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Cardiloc descended on the drake attacking Turin with a loud roar. His legs raking at the dragons eyes. He then went to take a bite out of the beasts neck, his razor sharp fangs going to sink deep into its scalded flesh.
How could he fail so badly? He was too weak to fight back. "Eru give me strength to defend my friends and family" he prayed quietly.
Dimitri flew into the air, crashing down right on a Maia fighting an Elf and crushing him. Oh well, acceptable loses. He got up, and looked at the Armored Giant. He wasn't alone now, but then again, neither was here. "Mi'lord, if we kill those big 'uns, we can give the Big Shadow a big blow!" Dimitri roared over the fray, echoing throughout Udun.
Where were they going? Why were the guards so forceful? Why is Iver such an idiot? These thoughts plagued Ha'zi as they walked in silence towards possible doom. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Captain_Aasim/74.png" name="Captain_Aasim"]12253360[/user]
The Drake would be satisfied, going to tell his brother that he handled it when he noticed that it wasn't any drake he recognized, actually, he did. It was the the drake he had been sent to kill. Seeing it start to dive down towards him he thought about his options. The man needed to die. Rushing forward the Drake would breath flames at the prone body of the man rearing up on his backless to intercept the dive.
"YOU MAY OF COMMANDED ME BEFORE BROTHER BUT YOU DON'T COMMAND ME ANYMORE." ((If he has some amount of his power back:)) Pyrus would roar and stand up, throwing his arms out and using his magic to grab onto Eonwë crushing him similar to how he had tried to do to that other elf earlier, but this time with all of his willpower and force, yet not enough to kill him, only severally weaken him.

((If he doesn't have his magic:)) Pyrus would roar and stand up, pulling out his mace and Maiar Blade, duel wielding them both as adrenaline and bloodlust filled him up as he moved into a defensive stance.
Cardiloc’s talons successfully blinded the scarlet drake. His teeth slid into the neck but the beast let loose a torrent of fire into the sky, its aim being redirected by Cardiloc’s bite.

((No magic, soz))

Eonwë looked at Pyrus with both sympathy and pity.

”You’ve fallen from grace, Brother. Like me. The only difference is-“ Eonwë raised his longsword and charged towards Pyrus bringing it down in an arc to his Maiar-blade arm, ”I still serve Eru!”

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/UnusualBrit/74.png" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user]


Iver was led into the dark fortress as the rain pelted him. The doors shut behind him and he felt a chill cold fall. The Maia opened a door and forced him through it and he saw the Hall. The Hall of Morgoth.

At the end of a high throne of ebony rock, saw a tall figure, about twelve feet in height and with dark black raven hair and gloomy orange eyes. He stared back at the newcomer and watched Iver approach. In one corner of the room were a set of what he thought were torcher devices and in the other a hallway leading into the earth.

The Maia bowed then kneeled before his Lord exclaiming, “O, hail thee Melkor!” Kicking Iver to his knees before the Dark Lord.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user]


After two minutes of walking, Ha’zi emerged on a hill. A few meters ahead of him was the Screaming Giant surrounded by ten meter Giants. It opened its mouth and unleashed a loud roar on the battling soldiers below, sending dozens of elves, Maia, Karoltai and a single Marco flying with a sound wave.

It disrupted the battlefield and the Armoured and Serpent Giants charged in, crushing elves underfoot and even causing casualties to the Maia, whether friendly or opposing. It was a massacre.

“Now?” The little girl asked.
“No. We draw out the big one.”

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user]


Tulkas’ punch destroyed the Water Spirit, sending it’s fluid-body everywhere.

The Vala laughed and listened to the Dwarf Giant.

”HA HA HA. I like it, Dimitrius! But where in fact is my scrawny brother? O’ Morgoth, where art thou?!” He laughed even more.

Dimitri saw the Armoured and Serpent charge forward into view and begin decimating foes and friends alike. Tulkas seemed ready to jump when a voice cut through the fray.

”Your fight is with me, Astaldo.”

Dimitri recognized Sauron, the Deciever, the Lord of Gifts, the Cruel, The Abominable from his parents scriptures of the Dark Lord. He was just like Eonwë. No. It was as if he was Eonwë. The same hair, eyes, nose, face, height, everything. Until-

Sauron began to grow, becoming taller, to the height of Tulkas. Armor formed around him, his dark helmet, a mace materialized in his right hand and the elves stopped fighting.

