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Iver had some fcked up dreams and should talk to someone about them but he never remember them
Daugo scoffs, taking out his pipe and filling it with pipeweed. A second later, he was smoking unhappily outside of The Pony, reflecting on the night's events. On the one hand, he was incredibly glad that he had gotten out of this whole affair alive and well, and that was more than he had dared hope at one point earlier. Yet he had a clinging uneasiness at the fact that the heroes of the brawl had been arrested by the authorities. Of course they had gone way over the line, butchering the lowlifes as they would cattle, but they had done so in self-defense, and had kept him alive, most importantly.

Taking another whiff of smoke, his mind turns to what the constable--whose name, he thought, was Gorman--said to him. He did not realize that Olly had been involved in this brawl until Gorman said so, and it was a strange thought. Milly's family had never been part of the Breelander aristocracy, but he had never considered that they might turn to crime.

"I should go home," he mumbles to himself, though he does not feel like being with the family at this moment. "And I should give the authorities my version of the story," a small voice in his mind adds. "Tomorrow."
Before Dimitri was arrested, he takes a swig of ale and tastes its glorious liqour. To him, it was sweeter than the nectar of the gods. Its golden glow in the faint torchlight dazzled him. But soon his enchantment was broken by the sudden reminder of a spear to his rear. "Aight, I'll move, calm down." he says.
Grimnir looks at the sky for a tad bit seeing the rain had stopped, this was the moment he could finally take a smoke. As he draws his pipe, the guards be answered their question. "Aye, i've seen the whole thing." He says. "The lad with the metal arm and the Easterling have done nothing wrong. They wanted to protect the Hobbit over there." He points at Daugo [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user] . Grimnir looks back at the guards, in a rather unsurprised manner. "However," he said, "that Dalishman, is an imposter most likely. I also saw him killing a helpless person whom I think wasn't a 'bandit'. The dwarf should however be let go aswell, he is a young lad. Acts in the heat of the moment, he probably thought he was in life danger, which could be possible." He exhales a smoke cloud as he looks at the guards again, "anything else?" he mutters in his favourite tone; sarcastically.
After killing Olly Elodrin would lower his weapon holding it with one hand as he surveyed the scene, looking at his sword he watched as a drop of blood hit the floor, almost as if planned the doors would burst open and Elodrin would raise his weapon once again preparing to fight more bandits. Instead came the town guard with weapons ready. Lowering his weapon he would be pushed up next to the other fighters while the rest of the people awake would be led out, raising his hands he would be hold his Longsword with one hand he would attempt to reason with them before being interrupted by the mercanary who would in turn be interrupted by the dwarf who in turn screwed them over. The mercanary being knocked out and the guards seemingly arresting them, prodding them forward with spears and pikes, being pushed outside he would not only attempt to seath his weapon but he would also see the hobbit who was hiding under the bar talking to the guards, possibly being a local. Speaking up he would say "Hold on good men, even though you may hear this plenty I along with these others aren't bandits, if you go back in and check one of there weapons you will see a dagger that is known for being used by local bandits. Also, if you would take the time to sit down with me or the others you will know that we are innocent and acted only in self defense and in the defense of that hobbit one of your men was talking to."
Elodrin, Dimitri, and Thoruk were led into a jail cell in the Bree barracks. The room was cramped and made it crowded for them, especially when the unconscious bodies of Iver, Margoz, Sigeric and even Deslan who had been caught pickpocketing the mayor's son. There were no toilets and no food was offered to them. No constable seemed to be posted, yet, they could do little to escape considering the barracks was new with thick walls, sturdy steel bars, and a simple but effective double-lock mechanism. Midnight passed and it would eventually be dawn.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Grissum1/74.png" name="Grissum1"]16191695[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user] ((Your characters may begin waking up. All of your weapons have been detained, Dimitri, however, retains his metal arm including the blade within and crossbow machinery, yet lacks any crossbow bolts. All of you may interact with one another.))

"Nothing, good sir." And Grimnir was left to his own tools. He could choose to leave Bree or stay the remainder of the night in the inn, although, it would look questionable for him to return to the bar with all the guards swarming about, pulling out corpses and waking up drunk denizens. [user avatar="https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/16311516/avatar/small.1517585379.jpeg" name="Gundabad1"]16311516[/user]

