Cardiloc’s talons successfully blinded the scarlet drake. His teeth slid into the neck but the beast let loose a torrent of fire into the sky, its aim being redirected by Cardiloc’s bite.
((No magic, soz))
Eonwë looked at Pyrus with both sympathy and pity.
”You’ve fallen from grace, Brother. Like me. The only difference is-“ Eonwë raised his longsword and charged towards Pyrus bringing it down in an arc to his Maiar-blade arm, ”I still serve Eru!”
[user avatar="" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user] [user avatar="" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user]
Iver was led into the dark fortress as the rain pelted him. The doors shut behind him and he felt a chill cold fall. The Maia opened a door and forced him through it and he saw the Hall. The Hall of Morgoth.
At the end of a high throne of ebony rock, saw a tall figure, about twelve feet in height and with dark black raven hair and gloomy orange eyes. He stared back at the newcomer and watched Iver approach. In one corner of the room were a set of what he thought were torcher devices and in the other a hallway leading into the earth.
The Maia bowed then kneeled before his Lord exclaiming, “O, hail thee Melkor!” Kicking Iver to his knees before the Dark Lord.
[user avatar="" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user]
After two minutes of walking, Ha’zi emerged on a hill. A few meters ahead of him was the Screaming Giant surrounded by ten meter Giants. It opened its mouth and unleashed a loud roar on the battling soldiers below, sending dozens of elves, Maia, Karoltai and a single Marco flying with a sound wave.
It disrupted the battlefield and the Armoured and Serpent Giants charged in, crushing elves underfoot and even causing casualties to the Maia, whether friendly or opposing. It was a massacre.
“Now?” The little girl asked.
“No. We draw out the big one.”
[user avatar="" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user]
Tulkas’ punch destroyed the Water Spirit, sending it’s fluid-body everywhere.
The Vala laughed and listened to the Dwarf Giant.
”HA HA HA. I like it, Dimitrius! But where in fact is my scrawny brother? O’ Morgoth, where art thou?!” He laughed even more.
Dimitri saw the Armoured and Serpent charge forward into view and begin decimating foes and friends alike. Tulkas seemed ready to jump when a voice cut through the fray.
”Your fight is with me, Astaldo.”
Dimitri recognized Sauron, the Deciever, the Lord of Gifts, the Cruel, The Abominable from his parents scriptures of the Dark Lord. He was just like Eonwë. No. It was as if he was Eonwë. The same hair, eyes, nose, face, height, everything. Until-
Sauron began to grow, becoming taller, to the height of Tulkas. Armor formed around him, his dark helmet, a mace materialized in his right hand and the elves stopped fighting.
Celeborn turned to see the despicable, wretched figure of the Dark Lord. The memories of the Second Age hit him and the elf raised his blade in defiance, moving around the Maia.
Thoruk emerged from the Elemental Giant’s body and threw his axe at one of the Maia, joining the fight.
The elves and Maia around Tulkas and Sauron naturally moved out of the way and watched as both figures squared off against one another. It was the Vala who threw the first punch, with a laugh of joy.
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