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  • Just looking through this wall, my friends list, and thinking over everything that once was, and how different things are now, and how different things could become as that train keeps moving, and thinking that I am lucky to be where I am right now and lucky to have talked with or played with or remotely interacted with every single person reading this some way or another. Now, if I heard someone else saying that, I'd be pretty bloody wary. That's the kind of sappy retrospective hogwash that usually either precedes a heartfelt goodbye or an admission to mental illness. But, this time, just this once, I'm going to let it stand by itself without a sad tag-along. I hope that all of you have a day as charming as you are. Just a random well-wish from a random 99%-dead Enjin account. Take care of yourself.
    Nice oxymoron you've got here
    Yeah man. GravyFries#2790
    Meh. I've basically decided that I'll be going down with the ship that is MC. Hytale looks like it's going to be awesome, but... maybe I'll leave the new generation of awesome to the new generation of players.
    Rain is just cloud juice and weathermen just read the nutrition facts.
    Sounds like a stoner thought XD
    oy vey come back to alaurin
    I might have just inadvertently written the edgiest poem in existence.
    This is what I get for writing about myself and my beliefs.
    Enjoy it or don't, but here it is.
    Meme away.

    If silence is golden, then why am I rusty?
    My lips are sealed and my tongue is dusty.
    I wear a coat of anonymity over a heart of incongruity.
    That beats erratically, spasmodically, like a preemptive fatality
    I am the ghost that drifts between dreams

    My speech is self-forbidden; my chatter is kept
    My tongue is in mourning of the words it has wept
    I hide in my corner and stare down the world
    Yelling silently, screaming quietly, as society hurls
    Inconsistency after inconsistency at logic’s ranks.
    I contemplate the universe. My mind draws intricate blanks.
    I am the wallflower that refuses to blossom.

    People regard me strangely when I tell them my thoughts.
    Are they difficult to follow? Are you, like me, lost?
    I struggle, sometimes, ideologically. I teeter a bit hesitantly
    Over the brink of nihilism, but science tentatively
    Pulls me back. And then I fall. Knowledge isn’t power.
    Pursuit of truth is an animal. It rears, growls, bites, shreds, devours.
    How can you trust anything when you question everything?
    How can I know anything when we really know nothing?
    I am the skeleton that rattles in the closet.

    A ghost, a wallflower, and a skeleton walk into a bar.
    They yell at me hoarsely, loudly. I refuse to hear.
    They tell me that my unfounded speculation is fruitless.
    That it is a waste to consider everything to everything’s fullest.
    Because infinity is fit to drive one into madness, and that is not the path to genius.
    Then Seneca enters my brain, a photographic memory made momentary inconvenience,
    And then the cycle spins on, reeling madly, crazily, and my analysis only exacerbates
    The biting chains, wrapped fast around my mind, tightening, squeezing the light out of life.
    They are far colder than the chains of depression or suicidality, because they are logical. Deceitful Truth.
    I am the awkward silence, stretched to infinity and tied in a Möbius strip.
    So passes Stephen Hawking.
    When doctors first diagnosed him with the disease that ultimately paralyzed him, they said that he would die, immobile, in two years.
    He roamed the universe for fifty.
    Rest in peace.
    Hey, for all those of you out there who might still acknowledge this semi-dead Enjin wall. No, I'm not deceased, socially or otherwise.

    I'll cut to the chase. An old roleplay server I used to play on , Alaurin Roleplay, re-opened a bit ago (meaning a couple months ago. Don't kill me.). That's majorly the reason I haven't been on Empire War 24/7, by the way, but I digress. I've found that it is a quality server, with solid lore, a competent staff-team, and some impressive builds. In fact, the only thing it is lacking at the moment is a suitable playerbase. That's what this post is. A shot in the dark to anyone who might be willing to give it a go. I'd say that it's worth your time, that you'll love the server, that it's an addiction in the making, but I won't say that because I'd rather you find out for yourself.


    Oh. And, Wolf Pack people ( 9842Kye , DeathValley105 , Grissum1 ), they're allowing cross-server characters and organizations. :3
    I know I haven't posted anything in awhile now, and I think that needs to change.
    All I wanted to say is:

    The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal bodeboop. A sing lap should be completed every time you hear this sound. ding Remember to run in a straight line and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark. Get ready!… Start. ding

    This is my life now. Respect it.
    Essentially, it's a running endurance test required by the state. Over time, it has evolved into a meme. As a side-note, I'm sure you would completely destroy all of us on this one.
    Probably, I am an endurance runner. It's not required in Oklahoma I know, or at least my school doesn't do it lol
    #1 Medic
    #1 Medic
    We have something similar in Sweden, but I think ours is a little harder lol
    Happy Friday the Thirteenth, you terrible children.
    friday 13th ended when you posted this.
    Not in good ol' Murica.
    I feel as though I should make some sort of post saying how horrible 9/11 was and how it shows America is strong, yadda yadda yadda, but the real truth of the matter is that words cannot describe such an atrocity, nor can they be used to appropriately commend the actions of those who rushed to the scene. I only find it disgusting that in today's world, the lessons learned on that day have been completely lost to all but those who knew it well. Today if that happened, people would actually rush to the side of the terrorists and blame America or Trump for instigating the attack. It's a repulsive and undeniable fact. I ask those Americans reading this not to be the majority of people, those millions of Americans that see each coming and going 9/11 as a tombstone to be read respectfully and then left behind. I ask those Americans reading this to embrace and exhibit the spirit of all Americans on that day: perseverance, resolve, and grim determination. Patriotism today is regarded by some as a form of nationalistic extremism. I say that on that day, not a single true American would have not swelled with pride if he or she was labeled "Patriot".
    That is my rant. Take from it what you will. But never, ever forget.
    "lol I think it's funny that 3000 innocent people died all at once for no reason, because I'm a sadistic Jihad sympathizer"
    exactly, I love how Muricans die by the thousands. Many in Europe love that, ;)
    Both of you need to chill
    Well, that's enough Internet for today. *removes ears and shoves up nostrils
    Rolly-polly fish heads, eat em up. Yum!
    I can now say that I am part of an official Empire War Easter Egg! :3

    This is the Crusty Crumpet pub, EW's newest Minas Tirith Easter Egg. It was going to be Antzorg's private lair, but a combination of peer pressure and the thought of alcohol motivated him to build a pub instead.

    You can find it in the sewers of Minas Tirith at coordinates -76, 14, -1491. If you're lucky, you might already have a reserved seat!
    I just realized that on the Minecraft launcher, one of those scrolling picture-link items is an image of a Minecraft rendering of the Louvre Musuem in France with the pyramid and everything (fun fact: the pyramid has exactly 666 glass panes, which is almost as large as the number of random useless facts I keep tucked away in the recesses of my brain, but I digress). Normally I wouldn't really care about stuff like this, but I just read the book the Da Vinci Code (recurring setting is Louvre museum) for the very first time on the trip back from my 3-week vacation, and the convergence of these anomalies is admittedly a bit unsettling considering the tremendously long odds...
    As a wise Tim once said:
    Maybe you understand what a joke is?
    And if you look up where he lives, you can see there was a Civil War battle there.
    used to live* and actually in my old Neighborhood there was a battle. the trenches, wood used to make them, and the holes are still there
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