Celeborn turned to see the despicable, wretched figure of the Dark Lord. The memories of the Second Age hit him and the elf raised his blade in defiance, moving around the Maia.

Thoruk emerged from the Elemental Giant’s body and threw his axe at one of the Maia, joining the fight.

The elves and Maia around Tulkas and Sauron naturally moved out of the way and watched as both figures squared off against one another. It was the Vala who threw the first punch, with a laugh of joy.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/_PigGuardian_/74.png" name="_PigGuardian_"]13873166[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user]
Card continue to rip chunks out of the neck to stay the other dragon, he had the advantage in vision a luxury he had fortunately taken from his foe.
Sigeric sighed, and addressed the Maia behind him. "I'm afraid that if you kill me, then my friend here will kill your comrade with that Maiar blade. Which of us do you think is worth more?" He hoped that the Maia did not recognize him as a Shifter. He reached into his assailant's mind, gauging his/her ((Cap didn't specify)) reaction. The blade in the back of his neck was making his concentration less than optimal, however.
Zaro now alarmed quickly pulled Azure in front of him and moved his maiar blade closer to the maiar's neck facing Sigeric and the stranger. He now remembered what had happened before they had charged into the maiar army and realized that they purposely captured Ha'zi while in the presence of what must be they're leader. They must want the shifters alive because they ruthlessly killed everyone else they wouldn't of spared him for no reason. In fact it looked like they didnt' even try to kill him. "This is a maiar blade here. If I stab one of you with the tip of this you will drop lifeless. How about we negotiate a trade and you give me my friend and I give you yours, no damage done. If you refuse my request and take my friends heart, I will start with killing her and since there is no where to run I will then stick the tip of this blade into your heart and you will also fall dead."
”Hand over the blade, and I’ll let your friend go. Then, you can let mine. We’ll go our separate way and you go yours.” The Maia said to Zaro, keeping the knife placed in Sigeric’s neck, blood trickling down his spine.


“Dumb Azura always needing help,” Sigeric could read the Maia’s mind. “Wait? What? Who is there?” The Maia spoke out, both mentally and physically as Sigeric’s prescence was detected.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/_PigGuardian_/74.png" name="_PigGuardian_"]13873166[/user]


The scarlet drake died as its neck cracked under the weight of Cardiloc.

Túrin Turambar stood and saw the other beast, backing up slightly but raising his sword in defense. Was this his savior or another foe?

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/UnusualBrit/74.png" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user]
"Why do you care about this random sword?" Zaro questioned staying in his current position but mentally picturing where his dagger would be if he did throw him the blade and ready to grba it to make sure he did trade the friend.
"Who is where?" Sigeric asked in an annoyed tone, leaving the Maia's mind. "In any case, I agree to your terms. The Elf is going to step back ten paces, and gently toss the blade to you. Then our respective prisoners shall be released in the order that you have suggested. Acceptable? We should end this before other combatants become involved and complicate the matter further." Sigeric hoped that the distance would be enough. He gave Zaro a look suggesting that he should follow his instructions.
The blade slid slightly out of Sigeric’s neck, but the Maia kept it pressed.

Then it happened.

The Screming Giant’s wave, it knocked Sigeric, the Maia and Zaro down. Azura slid on the floor and rolled, slowly getting back up and making a run for it. The other Maia was stunned and slowly tried to stand but the wave continued, blasting a hurricance of wind and rain at them. Others fell and tripped, knocking into Sigeric, a corpse landed on Zaro, impaling itself on the Maiar-blade before tumbling away. When the scream stopped, Zaro and Sigeric surrounded the Maia along with an elf, a Water Spirit and another Maia Warrior. The Maiar-blade and other weapons had been dislodged during the attack and there was a single blade between them all. Sigeric’s rapier. Zaro still had two daggers left and the Warrior Maia pulled out a throwing axe.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/_PigGuardian_/74.png" name="_PigGuardian_"]13873166[/user]
Dimitri knew that any intervention in the fight between Tulkas and Sauron was apoor choice, so he focused on finding a way to seperate the giants so he could pick off the Armored giant with ease. "MISTER DIMITRI WANNA HAVE A TALK WITH YA."
The Armoured Giant stepped on an elf, crushing them and turned around to see the Dwarf.

