aye,” He thought, “Got any advice for me on that, Lady?”
“Avoid it.” Came the loose reply.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/UnusualBrit/74.png" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user]
'Shit. Could've used Sigeric's help,' he thought, looking at the ruin of the Guardian Giant. He noticed that the giants he'd picked up had incinerated with amusement, and then noticed the Leviathan-whose-name-he-didn't-know-yet picking up another rock. That was troubling, seeing as he was so big that nothing around him could be used to shield him from it... right?
Card, ran away from the dragon's husk, he used the spear on his back to cut himself. Then the dunlending began to transform, into a giant fire drake. He flew up, and headed after Dimitri; the northman would need his help first.
Iver turned aside, his wings completly aside and tried to circle around the destroyer, putting him between him and the giant dragon. If possible he would claw the destroyer's knee back while doingthat.
"Shiiiiiiiiittttttt!" Ha'zi swore very loudly, terrified, as the Flying swerved back and forth and up and down. He hadn't thought much about flying, usually it was a pretty peaceful experience, but now it felt gut-wrenching from so much sudden movement. And the giant blue dragon chasing them along with the Destroyer did nothing to stop his fear of the situation at all. Wanting to finally get down, Ha'zi crawled forward closer to one of the Giant's many ears. "IVER, LET ME DOWN AT A SAFE SPOT, OK?" He spoke forcefully against the winds that were whipping around them as they zoomed by Osman. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user]
"Let me down" Really? now?, couldnt that wanker get down with the elf?, ofc he couldnt he is Hazi.
Iver tries to stay out of the dragon's view and drop Hazi and marco on the belly of the dead screaming giant before flying back around the destroyer to attack his kneeback.
Ha'zi gives his thanks to Iver, and says to Marco, "Come on, let's go!" then drops off the Flying on to the corpse below of the Screaming giant. He lands cushioned by the body, albeit a bit disgusted, then waits for the Gondorian to drop down. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Captain_Aasim/74.png" name="Captain_Aasim"]12253360[/user]
"But I ca-" Mirecyla would start to say but stopped short upon him kissing her on her forehead, when he finally left she's let out a long moan of ecstasy cherishing that moment. Looking over at the unconscious form of Miriel she would grin and say "Your a fool Miriel, I can't believe that not only I lasted longer but I also performed better than you."
Pyrus would be watching the battle unfold with mixed emotions, it wasn't clear who was currently winning, the Behemoth was troubling and would easily sway the sides, yet so could Joplin. He would continue to press the ballista bolts deeper into the skin of the Behemoth while also having them move up to the neck. He glanced over to check on Evenis and Berethor and noticed that the Dwarf and Hybrid were about to advance upon them, but what he saw made him grin as he said "Send out two wingless drakes to help our Berethor and Evenis."
The Drake would stand up on shaky legs, greatly injured from the tumble, explosions and claw marks but still alive, even if barley. Noticing that the other drake had its back to him he would clear his head and with a running jump and boost with his wings go to lunge for the back of the other drake.
As Cardiloc flew towards Dimitri he heard the bat of wings, not his own, but from behind him. The Jade Drake was still alive.

From atop the Udun mountain, two drakes began to spur forth.

“So, you just gonna stand there and watch us, Dimitri? Do you want us to rip you out of your Giant and take you back forcefully or would you rather have a civilized discussion?” Berethor shouted at him.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/UnusualBrit/74.png" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user]


Daugo saw that he could possibly hide from the Leviathan if he walked west towards the mountains and used them as cover.

Only two of the original six drakes remained and they continued to pester him, raking his skin and vomiting fire into him in quite a vainful manner.

He felt five ballista bolts cutting through the skin beneath him, they would soon reach him if he didn’t try to stop them...

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user]


”Huh?” Miriel asked, waking up stiffly.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user]


Iver, due to his speed, managed to also successfully cut through the back of the Destroyer’s right knee, however, in the process of doing this, the dragon thundered along and opened its mouth.

When Iver had flown to the Screaming Giant’s corpse and dropped Ha’zi and Marco, the beast unleashed a hailstorm of flames, burning Iver’s bat form to a crisp. His wings, body and even himself in the nape burning in an inferno of heat.

