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  • May the Fourth be with you, plebs! :3
    I doubt it. :/ I've just got too much stuff going on to devote any more time to any more RPs. That's why I'm not joining Gamer's either.
    You only need to be on once a week. Plus it's historical. Very easy to follow.
    I think I'll pass. :P
    I finally joined Lord of the Craft!
    It's pretty much like every RP server I've ever been on compiled into one big huge ball of custom-lore roleplay.
    Also, Death suggested some time ago that a Wolf Pack be created there. I, for one, have mixed feelings about that but generally agree that a LOTC Wolf Pack would be pretty cool (idk what we'd do since I'm such a newb; so far I can't find any really evil presence aside from normal monsters but it'd be downright stupid to just fight those).

    Thoughts? Suggestions? Volunteers...?
    Cool. I've already joined a nation around the region of Aleksandria. It's pretty small and I've not really done much in it yet except claim a house, but it's a start. As for Undead, I'll have to take a look at the lore, and then see if there are already any demon-fighting guilds out there...
    Good start for sure. Read up on Clerics, Paladins, and Ascended, they're the main ones, but they're also heavily RP, so I'd suggest first getting comfortable with the server itself. Good luck from there
    Found this in Moria Great halls after some mountainside lava parkour. I wonder which staff member put this here... anyways, behold (and I'm sorry for brightness being wacky, but the only light source within fifty blocks was a sea of lava some ten blocks behind me)
    I'm usually actually defending or attacking. I only found this because I was the only one playing and figured I'd explore a bit.
    I found this around 2-3 years ago.. tfw when you are getting nostalgia over a dick made of blocks..
    Some kid snuck up to the teacher's computer and put this on the projector screen in the middle of history class. Friggin seagulls.
    April Fool's....
    My hero
    Can anyone give me a step-by-step explanation on how I would apply a Minecraft mod? I have it downloaded; I'm just a bit confused when it comes to actual applying the mod to Minecraft.
    just look it up on YT, there are millions of kids with no life that uploaded a guilde for mod downloading
    There's usually a youtube tutorial for every (at least semi popular) mod out there :3
    Fuck wit.
    Welcome to the Forums, if you need any assistance please simply message me or anyone else for some help.
    You! Yes, you! You, reading this in your notifications and reflecting that this is a really puny attempt at getting you to click on me and read this post! Listen up (meaning click on this post)!
    Many of you have heard of the reopening of BF. A good many of you have decided to go ahead and create/join nations that will be there like Westmarch and Blackfyre and all them. Well, I'm here to talk about the Wolf Pack. Now, I know I've already made a post about this topic but, looking back, it really didn't encompass the message that I wanted to send and so here I am redoing it and including one minor detail that might interest those of you that ignored me last go around:
    The Wolf Pack needs members. Like, bad.
    If you join, you will doubtlessly be rewarded with a high-ranking position. Right now, we are in desparate need of: a Sentinel (3rd/4th in command, there are two and I am one of them), multiple Elders (advisors, scribes, bards, and generally wise people) a lead warrior (I'm lead warrior at the time of posting this but I'd be more than happy to pass that title on to a more skilled pvper), a lead hunter, and a lead scout.
    If you have any questions, then look on the Blackflames forums at http://blackflamesrp.enjin.com/forum/m/37366541/viewthread/29742318-wolf-pack
    or you could just PM DeathValley105 and tell him that I actually successfully recruited someone and he'll help you with getting familiar with the Pack, our mission, and all that kooky stuff.
    That is all.
    Is it worth playing?
    idk actually. It's pretty hardcore DnD, so it requires quite a bit of work. The server itself is fairly new and needs work as well, and the playerbase is less than ideal. So, I mean, if you're into DnD, then I guess so. (The server is called "Path of Paws", it's in my "communities" section)
    ill check it out and if it will still be alive i might join after the test season
    Oh my God! I actually saw Trump in person today and his hair actually flipped to one side when a gust of wind came by! LOL! I mean, this guy is the bloody President of the United States; you'd think he could use his political power to enlist a competent hairstylist and/or buy a toupee, but nooooo. XD

    Just kidding. Consider yourself clickbaited, kid.
    What this post is really about is the fact that good old Blackflames will soon be returning, in nigh four months and I have to admit that I'm pretty excited.
    Recently, I've seen a few people advertising their nations (which seems a bit purposeless to me considering that peoples' opinions will most likely change in four months, but that's none of my business) and I have decided that it would not be out of place to bring up which one all the cool kids will be joining.

    Remember the Wolf Pack?
    Yeah, that one.
    Well, yeah.
    Join it. :3
    Srsly tho. We need members. x.x
    Well, today sucked.

    Dentist, 6 months ago:
    "Well, I see two teeth right here that need to come out eventually. Work on those and try to get them out so I won't have to do it myself"

    Orthodontist, 3 months ago:
    "Well, I'm seeing three or four teeth that need to come out so the permanent teeth can come in which will let us glue metal to your teeth"

    Dentist, today, as I'm lying down with his fingers in my mouth:
    "Well, today I'm going to be removing six or seven teeth"

    I am so lucky. I don't brush my teath and my wisdom teach just came in, mouth is so big that there was no pain other than the usual gums getting moved out of the way. of course that doesn't help you much....... lol
    Yes. As a matter of fact, I've never had a cavity in all my life. What the problem is is that my teeth aren't getting loose enough quickly enough which means I haven't been able to get braces which is testing a whole lot of people's patience.
    I have had exactly this... But no orthodontist... Remember to apply rag soaked in hot water to quicken the de-numbing.
    I'm having four teeth pulled Monday. :(
    Any advice?
    I had the exact same thing when I was 12 lmao.
    I found pulling teeth a fun experience, pliers pulling your head forth and back, blood everywhere and you didn't feel a thing xD. And then you couldn't feel your face for 1-2 hours, so I had to constantly check a mirror so that my tongue wasn't accidentally hanging out. I guess the bad part was constantly bleeding for a few hours afterwards and barely being able to eat :3
    Gee, that's really encouraging. x.x
    I love how the United States government is pro-choice when it comes to terminating children but not when it comes to educating them.
    ...Better yet, we could open more military academies! Best of both worlds, eh?
    To be fair, it was kind of a cheap shot at him.
    They stopped selling her clothes because they didn't sell well? What's the problem?
    The Swiss Cheese Paradox:

    Swiss cheese has holes.
    The more Swiss cheese you have, the more holes you have.
    The more holes you have, the less Swiss cheese you have.
    Therefore: the more Swiss cheese you have, the less Swiss cheese you have.
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