He grunted and raised his fists in return. The Serpent slithered between the Armoured’s legs and crawled up it’s waist, eyeing Dimitri before spitting at the Dwarf, unleashing a splatter of yellowish liquid towards the Dwarf.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user]
The world seemed to slow for Pyrus as Eonwë swung at him. Would this be the end of him? Would Pyrus survive? Thousands of questions went through his held till one word boomed above all of them. Remember... Remember what? The last time he took a shit? But then he thought about it and his mind drew back to the island to where he fought a Trickster. Remembering how he ended the fight almost instantly time started to speed up. Pulling off the same move he spun around and out of the swords reach, bringing his Mace to the back of his head and his Blade around to block if needed.

Mirecyla would yawn and wake up, she looked down at herself, was she healed?
Ha'zi watched in horror at the catastrophe on the battlefield, feeling absolutely useless. He could do nothing as his friends were tossed to the side and elves slaughtered. He could do nothing to stop the chaos of the Giants and the wave upon wave of Maiar clashing with their resistance. He could do nothing to stop the petrifying Sauron in full glory.

But what he could do was something he was rather specialised in. Finally, all his previous efforts culminated in this moment to do the very thing he was good at: lashing out, thrashing, and generally pissing off his captor.

Ha'zi struggled wildly, using all his remaining strength to try and break free, and cursed at the guard restraining him. "Hey, fackface, i bet you wouldn't like if I alerted them of where I was, right?" He then immediately did just that. "GUYS I'M RIGHT HERE. IT'S HA'ZI. THESE FACKFACES HAVE ME AND IVER CAPTURED!" [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Captain_Aasim/74.png" name="Captain_Aasim"]12253360[/user]
The elf recovered from the wave and looked around whilst equiping his two remaining daggers. He spotted three maia including some strange water creature, an elf soldier, and the shifter from before. All appeared to be unarmed and all of them were controled by the blast and ended up here. He then spotted the shifter's rapier that seemed to have fell from him, it wasn't much but it would make a big difference. Seeing as everyone was unarmed and all they're weapons were carried far away from the powerful fury that just poisoned them, it appeared everyone in the circle was now looking at the rapier too and staring at the others preparing to sprint forward hesitating knowing that the moment one of them broke the others would follow as soon as they did and could easily out run them. Whoever had the weapon had the advantage over the entire group so chaos would soon ensue Zaro speculated. He mentally chuckled at the actuation they were in. "Welp, somebody has to do it." Zaro zoomed forward aiming to grab the rapier ignoring the enemies aorund him focusing mostly on grabbing the blade as fast as possible.
"What the fuck is happening?" he asked under his breath, describing in one sentence his general state throughout this whole sordid affair. He looked at the Gondorians; less than a hundred were there. They were of varying ages and sizes, but, if they shared a single thing, it was the half-crazed look of people that have survived trauma after trauma. He recognized it from the likes of Iver, and he usually did not trust people in such a state. Moreover, the captured man made him deeply uneasy, all the more so because of his resemblance to the Behemoth's flames.

But he thought of the alternative. Looking back, he saw the fence that had felled his giant, and the bright lights and explosions of the battle apparently still raging behind him. It seemed a poor choice indeed.

So he decided he would enter the little encampment. Now it was just a matter of picking a manner of entrance. He couldn't simply waltz in, beaming, unfazed. At best they would resent him and give him a cold welcome for it. At worst, they would take him for an enemy or decide to make him a symbol of all the factors that made them end up in this situation, and take their revenge on him. That would be very bad. No, he would have to play this carefully, make them feel empathy. Empathy was key.

Taking in a deep breath, he searched for a rock, tearing at his clothes and bruising his face with it. Then, his vision becoming blurry for a moment, he grabbed his shark-tooth knife and plunged it into his right calf. He barely stopped himself from howling in pain.

Crying and shuddering miserably, he limped his way into the Gondorian camp, saying "help... help me'" softly.
Arandil ran and got a cloak from a soldier to help him stop the bleeding. He let him lie down and he gave him a little bit of water. He then ordered for the men to spear the legs of the bastard on fire. So he wouldn't escape.
"Don't think you can escape us bastard.Now we have one more wounded soul with us. So to put it in words you might understand my dimwit, you know very well how to escape" he told him as he punched him and took a step back to not burn.
"If you don't show us how to go through I will cut your stomach open and force you to watch me cut each of your organs out one by one until you die." Arandil then kicked him. He felt a burn but he did not care. It was a miracle he did not kill the man.