The Flying Giant crashed and the dragon seized its corpse, taking Iver with him.

“Look!” Marco pointed at the dragon, “I-it killed Iv...” he was lost for words. The dream of fighting against evil was slowly being shattered in the Gondorians mind. So many dead. He handn’t known any but now...Iver...

“Oh no..”

Ha’zi saw the nape of the Screaming Giant had been opened and a man was sitting there, staring back at him. He was older than Ha’zi, perhaps around Card’s age and had the ruggish looks of a wildman.

“Don’t try it,” He said to him, taking out a knife.

Meanwhile, Osman had laughed upon seeing Joplin destroy Sigeric. Ha, the coward was actually fighting for once. Good. He’d have killed him afterwards if he didn’t. The Behemoth was still a problem but he had bigger concerns, the elf. The puny little scum couldn’t do anything to him but to be safe he had covered his nape with his left hand, the elf was cutting up his right and running at him but couldn’t harm him whilst in this position-wait, what was he doi-


Glorfindel ripped through the Destroyer’s arm and leaped onto his face, stabbing the creature’s right eye with his sword and swinging on it, kicking his boots into its left eye. He then dislodged his sword and fell, stabbing it into the Destroyer’s leg before jumping off and running between them. His opponent was blind, had only a single arm left which was guarding his internal body and now, as Iver cut through its knee, was having difficulty standing.

The elf ran by both his knees and with a twirl, sliced through both Achilles’ tendons, causing the Destroyer Giant to fall.

Osman didn’t know what was happening. Had the elf blinded him? Why was there pain in his legs? Was that another Giant attacking him?

The ground rushed up to meet his face and he slammed into it at full force, screaming in agony and confusion. The next thing he knew he was being grabbed and pulled out of his Giant, his limbs being cut off like before by that bitch Miriel.


“Shut up.” Glorfindel punched the Dwarf. Osman spat in his face. Glorfindel stuck his sword down his throat like he did with the young girl. At this point he couldn’t care less about his enemies.

“There we go. Like the taste of Noldorin steel, Destroyer Giant?”

“Mfffhw frraaccckkkuuu!”

He shoved the blade through his upper mouth, it broke into his eye socket and Osman could barely breathe, think, let alone speak.

Glorfindel looked around and saw that the Flyer had been slain, the other two men were on the body of the large deceased Giant, the Elemental, he thought, seemed to be striding towards him with another Giant, it was awfully small he noticed...

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user]
The ballista bolts would continue to go up the Behemoths body.
"You got beat the fuck up by your boyfriend." Mirecyla would joke in a snarky voice. "Why didn't you just end him Miriel? You had your chance."
Pyrus would be once again observe the battlefield, and now noticed that the Destroyer was down, fucking hell, who was that. Obviously an elf, what a troublesome bugger. Taking a breath Pyrus would send out waves of his magic, searching for the armor or any weapons he had on him. Specifically looking for the armor he would picture a piece of paper in his palm, then he pictured squeezing it into a ball, thats what he thought of with the armor. The ore his hand, the body the paper...
"IVER!" Ha'zi shouted as his friend was scorched and kidnapped by that damned dragon. "NO, Iver!" The Southron boy was at a loss of words. Iver... he was gone. Engulfed in flames. Nearly incinerated. And if that Dalishman actually managed to survive that... he was probably going to have the same thing that happened to Grimnir with himself. Or possibly worse, just straightout death.

Ha'zi felt sick to his stomach, an even worse feeling than when they were jerking wildly in the air to dodge the Destroyer. This may have been the last time he would see Iver and everything he'd said and acted towards the Dalishman had been of anger and thinking him an assassiniv. Ha'zi could do nothing now. Nothing to help his friend who he argued with, despite how helpful the man was to Ha'zi and the others, and now he was gone.

The boy had tears in his eyes as the dragon flew off with the body of the Flying. His attention was soon interrupted by the Screaming shifter. "What do you want, asshole?" He snarled at the man. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Captain_Aasim/74.png" name="Captain_Aasim"]12253360[/user]
Seething with rage, the Behemoth stomped the ground thrice, producing a decent amount of boulders and debris. He ducked, and picked up some large chunks of ground, before throwing them with all his might in the direction the shots were coming from.