Baugo would find his way home. His shabby hobbit-hole house was pleasant in the moonlight and the streets around more silent than death itself. There were no lights on as he entered the house. He would assume Pomona had put herself to sleep yet he could hear some noises coming from their bedroom. Would he move forward to investigate? [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user]
Weary as he hasn't felt in many, many years, Daugo continues into the bedroom, only half-noticing the sounds coming from within. He opens the door...
Sigeric awakened in the cramped cell, at first only aware of the headache he had received when being knocked unconscious. This was a disgrace. Not only had they the audacity to assault him after he surrendered and told them his identity, but they had stuck him in a cell with the common folk! He looked around at the other prisoners, recognizing them as the other participants in the brawl turned bloody. "Not to worry, gentlemen," He said in a self-assured tone. "This is all merely a misunderstanding. I'm sure we will all be released once the truth of the matter is brought to light. I've already begun to formulate my case. I must admit, quite to my shame, that I failed to actually land a blow on any of the brigands. If they examined my halberd, surely they would notice the lack of blood." Sigeric examined the other prisoners. "Tell me, what are your names? I am Sigeric of Dale."
Grimnir takes up his wares, and makes his way to another Tavern in town, to seek for a nice warm bed. The next morning, as he makes ready to go buy some goods again he wouldnt be able to do yesterday, he makes his way to the barracks. To see what had to be of the bunch captured yesterday at the Prancing Pony. Perhaps he can aid some of them with his smooth and charismatic talks. Perhaps..
"My name, Dale-boy, is Dimitri. And my mechanical friend over there is Deslan." Dimitri says. He never liked nobles, they melded in business that wasn't theirs. "And until these Umbarki-Eigle free us, we best make sure we don't give out to much information. The Dale-boy had already said too much." Dimitri says in Forochelrim.
"Wise words Dimitri." I would say leaning my head back against the wall as i sat on the ground. Looking at everyone inside he would bring his feet in some more before introducing himself. "I am Elodrin Evrithion, you may or may not know me, doesn't matter either way."
"I am Margoz, a retired bootlegger of Rhun," Margoz said as he looks at the others. He stretches as he gets up, "this is quite odd. I never thought a northern jail would be... this bland. This culture is odd. Anyways, may I asked why half of you looked at me at the bar like you never seen an Easterling before?"
This was the worst day Iver had in years. First the fight in the bar, later the bandits and then the gurd knocked em out. "I swear to God I'm gonna fuck your wife" he mumbled to himself promising to himself that he won't leave Bree without having a night with the guard's wife, that would be a nice revenge. He open his eyes to see a bunch of guys who looked kinda scary and criminal like... And the easterling from earlier. This day couldn't get any worse... He started looking for his pouch of money and business diary.
((I just realized Dim said the last part in Forochelrim, unless Cap and Dim thinks it's ok then just ignore me saying the wise words part.))
The room was dark but inside he could see the blankets moving. As he opened the door it creaked and the blankets stopped moving suddenly. A moment later Daugo saw a figure shift out of the blankets and move towards him. The moonlight filtered in as the figure moved past the window and Daugo now witnessed a naked hobbit moving towards him. The face was familiar and he realized who it was just as a candle was lit by the bedside table by another figure in the bed.

Daugo saw Bob Newleaf, in his glorious butt-naked nudity, strutting in front of him. Behind him covered in the blankets he could make out his wife, Pomona's face, hidden barely almost as if ashamed. A swell of emotions: anger, betrayal, fear, hatred roared through him as he realized what was going on. Bob seemed to be speaking, the words distinct and faint, "We were gonna tell ya," Daugo barely heard him, "I'm sorry, D, but we love each other," to which Daugo saw Pomona slowly rise from the bed, also nude, and move to Bob's side.
"Daugo, darling-" She could barely speak to his face, "I-you're never around for me....and Bob's been so helpful around the place, and he's so-" she stopped, blushing, then continued, "I love him.", Daugo's heart would crack at this. What would the hobbit do, in such an uncalled for, irredeemable act? [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user] ((Too bad Gunda had to pick up on it, close one, mate. Good job. And Cluck, good luck with RPing this out.))


Grimnir found his way to the entrance of the new Bree Barracks where two Greenway Guards were posted. As he approached one tipped his head and asked, "What're ya looking for, dwarf?" He pronounced the last word rather disrespectfully. This one obviously didn't like dwarves. [user avatar="https://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/16311516/avatar/small.1517585379.jpeg" name="Gundabad1"]16311516[/user]


Iver couldn't locate either his business diary or his money pouch. Both were missing. Either taken by these criminals or by the guards. Just as the group were conversing a guard walked past and spat on Margoz with a sneer. "Eastern whelp." He said before walking off and smiling at the rest of them, suggestively.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Grissum1/74.png" name="Grissum1"]16191695[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user] (([user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user] Just edit out the 'wise words' part. Dimitri's character, Dimitri, obviously meant that sentence to be shared between him and Deslan as both are Forochelrim. Nonetheless, you may infer something from the fact he is speaking in a foreign language among you lot. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user] That was bloody hilarious.))
"sir you gotta let me out, this easterling is a murderer and he will kill me if you won't let me out" he say to the guard in panicked voice. "I'm wealthy and I'm sure we can make a deal out if you will let me out".
Thoruk waking up a bit late as it seemed just throws out the words "I'm Thoruk, but does it matter this much who we are?" looking at the others. "I saw the bandit, that dashed out of the Pony, speaking to a guard outside" he adds. "It could be that the bandits and the guards are some sort of friends, or the bandit just told them a false story, so we're doomed in here" are his last words for the moment before leaning back against the cold wall.
Grimnir looks at the Guard whom spoke to him in a disrespectful manner, "Ah, yes. I see they indeed hire half headed mongrels these days." He looks at his Axe, so beautiful it was covered. So enhanced in it's everlasting glory, even in the midst of the day, the axe shines like a star in the deep dark abyss. "You clearly have no idea whom you are talking to, thus I will forget what happened here this time." He looks at the other Guard. "I was yesterday in the Prancing Pony when the bloodshed occured. Your captain had asked me to come here today and point fingers to whom I saw doing unpleasant acts, and whom indeed are not guilty." Clearly a beautiful lie, Grimnir wishes to speak to the captain and lend a help to whom he deemed guilty. "Now, you either let me see your captain, or I will meet him tonight at the tavern, and tell him of such disrespectful acts, young boy. Your kin doesn't need another foe these grim days, espacially not this one."
Sigeric tried in vain to find a comfortable position, before going back to sleep. He would need to be well rested for the trial, especially if he was forced to resort to his backup plan...