"......fuck me...this is awkward..." Ha'zi muttered to himself and pushed back off his seat. He stood and glanced back at the woman. "Keep him company. But remember the drill, A. And make sure he doesn't die. He's my friend." He gaze Cardiloc one last look before disappearing out the side entrance and into the unknown. The woman stood up, kept her scarf around her and walked out of the hallway, leaving Cardiloc alone. After a few moments she returned with a small plate filled with some greenish paste. She placed it down before Cardiloc and finally spoke.
"Dinner." Her voice was unfamiliar but the accent reminded him of someone Cardiloc knew. Who had a similar accent....?
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/UnusualBrit/74.png" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user]
Salmar's face was as much a poker face as one could expect. Yet Daugo saw something in those deep blue eyes, a spark. What was that? Fear? Grief? Anger? Sorrow? His mouth opened.
"He is dead, Eonwe."
Eonwe stiffened. It was like a stab in the back. Though, how could a Maia convey such an emotion? He did not know what to think or do and at that moment despair took him. It could not be true. No. Salmar was misinformed. Trickery by Manwe or Ulmo. They had all turned their backs on him. They were all traitors to the true cause. Only he saw that. Now it was clear.
"You have been deceived, Salmar. He cannot be dead. It is he we speak of. Il-"
The Ainur glanced northwest in the direction of the scream and Daugo caught Salmar's unshakeable guise shatterin a brief second. The Maia appeared terrified.
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user]
Glorfindel glanced down at Ha'zi and the others. He paid the boy little heed but Ha'zi could see distaste written across the elf's face. Before the boy could begin an unearthly scream interrupted their discussion.
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user]
"Injured on the left tunnel! Everyone else to the right!" Magath shouted at the stream of soldiers swarming into Henneth Annun.
Erchirion found additional supplies and armaments in the barracks including a large pike which was used to fell trolls. Some of the rangers were arming up and one of them brushed past him, "On your way, man! We have to defend the causeway from whatever is out there! You coming or what?"
[user avatar="https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/7267733/avatar/small.1678974881.png" name="GamerAced"]7267733[/user]
Hering's arrow hit the beast's hide but did not deter it as it scurried after him. As the ranger rolled up it clamped down on his leg and ripped at his black cloak, leaving claw marks across the white tree and bloodying him. Immense pain filled him and he felt a scream coming up as serrated teeth sunk into his calf and began to drag him face-first through the dirt and towards the bushes.
Before Arandil could rush the creature it attacked another black cloak and mauled him. It was the one shouting at Arandil from before. It was almost poetic justice but horrific at the same time. Iver saw the closest beast ripping at a black cloak and dragging him away from the group, likely as a snack. He managed to catch up to it just when he heard a whistle from behind.
Sigeric watched as the beast leaped into the air. His Maia blade was well positioned to stab at it but its sheer force, its black bloody fangs and its sharpened claws all sent shockwaves of fear through him. Slowly it came down upon him when a whistle sounded through the forest.
A multitude of projectiles shot from different directions and smacked into the beasts, knocking several down including the one attacking Hering. A javelin impaled the hound that was coming down on Sigeric, knocking it slightly aside. The beast landed on the Dalishman, squashing him. His Maia blade sunk into its flesh and it scrambled frantically, clawing at Sigeric's face, arms, and legs. A claw hooked itself in the Dalishman's hair and tore out a chunk of his, not so dashing yet decent, hair.
"PROTECT THE KAROLTAI!" Someone screamed and a dozen men charged from the surrounding forest, all cloaked in black. They came down upon the beasts with vicious determination and within a matter of seconds the beast on Sigeric was hefted up and he was grasped by two men, lifting him up.
A trio of black cloaks surrounded Thoruk and guided the dwarf away from the fighting and to safety.
Iver and Arandil watched as one of the rangers jumped over a log and landed on the beast clawing Hering. The ranger stabbed its eye sockets with two daggers and caused the beast to mount up on its hind legs, exposing its underbelly and allowing Hering some space to breathe.
One black cloak ran at the Iron Hunter and fell in a matter of seconds, his head decapitated with a swift strike. Another man grabbed Dimitri and propelled him towards the hideout but was shot in the back by something discharged by the Iron Hunter.
"BRING IT DOWN! COVER THE RETREAT!!" One of the captains fired an arrow at the Iron Hunter. The arrow entered the Iron Hunter's exposed leather garments behind the kneecap, penetrating it. The Iron Hunter left loose a foul and terrible scream that echoed throughout Ithilien.