The bolts inside him were troubling, but nothing could be done yet; he didn't want to risk losing the Giant form now by plunging his hand deep into his chest...

He would also survey the ground between him and the Leviathan, to see whether it was feasible to charge in that direction, all the while shaking his head to avoid the worst of the drakes' assault on him.
Suddenly, Sigeric's mind was recalled to his true body, encased in the crystal in the chamber beneath his giant. He had not even seen what had hit him. Opening the crystal, he stepped out into the cavern, picking up his weapons. He had but one more transformation. He could not allow himself to waste it. Climbing out of the pit, Sigeric viewed the battlefield with a calculating eye, suppressing his dismay. They were being slaughtered. He began to doubt that they could win through attrition. If only they could make a decisive blow... He tapped into his powers, mentally probing the battlefield. The enemy had to have a command post somewhere...
Sigeric saw Thoruk walk over and offer his hand to him, allowing him a Giant pick-up.

His mind raced through the hundreds of voices.


“Oh, God, my face, my face, I can’t feel my face-“
“My hands, the fingers, they’re gone...”
“So much dust, was this Elandil? There’s nothing to send home to his wife.”
“What is this? Did they betray us? Is this the Behemoth?”

A collection of Gondorian voices alerted Sigeric that some had survived the Leviathan’s blast. Most were in dismay, crying, screaming, thinking of loved ones and wishing the nightmare to end. Some ended abruptly halfway through thought as if they had died in that moment. It was terrible. No. It was worse than terrible. It was abysmal, horrendous, spine-chillingly abhorrent.

“Just a bit further and I’ll get that fucking Hobbit,” He heard Pyrus’ thoughts. With his mind he began to sense the general direction, towards the Southwest, in the mountains of Ash.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user]


Pyrus couldn’t control the bolts and take out the elf in one. He’d have to focus on a target. Who would it be? The Behemoth or the Giant Slayer?


”Uh,” Miriel groaned and laid back, “I made a mistake calculating whether or not to smash his head in. That was my fault. And no, he’s nothing to me. So, watch your mouth, Mire.” She turned over, trying to rest.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user]


The rocks smashed into the Leviathan’s shoulder and chest, gouging the flesh and damaging it, the huge beast, fell over with a resounding THUUUUUUUUDDDDDD. Crashing into the Udun Valley.

It created a tornado of winds as he fell, knocking Cardiloc, the Drakes, Dimitri, the Serpent and even Berethor off their balance.

In the meanwhile, as he shook his head a Drake clawed his eyes out, ripping through them. It all went dark and Daugo was blind.


”Why-“ Glorfindel gasped as his armor began to clench down on him. He dropped his sword and fell back, starting to rip off his chest plate and and kick off his shoes.

Osman stared at the elf and laughed, coughing up blood as he lay there, useless.

Ha’zi saw Glorfindel being strangely attacked by an invisible force, the elf rolling around on the dead back of the Destroyer.

“Give us back, Iver!” Marco called at the Screaming Shifter and charged the man with his sword drawn.

The two Giants walked over, one grabbed Osman and the other picked up the Screaming Shifter who merely gazed at the pathetic Ha’zi and the ragged Marco.

“Another time, then?” The Screaming Shifter asked rhetorically as the Giants saved him and Osman, carrying them southeast.

The Drake began to fly away with Iver in its talons.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user]


”This is bad,” Celeborn muttered as he watched the battle unfold. The fence was still up and both Elladan and Elrohir had yet to return. The Shifters were getting trashed. There were drakes and dragons in the sky. The Gondorian forces were all but destroyed. How could they fight against such odds? And Celeborn knew that this was only a taste of what was to come...


”Time to wrap this up. All forces engage. Slaughter the elves and capture the Shifters alive.” Mairon’s message went through their heads.

The last of the Drakes descended from the mountains, a dozen fire spirits flew into the skies, water, ice, wind and rock spirits appeared across the battlefield, surrounding them. A legion of Maiar Warriors appeared on the horizon, the Two Giants fleeing past them. They marched towards Ha’zi, Marco and the struggling Glorfindel.

In the west, the sun was slowly beginning to set, falling behind the Ephel Duath.