He would plop these three onto his back, then continue trying to grab consenting soldiers. Soon, though, he realized this was a mess: not only were people generally freaked out by him in the first place, but they were more intent on fleeing than staying and risking getting attacked by Beren or one of his monsters while waiting for their giant bestial Uber to hurry up. Thus, he let most of the men flee at this point- no real need to grab them if they were disobeying his commands and fearful of him anyway. Besides, most of the threats were distracted at the moment... except Beren. Shit.
Seeing that his spell had faded away already, Ha'zi looked to advance the offensive, tapping into the powers of Sigeric, Thoruk, and one "Mercedes":
Of Sigeric, he connected to their shared feelings of internal facepalming at the actions performed by Gondor, such as the scouting party, the Festival, and the botched negotiation with the Protos that led to much havoc. And, here, was another failure of theirs that he was experiencing. A wonderful story to impart when they returned, for sure.
Of Thoruk, he clung to the relief and excitement felt when reuniting with him, using these positive feelings as a boost to ensure that it wouldn't end entirely in misery.
And, lastly, of "Mercedes", otherwise known as the Fear Giant in Gondor's books. He had an inkling that this name wasn't really true... But you never knew from Iver. He turned out to be right about the leather- might be for this, too. Anyway, while he didn't known much about her, he did have her to thank for the confirmation of him having children, thus the emotional connection of elation from this knowledge passed.
Once empowered, he would firstly do a variety of things with the Guardian's more... crafty... skills:
Many of his tentacles would shift to have malleable spikes at their ends, along with hooks embedded throughout the appendages. Biomass would writhe around Beren's figure as he concentrated on torturing Telimekhtar, going to coil up and around him slowly, then go to suddenly bind him, wanting to pin and squeeze him. Around Beren, giant repeating crossbows similar to ones that he had seen made by Sigeric and, most notably, the Trickster, appeared, and would continually fire to keep him occupied. Farther away, fewer and smaller, but faster crossbows showed to assist Dimitri (using the radar system from earlier + viewing his thoughts).
With the Elemental, a great, terrible storm began. The winds straight from stirring to speeding in tornado-like fashion. These whipping gusts would delightfully prey upon the flung Norio, sending him further and further up into the atmosphere, where the chilling airs and plasma waited to attack. Thus, they did, blinding streaks pounding repeatedly into the creature, as the frosty airs kept it stationary in motion and still for the endless onslaught of energy. Ha'zi remembered Thoruk's words of Norio being able to survive overkill, and thus took them to heart in this assault that was in mind to either send the monster to oblivion, or at least severely weaken it. A few bolts were also sent into the woods to strike out at the Monster Giant, but not too many as he already took notice of Thoruk's assistance, his own weaponry, and of Dimitri's capability, so he wasn't too worried about the Dwarf.
He was, however, worried about Teli. Sure, he still hated the guy, but he was valuable. So, begrudgingly, Ha'zi sent a gust to try and blow the Maia towards Cthugle'zi.
Then, there was the Fear Giant. Now, he didn't necessarily know how she worked, but he had heard of reports and spoken word about her abilities. And, of course, there was the fact that she was powered by... wait for it... fear. Which was incredibly abundant here amongst the minds of men and shifters alike. Picturing it similarly to how the Guardian and it's mental and constructive abilities operated, he collected the terror each had, and launched it all at once into Beren, wanting to paralyze him in the terror present. To help supply this fear, Ha'zi looked to significant frightful moments: being placed in the slave ship and the monstrous things that he went through there, witnessing Keldar commit suicide, Lesier's death, the Aldamos massacre, the Mordor massacre, the Gondorian massacre he saw with Keldar, and the most dreadful of them all.... finding out he had a child. Hopefully it would overwhelm him.
Ignoring Arandil, Ha'zi fwooshed right by Teli, his child-friendly tentacles going to grasp him, his current passengers being protected by an encircling of noodle arms to prevent whiplash and/or joining Norio up in the skies.
"Gotta agree with Daugo, fella. We really shouldn't stop for 'im. The guy's already gone," Galador said, saddened but understanding of the cost.